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Everything posted by Allengc

  1. change the line INT newCounter2; to UNICODE UNK_4; (link updated btw)
  2. for this to work you need to open the game from the l2.exe, and as you know, is not possible on l2.eu or at least I do not know how :)
  3. Copy ActionName-e data in excel is better to edit, from FileEdit is a total mess. AbilityPoint.dat, AdditionalJewelEquipEffect, AdditionalNpcGrpParts and AdditionalSoulshotEffect this files are new in valiance so i need to make them from 0, It's a little more difficult. About how to fix a ddf. here some tips 1) you need to read the l2disarm manual inside L2FileEdit\data\l2asm-disasm fold (do not continue until you understand) 2) Generally from a chronic to another, the ddf structure changes little, they often remove or add extra fields only. I will not explain much here just pay attention to the error in the FileEdit out, for example: | File scan error: | | Row: 0/7180 | | Field: 26/70 (name: m_HumnFigh) So before the field 26 you need to figure out what is missing or what to delete in ddf... anyway to make a ddf from 0 you can start with the structure we will see below. Make a ddf file with the name of the data file than you want, for example hairExName-e.ddf and copy this. FS = "\t"; HEADER = 1; RECCNT = 1; MTXCNT_OUT = 1; MATCNT_OUT = 1; ORD_IGNORE = 0; { UINT ROWS_NUM; CHAR UNK[200]; // <--- you can edit this value (200) if you need more or less info } We will always focus on the first row. for this, we need to set the option RECCNT to 1 (set it back to -1 when we are done). the output will be a series of numbers that will have no meaning. The first number has to be ignored, this number tells the FileEdit, how many rows has the data, and only appears when the option RECCNT is set with a value other than -1 (this number will bring us a lot of problems later). Now your job is to look for patterns like those shown in the table below. Up to you, find out what type these numbers belong (INT, HEX, FLOAT, UNICODE, ASCF, etc..) So an INT type, is formed by 4 CHAR so the tags id and id2 could be //(the U before INT, means it is a unsigned number) UINT id; UINT id2; The tag "Name" is easy to recognize as a unicode, the first 4 numbers (a INT = 30) are the header, so the next 30 numbers form words ("Devoted Macho A") So we will use this UNICODE Name; The tag "html_color" is not so easy to recognize becose the header is a CHAR number in this case 80. The first 80 numbers form words, usually ends with the number 0. ASCF Html_Color; our final ddf would have the following structure FS = "\t"; HEADER = 1; RECCNT = -1; MTXCNT_OUT = 1; MATCNT_OUT = 1; ORD_IGNORE = 0; { UINT id; UINT id2; UNICODE Name; ASCF Html_Color; } this would be an easy example. But there are cases where ddf structure is very complicated and the information we obtain from the first row will not be enough. For these cases we will try to get the basic structure, same way as we did above, then set RECCNT to 2 3 ... n until we find errors like | File scan error: | | Row: 20/7180 | | Field: 26/70 (name: m_HumnFigh) and so modify the dff with new information from these errors. PD: I forgot to mention, how to evade value containing the row number, well I'll just say, it is necessary to use the function "ENBBY", if you learn to use this function, you can do anything (Manual).
  4. yes you can edit the l2.ini btw if you want to play the official server with a custom l2.ini or user.ini etc..., you will need a patched l2.exe so you do not get an error. You could also create a file with the extension .cmd, for example l2.cmd and add this start L2.exe -INI=l2x.ini -USERINI=Userx.ini -ng then create 2 files l2x.ini and Userx.ini (if you want infinite zoom and more stuff) and copy the information of the original files inside. Finally rename the file l2.bin to l2.exe. You can now edit the custom userx.ini l2x.ini with notepad and without modifying the original files (use the l2.cmd to run the game). example with infinite zoom and CacheSizeMegs=128
  5. Added a link... but just armorgrp weapongrp and weaponenchanteffectdata have been fixed
  6. Post updated with the new Valiance ddfs, thanks Sakaszli for help :).
  7. thanks for the info, I had not updated my client yet. Post updated with the new DDFs (Epeisodion) :).
