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Original website !!


Live Preview: Press

Live Admin Preview: Press

Admin Login:

ID: demo

PSW: demo123





Better Quality:







Main Features:

- Register

- Login

- Quick Login Function

- Quick statistics function (server status, game server status, online players)

- Statistics (login server status, game server status, players online, total accounts, total characters, total gm characters, total clans)


Administrator Features:

- (NEW) New administrator skin

- (NEW) New server settings (Edit server settings, server rates, specs etc)

- (NEW) New website settings (Title, Note from the management, Contact Email, Rankings Limit)

- (NEW) Ads Management (Add, Edit & Delete)

- News management (add, edit & delete)

- Download management (add, edit & delete)

- Login

- Add administrator

- Logout (of course)


Member Panel Features:

- Automaticly views all your current characters when you login (name, level, kills etc)

- Change account password

- Delete account

- Logout

  • 1 month later...

cool..it's a good way for someone that with a bit of knowledge  can have his own l2 site (if he edit the skin cause everyone will have the same site in the end xD) with details for in-game stuff...but is it safe from hacking ? cause i've heard that if you do this with watching ur char from site ( i mean loggining from there, there's a chance to get easier hacked)

  • 5 weeks later...

how to install this....... ? please help me...

... is easy but i cant explain you now.. search for guide maybe you wiil found somethig.

  • 1 year later...
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