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SelectorThread-49 error? Help please



Hi, my server is run on l2j archid custom stuff and server 10min its ok and lag. (Server off)

Error msg from log:


Exception in thread "SelectorThread-49" java.lang.NullPointerException

at com.l2jarchid.gameserver.network.ArchidGamePacketHandler.getPacket(ArchidGamePacketHandler.java:85)

at com.l2jarchid.gameserver.network.ArchidGamePacketHandler.handlePacket(ArchidGamePacketHandler.java:68)

at com.l2jarchid.gameserver.network.ArchidGamePacketHandler.handlePacket(ArchidGamePacketHandler.java:44)

at org.mmocore.network.SelectorThread.parseClientPacket(SelectorThread.java:426)

at org.mmocore.network.SelectorThread.tryReadPacket(SelectorThread.java:370)

at org.mmocore.network.SelectorThread.readPacket(SelectorThread.java:290)

at org.mmocore.network.SelectorThread.run(SelectorThread.java:171)


What is it???




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its the first time i see that but i found this if it helps you




Thanks but I do not know what am I supposed to do. This error may have something to do with the change Tatto (data/stat/armor/...xml)?




Very thx!

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Thanks but I do not know what am I supposed to do. This error may have something to do with the change Tatto (data/stat/armor/...xml)?




Very thx!

probably you have been attacked.

if you are using a preconfig pack i suggest you to close the server coz there's no medicine for that.

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NPE Error you should search here


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probably you have been attacked.

if you are using a preconfig pack i suggest you to close the server coz there's no medicine for that.


What?!? I must close my project? OMg

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NPE Error you should search here




public L2GameClientPacket getPacket(ClientState state,int opcode, ByteBuffer buf, L2GameClient client)


L2GameClientPacket packet = null;

FastMap<Integer, L2GameClientPacket> packets = ArchidPacketFactory.getInstance().getPackets().get(state);


if(packets != null)


packet = packets.get(opcode);

if(state == ClientState.IN_GAME && client.getActiveChar() != null && client.getActiveChar().isLocked())

packet = null;



printDebug(opcode, buf, state, client);


return packet.clonePacket(); /////// LINE 85 <------------



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But I do not know how to defend it. Please :(


okay since others dont clarify things for you heres why you actually have that error and what you can do about it.


-you have interlude(as it is the whole thing is a bug aka you cant do anything with it)

-its obvious you dont know nothing about l2j

-you are on archid which prooves the fact above


and what you can do?

-nothing sit down start to think and than realise that you are NOT i repeat NOT want to have a server or open a server until you have the knowledge and until you can provide quality with a good gameplay concept

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It is DDoS atack on 100%? It isnt bug in l2j core?


ITS NOT A DDOS plase stop saying its ddos...


its just an error caused by an external program and your crap pack an external flooder program use your crap packs coding mistakes to freeze out the pack thats all

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