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[SHARE] Frintezza Final Battle

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this patch contains frintezzas final Battle, Skill Ai (scarlet IA dont work on gm chars), frinteza plays his music all the time, transformations and other animations, enjoy.


here is test movie:




Credits to KKnD

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  • 1 month later...

OMFG insanely good

This goes to my server right now

Btw in my pack there is no FrintezzaManager.java Should i use GrandBossManager instead ??

Sry for dumb questions i'm abit green in java ;)

Edit found it already

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this patch works perfectly but i recommend u guys to do all the things that KKnD is telling u here http://www.l2jserver.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=69&t=13999&sid=22261ace208b43431909c7d859176ec8 here u find many fixed bugs that i recommend u to use it :) Good luck guys.

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