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Hello Again Guys!

So This Time I Am Here With An Npc That Req A Friend...

An AIO Npc!


~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~NPC Info~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~


1) Server Info

2) Staff Team

3) PvP/PK Top List

4) Gm Shop

5) Gatekeeper

6) Clan & Alliance

7) Subclass Master

8 ) Class Master

9) Warehouse

10) Augment

11) Del. Augment

12) Symbol Maker

13) Skill Enchanter

14) Noblesse Manager


~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~How To Install~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~


In Order To Install This NPC You Will Have To Do The Following.


1) Find the file, scripts.cfg inside your "gameserver\data ", open it with notepad.

  and add this at the end of the file:  custom/956_NpcService/__init__.py

  after this save.    


2) copy and paste the folder 956_NpcService inside  scripts\custom\


3) Add the sql's into your database


In Order To Change The Gm Shop Prices/Items And ETC :


To Do This You Will Need To Have Some Exp At Database And Database Edit.


If You Do, You Can Follow These Steps:


1) You Can Edit The Shop List At The Table : merchant_buylists (ps. The Same For The Prices...)
















Credits: To Allen FOR THE NPC. And to Me For The Gatekeeper And GmShop..


Ty For Using My AIO Npc.

I Hope You Like It. Enjoy!


EDIT: Hey Hey Guys, Stay Tuned Cuz There Will Be An 2.0V!!

With Buffer ;P




1) Its normal Npc with python script so.. it should be posted Here - as other Npc's etc.


2) Its 100% your code?


3) Locked, until someone will move it.


/edint, unclocked, it looks very similar - Click.




Moved & Unlocked


1) Its normal Npc with python script so.. it should be posted Here - as other Npc's etc.


2) Its 100% your code?


3) Locked, until someone will move it.


/edint, unclocked, it looks very similar - Click.




Moved & Unlocked


Well Yes, I Edited This Npc, With Gm Shop Gatekeeper And ETC... Check Beter M8... Plus the code is updated..


Nice job but tell me what s the diference from allengc"s Aio


+Gm Shop and Gatekeeper

And I Am Adding Buffer.



Credits: ALL To Me. dns-A* and allen for the basic NPC.

what are you talking about :S. this script is a older version from my npc, you just change the quest id and added shortcuts to the following modifications, thats all

if event == "getinfo1": return "GmShop.htm"

if event == "getinfo2": return "gatekeeper/Gatekeeper.htm"

if event == "getinfo3": return "gmteam.htm"

this is a really basic modification, the rest of the script is all  mine and is not basic and you just take of my credits from it. make credits from gm shop, gk and a simple gmteam.html, but not for my script >:(.


By the way, did you test this modification at least ? or just pasted npc from another ppl? sql say this npc is L2Warehouse and u added a gatekeeper (I'm almost certain it's not yours either) that need L2Teleporter class, this won't work, u have to make a custom gk, or say bye bye to warehouse option (warehouse dont work with L2Teleporter class). Beside u didnt add npc id in these shortcuts, gmshop and gk won't work (npc_%objectId%_Chat) if u dont replace %objectId% for npc object id. This really disappoints me, I share the NPC and the only thing I ask in return is to respect the credits. cya and good luck fixing these problems.


omg,  what are you talking about :S. this script is a older version from my npc, you just change the quest id and added direct access to the following modifications, thats all

if event == "getinfo1": return "GmShop.htm"

if event == "getinfo2": return "gatekeeper/Gatekeeper.htm"

if event == "getinfo3": return "gmteam.htm"

this is a really basic modification, the rest of the script is all  mine and is not basic and you just take of my credits from it. make credits from gm shop, gk and a simple gmteam.html, but not for my script >:(.


By the way, did you test this modification at least ? or just pasted npc from another ppl? sql say this npc is L2Warehouse and u added a gatekeeper (I'm almost certain it's not yours either) that need L2Teleporter class, this won't work, u have to make a custom gk, or say bye bye to warehouse option (warehouse dont work with L2Teleporter class). Beside u didnt add npc id in this direct access, gmshop and gk won't work (npc_%objectId%_Chat) if u dont replace %objectId% for npc object id. This really disappoints me, I share the NPC and the only thing I ask in return is to respect the credits. cya and good luck.

You Are Wrong my Friend, Both Gatekeeper,Gmshop and Warehouse works...

And Now For The Credits Relax I have Been Given... Anything Else?


You Think That i am so stupid to share something that will not work?


You Think That i am so stupid to share something that will not work?

ehm, ok. lets dont talk about it.



So, this topic should be locked and you be dekarmed for not giving the right credits without respecting other's job.

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