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[Trick]Easy Castle

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Hi guys i translate this post from greek to english...It's easy...  just follow my rulles

Easy Castle....Let's go!

  • First Trick is to take char 1lvl and go to take castle...1lvl char cannot hit by a level 80 char.
  • As All know the wallpray from the back of castle take target exp(/target dion holy artifact)
  • YOu can /TARGEt the pray and push again and again click on pray...u will go to the pray but u will not see it..just spawn a flag.and u will respawn in pray :)
  • You can put a crest of the attacker clan....a same war title have......

[shadow=red,left]That's my post i think it's good it work..*IT ISN'T BUG,It is Trick*[/shadow]

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Hi guys i translate this post from greek to english...It's easy...  just follow my rulles

Easy Castle....Let's go!

  • First Trick is to take char 1lvl and go to take castle...1lvl char cannot hit by a level 80 char.
  • As All know the wallpray from the back of castle take target exp(/target dion holy artifact)
  • YOu can /TARGEt the pray and push again and again click on pray...u will go to the pray but u will not see it..just spawn a flag.and u will respawn in pray :)
  • You can put a crest of the attacker clan....a same war title have......

[shadow=red,left]That's my post i think it's good it work..*IT ISN'T BUG,It is Trick*[/shadow]

I don't think that this will work lol!Plus if the enemy leader is pro enough you will end up banned or reported.

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Hi guys i translate this post from greek to english...It's easy...  just follow my rulles

Easy Castle....Let's go!

  • First Trick is to take char 1lvl and go to take castle...1lvl char cannot hit by a level 80 char.
  • As All know the wallpray from the back of castle take target exp(/target dion holy artifact)
  • YOu can /TARGEt the pray and push again and again click on pray...u will go to the pray but u will not see it..just spawn a flag.and u will respawn in pray :)
  • You can put a crest of the attacker clan....a same war title have......

[shadow=red,left]That's my post i think it's good it work..*IT ISN'T BUG,It is Trick*[/shadow]


This might be handy xD

Sure gonna try it on my test server.


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  • 2 months later...

It works... i go with 1lvl char to aden and they cannot hit me.. and i start pray in 2mins i take it..the problem is You must had broke doors and sry i am newbie :)

prayer last 5 minutes,how u take it in 2?

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