Koyuki Posted March 9, 2010 Posted March 9, 2010 NOTE: THIS GUIDE IS FOCUSED ON LOW RATES OLYMPIAD FROM AN ELEMENTAL MASTER PERSPECTIVE, where its hard to obtain S grade stuff, Life stones etc...so im not covering augments and S-80..but if you have Dinasty, use it... Class: Elemental Master Equipment: +6 Blue Wolf Light set / Nightmarish Leather Set / Majestic Robe Set The BW light set is my most used..it gives a lot more pdef than any A/S robes, also increases C.speed and mdef a lot (isnt as faster as DC but at my opinion its a lot better for this class) Nightmarish leather prevents Sleep, hold and adds a lot of pdef/mdef..i used this a lot in interlude, to prevent Orc sleep, but now it has no more use for me, since smart cubic does all the job... Majestic Robe set is my 2nd set...i use that to beat specially TANKS, Titan, Archers and other Summoners, the extra mp and stun resistance is a must against these classes... Weapon: Acumen magic weapon Buff Sticks: SOES focus and Hell Knife mental shield Dyes: 4 CON - 4 STR (dont remove DEX, it affects your move speed and you gonna need it a lot, since were not using DC robe set..) 4 wit - 4 men 1 wit - 1 men (i really dont recommend removing INT for this class, since it has so low INT and we need it for shackle and banes, also im almost sure aqua cubic activitie depends on INT...Light elf has already huge mdef and transfer pain, the sets were using have mdef and mages arent a problem at all for this class, so dont remove INT...another good reason to not remove INT is betrayal and mass surrender to water..if lands, works great with your summon AOE) 1- Start with Unicorn Seraphim (you have 60 seconds to do all that, so be quick..) and SOES focus 2- At start, do Seraphim Buffs, Acumen, Clarity, Empower, Concentration 3- do seraphim Gift and unsummon it...summon Magnus and life, aqua and smart cubic (dont worry about mp, because you have majestic or BW) 4- pick basic buffs from NPC > berserker (its necessary)/ wind walk / shield and magic barrier 5- now start buffing MAGNUS> give it your basic buffs: might lvl 1 concentration lvl 3 servitor shield, magic barrier and servitor empower...while you do these buffs with SOES focus equiped, pay attention that it will give FOCUS lvl 3 to your pet, it worth a lot in OLYMPIAD fights, so dont forget about it... when you see focus landed, change to Hell Knife Mental Shield, your servitor needs it a lot (it prevents fear/cancel/, helps against erase and hold/sleep/anchor)...do him several might lvl 1 buffs to save mp and make mental shield lands.... You dont need mental shield since smart cubics does cleanse all the time a curse lands... 6- at this point youre ready to go...you still have 2 minutes of Seraphim Gift... 7- when the Gate Open, give your servitor Final Servitor (its Chant of Victory equivalent) and turn transfer pain ON..dont forget to change to your acumen weapon too *What you need to know: -You can remove curses from servitor...you have skills that cleans hold, anchor, bleeding and poison... - You can wake up your servitor from sleep...just target it and cast a 900 range newbie buff on it..you have several... - No matter who is your enemy, your first attack will always be Warrior Bane (it removes HASTE AND WIND WALK from the target)..if its a fighter do Wind Shackle too (2x times to make sure it lands)... - Your Summon first attack will always be Hydro Screw, it does massive ammount of damage on unbuffed people...we gonna use that a lot against fighters..)...after that only do physical damage, since it does more DPS...only use Hydro if your enemy is on movement... - make shortcuts in your bars for servitor buffs, equipment, debuffs, ultimate defense etc...put a macro to target yourself at F1, and Battle heal 3 at F2...sometimes you need to heal yourself and thats a very good skill for that .......CONTINUE... Quote
Koyuki Posted March 9, 2010 Author Posted March 9, 2010 *BASIC STRATEGY* Elemental Master Vs Evas Saint/Cardinal / Hierophant / Shillien Saint Ok these are your worst matches..since they have Trance, Erase and Mana Burn...your only chance is having a nuke augment (im not covering that here), Start with Majestic and summon as many summons you can, but for that stay very close to them to do at least one hit b4 get erased...when your mp ends, change to BW light since adds more pdef Final Servitor and mental shield , helps to prevent erase, but not for long time...also ive heard having a +10 servitor and above makes it very hard to erase, so you can deal some damage before it gone...anyway, try your best..cast wind shackle, bane, do physical attacks...you never know if your cubic will deal some damage... against Cardinal and Evas its possible to win by time..since aqua cubic deals a lot more damage than they ever dreamed about...but against Hierophant and Shillien its nearly impossible since they have really good buffs and full mp... Best advice i give is: do not give the match for FREE..fight even if you know youre going to lose...you never know if a disconnect can happens...just keep running a lot, theres nothing they can do besides mana burn, erase and trance and hold (smart cubic