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[QUESTION] Kick Boxing


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Kick Boxing sucks. MMA is the best fighting-type of sport. [search in google what exactly is it]

i dont think there is "teacher" in Greece that will can teach you MMA.

Btw kick box doesnt suck.

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[GR] Έκανα kickboxing 2 χρόνια, από την 1η-2α γυμνασίου, επειδή είμουνα καλός θα κατέβενα σε ένα σπουδαίο πρωτάθλημα αλλά... έσπασα το χέρι μου και ξενέρωσα. Το kickboxing είναι απίστευτη εκτόνωση, και αν είσαι λίγο μαζόχας (με την καλή έννοια) θα καυλώσεις άσχημα. ΟΜΩΣ δεν θα μπορέσεις να χρησιμοποιήσεις το kickboxing σαν street fighting, ίσως να μάθεις να ρίχνεις σωστές μπουνιές για να μην σπάσεις κανα χέρι, όποτε μην περιμένεις με το kickboxing να αρχίζεις να πλακώνεις όποιον βλέπεις μπροστά σου.


Κάτι σημαντικό... στο kickboxing δεν παίζει ΚΑΝΕΝΑ ρόλο η δύναμη (δεν λέμε να είσαι και καλάμι.. αν είσαι μην κάνεις τον κόπο καν να πας), όλο το θέμα παίζεται στην ταχύτητα.. είσαι γρήγορος? νικας. είσαι αργός? χάνεις. Εγώ που είμουνα και αρκετά κιλά και γρήγορος μου πήγε γάντι ώσπου που ξενέρωσα.


Ένα να ξέρεις.. θέλει υπομονή όπως και κάθε άθλημα, και μην γραφτείς για να πλακώνεις 10 ρωσσοπόντιους. Άμα γουστάρεις να γίνεις αλήτης και μαλάκας πάρε κανα πιστόλι.

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100 lessons of any martial art = 1000€


1 gun with 20 bullets = 400€


Simple as that.


100 lessons of any martial art = 1000€ = No proof, you would not get in prison (If your enemy is not a p*ussy.)


1 gun with 20 bullets = 400€ = 80-90% possibility to spend the rest of your life in jail.

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Kick Boxing sucks. MMA is the best fighting-type of sport. [search in google what exactly is it]

not always the best looking is the best.

Thats the motive of 10 years old kids.

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street fighting needs only rage... :) no art is required... just a strong head for the beginning and some strength

rage is needed too but you need to know moves,to react fast,to block hits and other things.. only idiots who don`t know how to fight will use their rage without blocking hits and react fast... so they will be beaten  really easily.


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rage is needed too but you need to know moves,to react fast,to block hits and other things.. only idiots who don`t know how to fight will use their rage without blocking hits and react fast... so they will be beaten  really easily.



but when you street fight that time you feel no pain nor you feel the essence of blood...pain comes later :P

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street fighting needs only rage... :) no art is required... just a strong head for the beginning and some strength


Rage makes you react like Idiot...What You need is aplomb and to Act fast in order to destruct him and then, The End

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rage is needed too but you need to know moves,to react fast,to block hits and other things.. only idiots who don`t know how to fight will use their rage without blocking hits and react fast... so they will be beaten  really easily.


chea +1

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rage is not needed, if you have rage you are getting confused. worst thing ever.

thats the first lesson of kick boxing (and i think of all martial arts), no rage.

the more relaxed you are, the more clever moves you do.

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