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Well the true is that I didn't made search for this ;D


First go to hopzone and choose your server



Then right click on "Check Server" and click "View page source"

width=1024 height=768http://i44.tinypic.com/6za4o2.jpg[/img]


Now at the line 259-260 you will find the IP and the Port :D



What browser is the best for this job?

Google Chrome is the best because it is the only one that it is so easy to find it.


All the servers will have got their IP and Port there?

No, some servers has not got their IP there but they have something like a site. You can use it too.


Why should I use this?

To use attackers :D



Credits to: Me


Who can't find with google chrome i prefer Opera + Notepad +++( can be normal) - Here i use polish version;p


1.Right Click > Source Page

2. Alt + A

3. Alt + C

4. Open Notepad ++ or Normal notepad, i use it because i see line number

5. Alt + V

6. Search Port and u find ip


Screen: http://img690.imageshack.us/img690/269/abcqj.jpg




  • 2 weeks later...

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