removes these) ..and hit with a silly bow with ridiculous accuracy and speed... also against Cardinal and Evas is a neverending match, since they cannot deal good damage, your life cubic will heal a lot, and they cannot stop you with trance Usually you end losing (99% chance)...well, these are your worst matches..so dont feel bad... hardest to easiest>>> Hierophant > Shillien Saint > Evas > Cardinal (actually none are easy lol) Elemental Master Vs Doomcryer / Dominator Ok..these matches are easy..but can be annoying... youre only going to lose if you do many mistakes...for this match use Majestic to have mp advantage and stun resistance... First... never stay close to Dominator...never.... im not talking about Seals since smart cubic removes curses, but about Stun, if it lands on you, its gonna open for him to kill your summon and restore all his HP at once...if that happens, run from him , turn agility on and summon another fast..the cubic removes shock too, but doesnt do in the same instant..and they can kill your pet with critical hits (that can happen...so lets avoit it) second...if they start draining your summon, they will leach a lot of HP...in this case, put it on Ultimate Defense and watch them waste all their mp... Once their mp ends, its gonna be an easy win... the tip here is try to balance both HP's, yours and the servitor...it works together..protect the summon with heals and yourself with battle heal 3 in order to stay alive until they waste all their mp... if you can survive that (which is not hard) its a 100% win Be ready to cure your servitor from Dominator curses with Blessing Servitor, its removes a lot of curses...also pay attention to what your summon is doing..sometimes they put it to sleep and you dont even notice that...if that happens, cast some wind strike to it to wake up... ***Only thing you need to be worried is about FEAR...if it lands, you gonna lose a lot of time...thats why the mental shield knife is so required for ur summon...servitor bless CANNOT cure fear Doomcryer is a lot easier than Dominator, since they do very low damage on you... Elemental Master Vs Tanks Ok..easy matches...but long...use majestic here ...against Dark Avenger, do the combo warrior bane + wind shackle and betrayal on the panther...cast some wind strike on him to trigger aqua cubic...send the pet to do physical damage and keep running in circles...pay attention to hold to remove it from your pet and not lose time...do wind shackle once in a while and let your summon do the job... Good tanks know they can go for a tie if they survive all the time, so they will run from you too...in that case, just use hydro screw and finish him... against Shillien Templar, Evas Templar and Phoenix Knight its the same thing, they just dont have a pet... the hardest here is Phoenix Knight (takes more time to die), than Temple Knight... Shillien Templar and Hell Knight cannot survive the whole match...they die b4 it ends... ...CONTINUE... Quote
Koyuki Posted March 9, 2010 Author Posted March 9, 2010 Elemental Master Vs Arcana Lord / Spectral Master Another tough match... against Arcana Lord is more based on skill...if youre more skilled you win... good thing is..youre in advantage, since you can remove wind walk/haste from both and can decrease atk speed, forcing him to waste a lot of mana doing servitor bless...also ur cubics are waaaayyyy superior (LIFE AND AQUA dot >>>> BINDING AND WIND) Noob Arcana Lords will do betrayal on your summon followed by warrior bane... since youre smart, you only will do betrayal...that cause..if you dont remove haste and wind walk Feline King, it will do a lot more DPS on its master cuz it will run faster and hit faster..... while yours will be very slow, since you dont have ww buff for it... also if the AL removes haste from your pet...dont give it back..only do when you know Feline King is about to die... anyways its important to keep both hps high to survive this long battle...majestic helps your mana management worst mistake you can do is try to attack FELINE KING at first or keep changing targets...NEVER DO THAT if he starts attacking your summon with his pet, dont change targets, stay on the summoner....he wont handle for long after do that I recommend making a macro for FELINE KING..it helps a lot in the case you need to change targets between yourself to recover HP and Feline King (to cast betrayal and debuffs) Ultimate defense = only use if you feel your summon will die..if youre taking damage, doesnt matter the use of UD since your summon will die cuz the damage youre taken... ****TIP= in a match against AL, dont start with Final Servitor...final servitor decreases moving speed by a lot...it wont help you if your pet needs speed to follow your enemy...if he use betray..you do final servitor to slow your own pet...this way you take less DPS ****TIP 2 = try to trigger aqua cubic on the summoner too...it deals massive damage over time and will force him to waste a lot of mp to recover hp's against Spectral Master its very hard to win since he has a nuke attack (death spike)...so he will deal more damage per second... Elemental Master Vs Archers/Arbalester Easy