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Well, lineage 2 world is very hazzardous.However many sides of the game have been mastered by some brilliant people like h1nt .(hlapex l2phx and of course walker!).However there is ONE side of this game that stills remain mystery and that i think it is time to discover :) :ENCHANTING!!.Well i just want to say somethings before starting this topic

1)The reason is to finally find how the enchanting is done and if there is any way to reverse the results.

2)ANY ideas are accepted (and should be) and i dont want anyone shouting WTF are you talking about guyz there is NO way etc etc..its a thread to tell our opinions and discuss this great (IMO) side of l2 which really makes the dufference.. Here i give you this facts i have on my hands and i wait for response ;)

3)I will ask from moderators to delete some posts or at last edit them if they are not found suitable..i dont make this topic hidden plz respect it.

11. Enchant

to Me, the bug with enchanting costs on the second place on a demand after "dupe". What is the sharpening in general? It is such roll which allows to improve characteristics of this or that belonging then leaves. But to improve it is possible at all indefinitely. After +3 there is a probability of that the belonging will break. And, the above the degree "enchant" things, the is more probability of its breakage (by the way, not the fact, about it below). Just presence here to this variable "probability" has led to occurrence of uncountable set of ways of enchanting. For example, at someone suddenly any miracle had turned out to enchant on +6, when it... Ran! And now this person writes at forums that is new 100 % a way of a point. Also the some people write, that it is better enchant than 1 times at 1-st level, better enchanting the gnome, also that the probability depends on "recommendations", from intelligence (by the way, about INT to me the person has told a man of education), it is better enchant at night, to use soulshots, to beat during this moment mob, to measure time between points and so on and so forth. I, certainly, cannot argue with these statements as I have not tested everything that write at forums, but I know precisely - a way of enchanting many people are ready to pay quite good money for 100 %. Hence, such way on public unfortunately is not present. And whether there is it in general? We Shall try to understand it together. For the beginning, let's disassemble, how at a batch level enchant a belonging: 1-st package is when in game we press the right button on enchanting, that is we activate it.



14 // type of a package (UseItem)

86 a4 13 40 // OID enchant

00 00 00 00 After activation of enchant we choose that subject which we want to enchanting:

58 // type of a package (RequestEnchantItem)

74 a4 13 40 // OID a subject



All is extremely simple. By the way speaking, alongside with numerous ways of enchanting, there was such theory, that the probability of a point miscalculates on the client and as though we speak a server, the subject has broken or not. And as if simple artmoney 100 % enchant are possible. It not the truth, you just in it were convinced. Really, at a batch level a point looks it is extremely simple.

How it is possible to deceive this system? I can offer you here such variants:

1. To activate the same enchant some times

2. To send a RequestEnchantItem-package some times

3. droped enchanting after activation (will allow enchanting one enchant as much as necessary), or will allow to do false (fake) enchanting.

4. drops a belonging at once after a RequestEnchantItem-package. If will be in time, the belonging can not break. Whether but enchanting? These ways I have tested All on antaras.ru, unfortunately on it they have not worked, but, I assure, one of them of 100 % works on some largest Russian servers. Under the request of that person who with it helped me, I cannot name these servers and describe a way more in detail.

Besides the above-described ways of a point, there is still a method of fake-enchanting. It is just based that after activation of enchanting, we somewhere hide it. The server counts the subject was grinded or not and deduces result which because of hidden enchanting is not entered by virtue of. That is the subject also does not break and not enchanting, but we see result. On the basis of this method, people tried to search for any laws in a point and to count its probability. As to laws as it is not surprising, they found them. But presence of law calls into question into existence random in a point. At least its degree "random". Here operating time taken from a forum cheaters.net.ua, to be exact from post F4llen'a (the direct reference search in the end):

+1 100%

+2 100%

+3 100%

+4 -+-+-+ (+-+-+-) or (----++++----+++)

+5 ++---++-++----+++---

+6 +++++----+--++--

+7 +++++++++------

+8 +++-+-+++----+++

+9 ++-++--++---++--

+10 ++--+--++--+


"+" Means successful sharpening, "-" accordingly crystals.

Proceeding from this "table" it has put forward the theory, that at each stage of enchanting there is the " type randomizer ":

a) it is a lot of pluss successively in the beginning +++++ - + - ---+

b)2 pluss and minuses ++ - ++ - - ---++-++ ---

c)plus-minus + - + - + - + 4 false sharpenings should answer.

Accordingly, having defined what you have type at the given stage, it was possible to predict success/failure of a point. On the one hand, division randomize on types seems to me delirium, with another I know people who could grind in such a way already up to +15.

Let's try from the point of view of rubbed/belief to consider this statistics:

Enchant All/Success Probability of success

+4 15/7 0.466

+5 20/9 0.45

+6 16/8 0.50

+7 15/9 0.60

+8 16/10 0.625

+9 16/8 0.50

+10 12/6 0.50


Obtained data are true exactly on so much, on table F4llen's how many is true. Having counted average value of probabilities of successful enchanting, we shall receive number 0.52 that means, that successful and false enchanting as a whole are equiprobable. For each concrete stage of enchanting, it is possible to tell the same and now I shall explain why. We shall write the small program which will equiprobably generate figure 1 or 0. It will do is 240 times, for everyone 60 numbers (it is possible to consider as their stages of enchanting) will be calculate probability of loss of unit (in the further "success") and as a result calculate the general probability of success for all 240 numbers (for probability of success is accepted a percentage parity of units and zero to 240):