  8. I had sometime yesterday and i got this missing ddf :). Working in Glorydays and tauti. //version submitted by Allen FS = "\t"; HEADER = 1; RECCNT = 17; MTXCNT_OUT = 1; MATCNT_OUT = 1; ORD_IGNORE = 0; MAGIC = 0; { UNICODE hair_tab[600]; UINT cnt_fm; UNICODE face_mesh[cnt_fm]; UINT cnt_ft; UNICODE face_tex[cnt_ft]; FILLER void_1{680}; UINT cnt_gm; UNICODE glove_mesh[cnt_gm]; UINT cnt_gt; UNICODE glove_tex[cnt_gt]; UINT cnt_gma; UNICODE glove_mesh_add[cnt_gma]; UINT cnt_gta; UNICODE glove_tex_add[cnt_gta]; CNTR cnt_gtb; UCHAR glove_tab_byte[cnt_gtb]; CNTR cnt_gtd; UCHAR glove_tab_byte[cnt_gtd]; UINT cnt_gmb; UNICODE glove_mesha[cnt_gmb]; UINT cnt_gte; UNICODE glove_texa[cnt_gte]; UINT cnt_gmc; UNICODE glove_mesha_add[cnt_gmc]; UINT cnt_gtf; UNICODE glove_texa_add[cnt_gtf]; UINT cnt_um; UNICODE upper_mesh[cnt_um]; UINT cnt_ut; UNICODE upper_tex[cnt_ut]; UINT cnt_uma; UNICODE upper_mesh_add[cnt_uma]; UINT cnt_uta; UNICODE upper_tex_add[cnt_uta]; CNTR cnt_utb; UCHAR upper_tab_byte[cnt_utb]; CNTR cnt_utd; UCHAR upper_tab_byte[cnt_utd]; UINT cnt_umb; UNICODE upper_mesha[cnt_umb]; UINT cnt_ute; UNICODE upper_texa[cnt_ute]; UINT cnt_umc; UNICODE upper_mesha_add[cnt_umc]; UINT cnt_utf; UNICODE upper_texa_add[cnt_utf]; UINT cnt_lm; UNICODE lower_mesh[cnt_lm]; UINT cnt_lt; UNICODE lower_tex[cnt_lt]; UINT cnt_lma; UNICODE lower_mesh_add[cnt_lma]; UINT cnt_lta; UNICODE lower_tex_add[cnt_lta]; CNTR cnt_ltb; UCHAR lower_tab_byte[cnt_ltb]; CNTR cnt_ltd; UCHAR lower_tab_byte[cnt_ltd]; UINT cnt_lmb; UNICODE lower_mesha[cnt_lmb]; UINT cnt_lte; UNICODE lower_texa[cnt_lte]; UINT cnt_lmc; UNICODE lower_mesha_add[cnt_lmc]; UINT cnt_ltf; UNICODE lower_texa_add[cnt_ltf]; UINT cnt_bm; UNICODE boot_mesh[cnt_bm]; UINT cnt_bt; UNICODE boot_tex[cnt_bt]; UINT cnt_bma; UNICODE boot_mesh_add[cnt_bma]; UINT cnt_bta; UNICODE boot_tex_add[cnt_bta]; CNTR cnt_btb; UCHAR boot_tab_byte[cnt_btb]; CNTR cnt_btd; UCHAR boot_tab_byte[cnt_btd]; UINT cnt_bmb; UNICODE boot_mesha[cnt_bmb]; UINT cnt_bte; UNICODE boot_texa[cnt_bte]; UINT cnt_bmc; UNICODE boot_mesha_add[cnt_bmc]; UINT cnt_btf; UNICODE boot_texa_add[cnt_btf]; FILLER void_2{170}; UNICODE attack_eff; UINT walkanimframe?; UCHAR cnt_att; UNICODE snd_att[cnt_att]; UCHAR cnt_def; UNICODE snd_def[cnt_def]; UCHAR cnt_dmg; UNICODE snd_dmg[cnt_dmg]; UINT cntha; UNICODE voice_snd_hand[cntha]; UINT cnt1h; UNICODE voice_snd_1hs[cnt1h]; UINT cnt2h; UNICODE voice_snd_2hs[cnt2h]; UINT cntd; UNICODE voice_snd_dual[cntd]; UINT cntp; UNICODE voice_snd_pole[cntp]; UINT cntr1; UNICODE voice_snd_reserve1[cntr1]; UINT cntr2; UNICODE voice_snd_reserve2[cntr2]; UINT cntr3; UNICODE voice_snd_reserve3[cntr3]; UINT cntr4; UNICODE voice_snd_reserve4[cntr4]; UINT cntr5; UNICODE voice_snd_reserve5[cntr5]; UINT cntr6; UNICODE voice_snd_reserve6[cntr6]; UINT cntr7; UNICODE voice_snd_reserve7[cntr7]; UINT cntr8; UNICODE voice_snd_reserve8[cntr8]; UINT cntr9; UNICODE voice_snd_reserve9[cntr9]; UINT final; ASCF name; INT UNK[3]; UINT cntp1; UNICODE p1[cntp1]; UINT cntp2; UNICODE p2[cntp2]; }
