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Me auto to Topic oi kainourgoi users mporoun na paroun mia geusi gia to ti exei to forum me mia matia :)




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Bots - Read before you post: http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=3043.0
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The Topic will be checked daily..if there is something more or less,the Topic will be updated!


actually i didnt understand the reason of this topic...i mean that it is a simple copy of the front page!!!


it is a redirection of the front page to the categories in sticky and already in 1 section :P


maybe if you add the sub forums it might worth a little 8)


come onnnn....as i said before it is a redirection of the front page with some stickies


it is like              x+5=9      and  2x+5y+AK-5=4  result in both systems is 4 so sticking this topic is the same thing but more complicated


all the links are in the front page(forums and subforums)...it only changes the location...



this topic  http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=5327.0


to go there now you have to click [General] Lineage II Develop [OFF] then click it in stickies  ===2 clicks---average time 5 seconds


if you want to search it from here you have to press General Discussion  then

  • Forum Categories+Sticked Topics   and finally search the whole thread  and finally click the link  ===3 clicks---average time 25 seconds


A-style did this in time of madness and now he is not moderator anymore






hey hold on...A-style sticked it cuz he thought that it is helpfull for the forum..you know why he is not moderator any more..


i have made that topic not to help users find what they excacly wants,i have made it to help new members see what the forum has in general with a quick look

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