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Lineage II PTS Final Server Files Leaked.....

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I played the EU gf pts and i've seen there the same bugs as on rpg: the 1hp res, the sod perma opened, the double skill casting with no cd, the same html errors, the same geodata problems, the same Gracia continent flying problems, resist aqua missing power enchant. U can search for all this on retail forums and ull find them. There's no question about it, what files they have (at least if u have half a brain). Problem is, they do not want to sell :(

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Who says they got the ruoff pts files? From what i've seen (a year ago when they had the test server open) the files looked identical with the EU pts files in every way imaginable. Since then, they made a lot of modifications to them and quite a few bugs appeared.

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In start, all HTML + client support was only in russian language and russian client. After this, HTML gradually started to get translated into english (with some random translation mistakes which was later fixed) then english client was supported.


I am talking about rpg-club, I think you speak of different server...

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Ur info is wrong nekys. I have been following rpg story since the first news of the leak got out. That is somewhere last year in spring, march i believe (when the thread about this appeared on pp rus section, the english one came a few weeks after this one). And the first pics out of their test server were 100% english. When they changed their official servers to g. final on 15 june last year, they were all russian. Then, after some time, they switched the test server to english. That's the story in very few words.


Edit: sorry, my bad. I didn't remembered quite well, it's 1 year since then :D . The first pics contained mixed htmls, english + rus, and this are the very first pics that surfaced 1 year ago (there were a lot more after this ones):



One thing is clear as the sun light: there is no way on earth or otherwise, that they could have had such a server up (extender or l2j) after a few weeks since gf went live on retail. The server was TOO PERFECT! And if it was some "mythical asian l2j" as the retarded devs on pp said, why haven't they done the same with gracia epilogue? They had so little extra info to code in. The truth is out there if ur willing to open ur eyes and use ur head.

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We don`t rlly know if rpg is java or not but their server is very close to retail PTS even the same bugs.


The rumors were rpg were using leaked ct2.3 from innova, the ru l2retail company.


And about this, no offense to anybody but until we have the test server is just bullshit.

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Zanderico, it IS the retail PTS files. Do you really think anyone is able to code an l2j server, or an extender that is practically identical with retail? History shows what people are able to do by themselves, and none of the l2j builds or extenders until now were even close to retail. Yes, as features maybe close, but as the way they worked and the finner details, all were an infinite distance away.

Maybe this guys from l2ds got the files somehow but, problem is, they want 15 buyers paying 10k $ each so they sell the files (said by aderyn, owner of azure network). And it sounds like bullsh1t to me...

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Who cares,

who cares? lol

like it look snow the private server community is dieing because devs cant  offer  unbugged shit so ppl are leaving sooner or later

If GF is leaked and  the mases get it it will livin it up again

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