#include <stdio.h>

#include <stdlib.h>

#include <time.h>


int main () {

int O = 0, I = 0, Ot = 0, It = 0, total = 241, r = 0;


for(int i = 0;i < total;i++) {

r = rand()%2;

printf("%i ",r);

if® I++; else O++;

if(!(i%60)) {

printf("\n%i/%i\n Probability of success: %.2f\n",I,O,I/0.60);

Ot+=O; It+=I;

I = 0; O = 0;




printf("Probability of success in the whole: %.2f\n",It/2.40);

return 0;








Here, that the program has displayed:


0 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 1

1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 1


Probability of success: 48.33

0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 1

0 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1


Probability of success: 53.33

1 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 0

0 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0


Probability of success: 51.67

1 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 0

1 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 1 1


Probability of success: 45.00

Probability of success in the whole: 50.00





As you can see, those here are traced " types random " about which wrote f4llen that loss 0 both 1 equiprobably and no law here is present. Plus to all at intermediate measurements of probabilities (for everyone 60 numbers), the probability of success deviated 50 % a little, but the general all was equally as much as possible close to the valid probability of loss 0 or 1. Thus, statistics f4llen's that other, as attempt to systematize usual random. Well and last stone aside those who considers, that on probability of enchanting influences even weather behind a window: In L2j there is no generator of random numbers, in it same library randomizer, that has been used above. With that only a difference, that on probability of enchanting the unique number which is exposed by administration influences. Be are assured, in lineage2 off the same. As a result, I wish to tell, that it is not necessary to try to deceive rand (), more likely it will deceive you =) it is necessary to search for bugs in the process of a point, but besides as it has been shown above, it is too simple process to be bugged. And in general, " accidents does not happen, and there are only unknown to us laws " © Someone.


i didn't read the whole thing but enchanting a item before the server restarts, if they roolback the server a few seconds or a min or two.


Enchanting is completely random. no way to "increase" your chance or whatever they are all bullshit

Agree and as you see all successfull enchants are totally random. So its actually up to the server if its in good mood or not ^^


Enchanting is completely random. no way to "increase" your chance or whatever they are all bullshit

2)ANY ideas are accepted (and should be) and i dont want anyone shouting WTF are you talking about guyz there is NO way etc etc.


my god people you dont even deserve to be to this forum.Learn to read some rules and to take them seriously man.You dont even deserve to play lineage 2.Stupid kids that think what you want and never listen to other opinions

And if you are so clever (that i think you are the most dumb creature in this forum) could you tell me how this random nu,ber is given exactly in l2?

If not shut the -beep- up and stop reading this topic.It is not for people so clever like you..

nice article, but too much complex for me atm XD

believe me it is very interesting.try to give ita better look ;)


im thinking is it possible to have some script that use smth like mask on selected item that  when you are enchanting server always thinks about that as from 0 to +1 (so always using 100%) when in fact "taking of" mask from item shows real +x enchanted at 100% rate


I think instead of try to figure out how the OE rules works.. How about we can write some script that trick the server for example : You having Homukulus +4 and want to make it +5. We write a script that whenever we click on a Enchant scroll, we trick the server and make it think your weapon is still in safe zone ( +0 to +2 ) ... Just theory but who know ! some genious can do it somedday !


I think instead of try to figure out how the OE rules works.. How about we can write some script that trick the server for example : You having Homukulus +4 and want to make it +5. We write a script that whenever we click on a Enchant scroll, we trick the server and make it think your weapon is still in safe zone ( +0 to +2 ) ... Just theory but who know ! some genious can do it somedday !


heh same idea? read what ppl before you wrote in topic;]


my god people you dont even deserve to be to this forum.Learn to read some rules and to take them seriously man.You dont even deserve to play lineage 2.Stupid kids that think what you want and never listen to other opinions

And if you are so clever (that i think you are the most dumb creature in this forum) could you tell me how this random nu,ber is given exactly in l2?

If not shut the -beep- up and stop reading this topic.It is not for people so clever like you..believe me it is very interesting.try to give ita better look ;)


I would like to help any of u in this search for "The Holy Gral of Enchants" but im a newbie atm on coding, i have learned about algorithms and now im studying about DB's.Scorvon had a nice idea but we still need to figure out how to do that, basicaly its a sniffing packets job like we had saw on l2phx//hlapex but the good servers has protection against that kind of hack.Correct me if i have said something wrong.

basicaly its a sniffing packets job like we had saw on l2phx//hlapex but the good servers has protection against that kind of hack.Correct me if i have said something wrong.

yes its true, but as L2 client always be sending/reciving packets there always be the way to send smth you chose;]

14 // type of a package (UseItem)

86 a4 13 40 // OID enchant

00 00 00 00 After activation of enchant we choose that subject which we want to enchanting:

58 // type of a package (RequestEnchantItem)

74 a4 13 40 // OID a subject

one question, did you check if there is always the same packets sended? coz if there is any diference with packets of item on +1 and packets sended when item is on +5 we can have smth to work on :>

[unfortunetly i cant check it coz i dont have L2 client atm :/]


sptenn, stop the freaking spam.


Now , let's go ontopic. I admire you for trying to solve this mystery but , it just can't be solved. In fact, it's not even a mystery. It is a fact. And that is : Enchanting is based on a randomly generated number. In my opinion there is no way to get 100% enchants always.


sptenn, stop the freaking spam.


Now , let's go ontopic. I admire you for trying to solve this mystery but , it just can't be solved. In fact, it's not even a mystery. It is a fact. And that is : Enchanting is based on a randomly generated number. In my opinion there is no way to get 100% enchants always.


there is always ;] you know like "if there is a hole you just need to find a key"

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