matches....as long you have Majestic, youre fine... they cant deal enough damage on you cuz of TP and your ability to recover hp's...just watch out for summon HPS and turn arcane agility on if u feel u need heal faster cuz of their criticals wind shackle + warrior bane...some wind strike to trigger aqua cubic...stay close him and cast mass surrender and do some hydro screw + physical hits...very easy fight... I find Arbalester to be a little harder to kill since she runs way faster than your summon and that will end in a lot of water attacks in a target that has a huge mdef (phanah and soul barrier + natural high MEN and light set grrrrr)...so get close her for physical hits will require patience, since she can kite very well... best thing vs arbalester is get close and do a SUMMON STUN, since it lands easy...when the skill is not ready do magical attacks, because phisycal ones youre going to miss...but still an easy match...just watch out for Deadly Roullete moment...when shes about to die...try to go very far from her to avoid this *Hardest to easiest>>> Arbalester (too fast and can kite...) >>> Saggitarius >>> Moonlight >>> Ghost Sentinel (low HP)...actually theyre all easy Elemental Master Vs Daggers Ok many ppl think daggers are dangerous in olympiad...theyre super easy if you know how to fight them... use bw light for pdef....avoid run from them...key to win is never give your backs to a dagger stay close, keep ur target on him...but keep pressing on him and doing wind shackle...if u keep ur target on him he will do bad damage try to make a macro for him at the start, this helps a lot...so when you target him, just type his name in macro window and place it fast in the shortcuts bar if you can do that, it will be piece of cake... theyre all easy and lame, theres anything hard about them... ....CONTINUE.... Quote
Koyuki Posted March 9, 2010 Author Posted March 9, 2010 Elemental Master Vs Soul Taker/ Archmage/ Mystic Muse and Storm Screamer well, Soul Taker with summon is easier to fight than one without summon...just do ur stuff and it will be an easy match.... theres not a single curse he can do on you...his best bet is dark vortex and vampiric touch, but its the same as Orcs..he wont drain much cuz ur ubber mdef and you can outheal the damage most of the time ***Only thing you need to be worried is about FEAR...if it lands, you gonna lose a lot of time...thats why the mental shield knife is so required for ur summon...servitor bless CANNOT cure fear i think Mystic Muse and Archmage are a lot mor dangerous than SS and ST...since they have Aura Flare , they can do long and short range attacks..if they do many criticals with aura flare you may not be able to outheal the damage ..but that rarely happens...only the best equipped ones are able to kill a summon with aura flare (VALAKAS neck) these fights are easy because...they do max 500-600 normals to your pet...you can outheal for 1200 at superior c.speed...you have twice HP with ur summon...they are weak to physical damage...they cant run well cuz you can remove their WW.. Hardest to easiest>>> Mystic Muse and ArchMage (more dangerous) > StormScreamer > Soul Taker (weak attacks and a summon to help you) Elemental Master Vs Duelist / Grand Kawhatari well Duelist is harder...Tyrant isnt so much the key to beat Duelist is survive at beginning ..his most powerful attacks will be done at the first seconds of the match... its useless to avoid the encounter at start, so just face him and cast warrior bane and wind shackle...after that....you gonna be with little hp so run and recover hps and its a matter of time to win this...if he charge on ur summon, do UD and everything will be fine.....timing to cast UD is very important, so if you see he will charge on ur summon, just turn agility on and cast it...stay running in circles around the summon recovering its hp and casting hydro screw.... if you survive that (doing everything right as explained here), theres not much left for Duelist, since his MP will be gone at this point... Tyrant is the same thing but a lot easier...just be careful at Zealot moment.... ****Duelist is your hardest match after Heallers...but you can win..lets say its like 60% chance for you..40% for him Elemental Master Vs Titan Well, just expect Frenzy+Zealot...because its that hes gonna do after the first minutes of fight...while youre dropping his HP, you have to manage your mana well for the FRENZY moment...having enough MP you win, not having MP you lose...simple like that Pay attention to the animation of frenzy to cast UD on pet and run from there...he will follow you while frenzy lasts....so use ur elf legs... if happens that he gets back to ur summon, DONT WORRY...even if he kills it..you will be distant enough to bring another summon it... just remember even if he loses frenzy, you will need MP for the 2nd round..since he will probably be with a high HP at this point, but its nothing impossible since you will have enough MP to face this and keep hp's high enough...just remember..without frenzy, TITAN is just a slow piece of meat...without MP he is even worst... ***TITAN is not hard, only dangerous... Elemental