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Jokes (EN)


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a man is walking with his donkey in a desert. in a moment the donkey start to run and the man lost it.

after some minutes the man see a hotel.

but the man had no money so he enter secretly to a room. He go under the bed. after a while a couple came in room and they sit in bed. the boy say to girl:

in your eyes i see myself

in your eyes i see our love

in your eyes i see all the world


on this moment the man under the bed came out and ask the boy: do you see anywhere my donkey.

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2 policemen hear on TV

NASA bring a plane on Mars, Jupiter etc

and 1 of men say to the other: why the hell they don't bring anyone to sun?

the other one: hmmm, why don't we go so we will be the ones, we gonna be famous.

the other policeman: ok then we'll go tomorrow.


they go to ask their chief for some days off.

and the chief say to them: ok guys but do you know that the sun is hot and can burn both of you?

The policemen: yeah

The chief: how will you do??

The policemen: we will go at night.

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  • 7 months later...

I wants bump this


After the party has ended, Grisom and his girlfriend goes home. Grisom wanted to make sex, he undress his girlfriend and she say

- Grisom, my head hurts, i dont want now..

- Wat did you said? he hitted her a palm, warn for offtopic!


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