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Well bbanhammer failed hard


I was saying that since its first launching...They will fail at all... I was warning in l2forever's forum! But noone heard me.. :/


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why failed  bbanhammer ??? him have batter populations then lineage2forever.net

you can see how much ppls frst time join on l2forever.net and here lineage2forever.net

anima hard fail whit l2shadow of beyond  and will here too

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why failed  bbanhammer ??? him have batter populations then lineage2forever.net

you can see how much ppls frst time join on l2forever.net and here lineage2forever.net

coz it isn't advertised tard.

you will see in some weeks.

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what to say about animas server?only that 2 days online and already weap +17 nothing else to say....bban serv fail but soon it will be online and many people will play for sure but animas it will fail again

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I bet both will fail.



BBAN is not a good dev, he just knows how to do basic things, he needs to buy work off of people to get it working correctly.

Anima, and Archy have no vision, just tech know how.


I say they all work together and make a good server... thats the only way.... let BBAN foot the bill, and co-dev with anima and all of them, afterall they have more rights to the project that is L2-Forever than anyone.


I honestly, can't play on either of them, friends wont play on L2-F because its another star-wars server with +20 donations and shit.... it's just not fun anymore, we are not the kind of players that log into a new server and throw away 1000$ to have full rb +20 bla bla bla..... we actually work for our shit and when theres 20 wipes you sorta lose the will to continue on playing on such an unstable server.


Interlude is dead, only playable place is L2S, but its a trashy server...

I think need go back to basics, C3/C5 style, but quality..... would be most playable.... Gracia is just.... eeeh sucks too much Bullshit added to the game that over-complicates things to the point of annoyance... C3 - Hellbound and that it...

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I bet both will fail.



BBAN is not a good dev, he just knows how to do basic things, he needs to buy work off of people to get it working correctly.

Anima, and Archy have no vision, just tech know how.


I say they all work together and make a good server... thats the only way.... let BBAN foot the bill, and co-dev with anima and all of them, afterall they have more rights to the project that is L2-Forever than anyone.


I honestly, can't play on either of them, friends wont play on L2-F because its another star-wars server with +20 donations and shit.... it's just not fun anymore, we are not the kind of players that log into a new server and throw away 1000$ to have full rb +20 bla bla bla..... we actually work for our shit and when theres 20 wipes you sorta lose the will to continue on playing on such an unstable server.


Interlude is dead, only playable place is L2S, but its a trashy server...

I think need go back to basics, C3/C5 style, but quality..... would be most playable.... Gracia is just.... eeeh sucks too much Bullshit added to the game that over-complicates things to the point of annoyance... C3 - Hellbound and that it...


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