Master Vs Dreadnought / Sword Muse / Spectral Dancer / Maestro and Fortune Seeker well, all i can say, from all of the above classes, the hardest one is Maestro...to a summoner, these classes are like Hot Spring Mobs..just use majestic to not let their stun lands... Elemental Summoner Olympiad Chart: NOTE: that is based on MY matches, and are not 100% accurate, its just based on my experience as a Summoner vs Hierophant - 100% lose (no way to win) vs Spectral Master - 100% lose (no way to win) vs Arcana Lord - 65% win / 35% lose (elemental has adavantages over AL) vs Shillien Saint - 90% lose / 10% tie chance (very remove) vs Evas Saint - 85% lose / 15% tie (happens more than Shillien) vs Cardinal - 70% lose / 30% tie (happens a lot more) vs Phoenix Knight 30% win / 70% tie (huge hp and survability) vs Hell Knight - 100% win vs Shillien Templar - 100% win vs Temple Knight - 90% win / 10% chance of a tie (huge ability to survive makes tie possible ) vs Arbalester - 80% win / 20% lose (losing depends on kites/criticals and deadly roullete) vs Archers - 90% win / 10% lose (may happen, but very hard) vs Daggers - 70% win / 30% lose (it can be dangerous, so losing is a possibilitie) vs Archmage/Mystic Muse - 80% win / 20% lose (depends on critical magic on aura flare) vs Soul Taker - 90% win / 10% lose (only if he gets lucky lol) vs Storm Screamer - 80% win / 20% lose (depends on hp drain critical hits) vs Dominator - 65% win/35% lose (depends on fear and magic criticals) vs Doomcryer - 80% win/20% lose (weaker than Dominator) vs Duelist - 50% win / 50% lose (its by far my hardest match after heallers) vs Tyrant - 70% win / 30% lose (not as hard as Duelist) vs Titan - 60% win / 40% lose (a hard match, but ES is in advantage here) vs THE REST - no way to lose... ****I WROTE THIS GUIDE 1 YEAR AGO FOR MY CLAN WEBSITE THAT NO LONGER EXISTS, YOU WONT FIND IT ANYWHERE ELSE BESIDES THESE BOARDS...WRITING LONG TEXTS ISNT HARD AS MANY MAY THINK, SO DONT COME WITH CTRL+C / CTRL+V THING ****PLEASE DONT SPAM!!! Quote
mauradona Posted July 4, 2010 Posted July 4, 2010 Nice huge guide ty for sharing :D I prefer play elemental summoner on high rates where is easy to get augment skill and if i take aqua splash active is perfect cause i have mass surrender to water :D playing with bishop with skill is so lame Quote
Intrepid Posted July 4, 2010 Posted July 4, 2010 vote goes for dominator simple reason the only chance against a summoner is to kill the summon or "disable" it from the fight and that cant be done with a slow fighter like a titan but with keep the summon in sleep(necessary to dont go close to the summon because they hit hard)its easy my tactics with dominator against any kind of summer are simple root the summon make the caster go close to the summon than cast some aoe debuff and from that hit the caster with a strong blunt and vampiric claw on the summon until it dies Quote
Tijs; Posted July 10, 2010 Posted July 10, 2010 one of the best class for olympiads. easy to play with it Quote
56k Posted July 10, 2010 Posted July 10, 2010 Lmao @ how we're supposed to fight vs Doom Cryer, the class that'll do whole lot of damage. I've seen a DC with proper gear winning (RBs except valakas, IC +6, Naga Storm +7 (or something) with SA) a pre-frenzied titan (the titan was S not B/A grade). If you get a Drainer-DC then ofc you'll win, but if DC who actually knows how things are supposed to go, you most likely will end up losing. Also, note that it was in IL, but it actually makes the whole thing harder. I've never played summoners tho, but I doubt you'll manage to win DC wearing A/B grades... Quote
smog Posted July 11, 2010 Posted July 11, 2010 On 7/10/2010 at 10:57 PM, 56k said: Lmao @ how we're supposed to fight vs Doom Cryer, the class that'll do whole lot of damage. I've seen a DC with proper gear winning (RBs except valakas, IC +6, Naga Storm +7 (or something) with SA) a pre-frenzied titan (the titan was S not B/A grade). If you get a Drainer-DC then ofc you'll win, but if DC who actually knows how things are supposed to go, you most likely will end up losing. Also, note that it was in IL, but it actually makes the whole thing harder. I've never played summoners tho, but I doubt you'll manage to win DC wearing A/B grades... well,as long as there are no landed erase,everyone is walk in the park for the magnus unicorn.. Quote
BROFTW Posted July 11, 2010 Posted July 11, 2010 Ofc my vote goes 2 titan , @Intrepid titans now start in oly with frenzy + zealot + over the body . This means 240 speed + 10-12 k patk with S gear . U can easily kill the pet with 1 critical , or even the summoner with 3-4 hits. Theres no place to run and no way 2 get his speed higher than 240. This is what i used on zeus on my 81 titan . ( he could also use a divine protect talishman 2 avoid getting killed ) Quote
SiNa Posted July 26, 2011 Posted July 26, 2011 In some servers you can stop your pet from attacking you by using the Stop function or Stay or w/e its called. Not sure if it works in every server tho. At least those i tried. So u dont have to worry much either about betray. Quote
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