  9. So how i can log in ofi with infinite zoon and custom chat color?. changing the -k for -e, let you edit the NA files, what i said is patch the whole system first with l2encdec, get a l2.exe (http://fyyre.ivory-tower.de/) and run the game from that l2.exe, not from updater.
  10. The file edit work fine, you have to patch your God system first and get a l2.exe.
  11. Thanks, yeah this line have a error, but the right fix is this: elif info[1]!= player.getClassIndex(): return ERRORS_HTML(st,"13","event1") I forgot the "t" xD even1 /= event1 Btw i havent the error bellow, did you change something?
  12. :) hi bro, i remade the script for h5 some month ago beside i added some configs, post updated ^^ check and test for any bugg is not tested 100%.
  13. that guide is usefull for this version too. Just take a look and see the similarity, the variables R1 G1 B1 R2 G2 B2 Opacity and Num are there, but is not one below the other like before: Enchant0=(R1=0,G1=10,B1=20,R2=0,G2=0,B2=30,Opacity=0.1,Num=0.1) Enchant1=(R1=0,G1=10,B1=20,R2=0,G2=0,B2=30,Opacity=0.1,Num=0.1) etc... is a side by side: R1_ench1 G1_ench1 B1_ench1 R2_ench1 G2_ench1 B2_ench1 Opacity_ench1 R1_ench2 G1_ench2 B1_ench2 R2_ench2 G2_ench2 B2_ench2 Opacity_ench2 0 10 20 0 0 30 0.1 0 10 20 0 0 30 0.1 0 10 20 0 0 30 0.1 0 10 20 0 0 30 0.1 besides every weapon grade (D,C,B,A,S,R) have a specific effect. Before GOD u will see this, 3 groups 1 for enchant effect, 2 i dont know and 3 augment effect i guess [EnchantEffect] Enchant0=(R1=0,G1=10,B1=20,R2=0,G2=0,B2=30,Opacity=0.1,Num=0.1) Enchant1=(R1=0,G1=10,B1=20,R2=0,G2=0,B2=30,Opacity=0.1,Num=0.1) etc.... ; for 2010.04.01 event Enchant-1=(R1=106,G1=106,B1=0,R2=125,G2=125,B2=0,Opacity=1,Num=1) Enchant-2=(R1=0,G1=106,B1=0,R2=0,G2=125,B2=0,Opacity=1,Num=1) etc... [Variation] Enchant0=(R1=10,G1=15,B1=25,R2=20,G2=25,B2=35,Opacity=1,Num=1) Enchant1=(R1=10,G1=15,B1=25,R2=20,G2=25,B2=35,Opacity=1,Num=1) etc... in god you will find these groups too, but is complicated a bit: tag{3} id type effect 0 0 a,none\0 a,LineageEffect.enchant_radiance\0 0 0 a,d\0 a,LineageEffect.enchant_radiance\0 0 0 a,c\0 a,LineageEffect.enchant_radiance\0 0 0 a,b\0 a,LineageEffect.enchant_radiance\0 0 0 a,a\0 a,LineageEffect.enchant_radiance\0 0 0 a,s\0 a,LineageEffect.enchant_radiance\0 0 0 a,r\0 a,LineageEffect.enchant2_radiance\0 0 10 a,d\0 a,LineageEffect.enchant_radiance\0 0 10 a,c\0 a,LineageEffect.enchant_radiance\0 0 10 a,b\0 a,LineageEffect.enchant_radiance\0 0 10 a,a\0 a,LineageEffect.enchant_radiance\0 0 10 a,s\0 a,LineageEffect.enchant_radiance\0 0 10 a,r\0 a,LineageEffect.enchant2_radiance\0 