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[Share] Death Zariche Duals (Updated) [Interlude + Gracia Final]

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Thank you guys for appreciating it...i believe these only work in Final right now...i don't know how to adapt for later chronicles...maybe someone can tell me?


sotostzam...about the glow...if you are talking about these then there is no real way to change the glow around. In weapongrp.dat i have the weaponeffect (or glow) set to the zariche glow and then the numbers that follow that are the instensity/size/location of the glow. now if that weaponeffect was a normal glow then you could just change the colors in Env.int by using L2FileEdit or another program of your choice...sorry that's the best i can do I haven't really done this for very long :)


sorry it took me so long to reply to all of you it's just that i've been busy for a while...lol...and please if anyone can help me adapt for the later chronicles or help me make this glow intensify in size based on the + please help me out...i have a lot to learn still

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  • 3 weeks later...

WoW i love them can u upload them for interlude?

i really wish i knew how to adapt them for the other chronicles and i would...if anyone can teach me how to adapt that would be really helpful

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Just wanted to let everyone know I just uploaded new links for IL. I just adapted them but since I don't have the IL client I can't test them out. If anyone could please test them out and let me know if they work it would be really appreciated!

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