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Enchanting- An Unsolved Msytery


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Dont know if this works, but my friend said that this increases probability a lot, maybe it was only accident: hee had a bounty hunter, spoiled mobs, and when he heard spoil sound, he did enchant, by doing this he got some items +12.

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Btw about that chain when you got all time success... I had 2 times in game that chain when I was enchanting duals... But I got them only +15 and than broked. I guess that chain is randomized till +15 and than again it goes over again. ++-++-----++-++ or w/e how it goes and than you can catch chain again wich is like +++++++++++++++ (15) And than dont try more and w8 till you get lucky and catch some +

If you want some kind a encode that chain wich goes. example in night. when no1 enchant, buy D grade weapons, and enchant enchant. First all enchant +3 (untill safe enchant) and than enchant and wrote that chain on list for +4 than enchant +5 and write all on list and so on.. It could take long time. If you encode it, it could work only for that server where you tryed it. Like I said that chain is maybe randomized by server. But who will go and enchant some kind a 50 items to get +1 >.< And you cant be sure if you know the chain and you know that now will success and you enchant weapon, maybe in the same time another meng enchant his item and takes youre success and you just fail. So if you want to use chain wich you discovered (if you could discover it xD) you should be sure that you are alone in server and only one enchanting. This is just mine theory.

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ive read this

and normaly after u read it, is all creal and u forget about enchant bugs and tricks, but still every week i see 4-5 threads about how to enchant safe...

this thing will never end

the post is very well made, someone rly burned his brain for it, so it would be nice if we wont get more threads about incredible enchanting bugs

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