0 20 a,d\0 a,LineageEffect.enchant_radiance\0 0 20 a,c\0 a,LineageEffect.enchant_radiance\0 0 20 a,b\0 a,LineageEffect.enchant_radiance\0 0 20 a,a\0 a,LineageEffect.enchant_radiance\0 0 20 a,s\0 a,LineageEffect.enchant_radiance\0 0 20 a,r\0 a,LineageEffect.enchant2_radiance\0 the "id" var is for the groups, 0 for [EnchantEffect], 10 for [Variation] and 20 for "; for 2010.04.01 event", and the type var is weapon grade group.
  14. I had no idea about what information had this ddf, that's why it was full of unknown variables, thank you, i remade the weaponenchanteffectdata ddf, and beside i fixed the itemname.ddf it was wrong in the last update, i hope it work now.
  15. Just l2disarm + imagination + time to spend :). PD: i use l2disarm to look as hexagecimal or binary or decimal codes modifying a ddf, but u can use any Hex editor and look for a pattern ->> (imagination).
  16. Hi All, here another Share, these are some ddfs for GoD CLient, the most important of them: itemname-k.ddf itemstatdata.ddf weapongrp.ddf etcitemgrp.ddf armorgrp.ddf npcgrp.ddf Update 1: chargrp.ddf additionaleffect.ddf Update 2: New H5 & God DDFs: additionalitemgrp.ddf exceptionminimapdata.ddf goodsicon.dat mantleexception.dat posteffectdata.dat npcgrp.ddf (New For H5) New GOD DDFs: skillgrp.ddf questname-k.ddf pawnanimdata.ddf MSConditionData.ddf weaponenchanteffectdata.ddf flymovename-k.ddf flashconfig.ddf dynamiccontentsname-k.ddf dualcasttypedata.ddf alterskilldata.ddf actionname-k.ddf 24hzschema.ddf AnimationCombo.ddf credit-k.ddf creditgrp-k.ddf usmmoviedata.ddf usmmoviedata-k.ddf statisticname-k.ddf warningnotice-k.ddf zonename-k.ddf shuttledata.ddf shortcutalias.ddf questmarkconditiondata.ddf Update 3 weaponenchanteffectdata.ddf fixed itemname-k.ddf fixed and another 34 ddfs that are still compatible with the GoD client since H5. Btw this is not a leech. i made the ddfs in red color, the green ones too but in a way easier than the previous, i talk about this Share and this topic so thanx to l2smod :) for this share, i could do the others, then to understand some things. «----------------------- Last Edit: 17 September 2011, 04:26:55 by Allengc -----------------------» Update 4 New Tauti ddfs itemname-e.ddf new version by me chargrp.ddf Fixed by me DynamicContentsName-e.ddf new version by me AdditionalEffect.ddf Remade by ? ExceptionMinimapData.ddf Fixed by ? GameTip-e.ddf Fixed by ? npcgrp.ddf fixed by Anonymous, Hint PawnAnimData.ddf Fixed by ? QuestName-e.ddf Fixed by sakaszli weapongrp.ddf fixed by Anonymous, Hint New GloryDays ddfs npcgrp.ddf Fixed by sakaszli armorgrp.ddf Fixed by ? ProductName-e.ddf Fixed by ? AbnormalDefaultEffect.ddf New ddf by ? EventContentsGoalName-e.ddf New ddf by ? EventContentsName-e.ddf New ddf by ? Update 5 Lindvior ddfs New ddfs SetItemGrp-k.ddf colorexgrp.ddf colorExName-k.ddf faceexgrp.ddf faceExName-k.ddf hairexgrp.ddf hairExName-k.ddf EventLookChange.ddf FullArmorEnchantEffectData.ddf PIAgreement-k.ddf Ddfs Fixed itemname-k.ddf Armorgrp.ddf Weapongrp.ddf EtcItemgrp.ddf Chargrp.ddf Npcgrp.ddf AdditionalItemgrp.ddf AlterSkillData.ddf Recipe-c.ddf QuestName-k.ddf PostEffectData.ddf PawnAnimData.ddf EventContentsGoalName-k.ddf Update 6 Valiance Kr ddfs New ddfs Ability.ddf Ddfs Fixed Armorgrp.ddf Weapongrp.ddf EtcItemgrp.ddf Chargrp.ddf Npcgrp.ddf transformdata.ddf hairexgrp.ddf Update 7 Valiance ddfs Armorgrp.ddf fixed Chargrp.ddf fixed colorexgrp.ddf fixed EtcItemgrp.ddf fixed EventContentsGoalName-e.ddf fixed faceexgrp.ddf fixed FlashConfig.ddf fixed hairexgrp.ddf fixed ItemName-e.ddf Fixed by sakaszli Npcgrp.ddf fixed SetItemGrp-e.ddf Skillgrp.ddf Fixed by sakaszli Weapongrp.ddf fixed links: L2FileEdit the DDFS in yellow were not fixed ​​by me and I'm not sure about the credits of some of them (?) :). Tested with the last GoD Valiance update.
  17. Why not? this dds are still working on last update... i can edit the god file without any critical error. actually i got the itemname and weapongrp dds i will share it later.
  18. i did a try with these files shared by L2sMod (http://maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=211655.0) and i got 2 ddf. btw thank you then i tried this one but i couldn't, error on the row 10009 ^^. Im not sure whats the problem. itemname-k.ddf god try... FS = "\t"; HEADER = 1; RECCNT = OFF; MTXCNT_OUT = 1; MATCNT_OUT = 1; ORD_IGNORE = 0; { UINT id; UNICODE name; UNICODE add_name; ASCF description; INT popup; UINT supercnt0; UINT cnt0; UNICODE set_ids[cnt0]; ASCF set_bonus_desc; UINT supercnt1; UINT cnt1; UNICODE set_extra_ids[cnt1]; ASCF set_extra_desc; CHEX unk1[6]; UINT special_enchant_amount; ASCF special_enchant_desc; UINT unk2; } this rar have 6 god's ddf working and the itemname try. http://www.megaupload.com/?d=LT3WLVBR
  19. I dont think so, you looks like the classic hater :) or any banned player. P.S: Do you like BUMP the post? :).
  20. Really xD? are you a player then to give that opinion? or are you the classic hater with server :). P.S L2sexi has not enabled the offline shops ::).
  21. Your server was banned from Hopzone :'(? So sorry. Hopzones is fine, not like other places where the top 5 are completely proxy. To be first on any top, do not need 2000+ players, it only takes about 500 players and a brain :P.
  22. Are you scared with 2k votes? lol, let me some days more when i get back my real server population (750-800 players not 450 players), and we'll be in 1 place in Hopzone, not 4 place, and this has nothing to do with cheating, is one of the best reward system, allowed in Hopzone ;) (For L2sexi by Me). Join Us 8).
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