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[GUIDE] L2 : Doom Cryer


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Hello  guys.

1st of all i wanna thnx Coyote for giving me inspiration with his topic : http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=121750.0

I’m gonna talk about doom cryer. Mostly about Olympiad since i hate the pvp of nowdays.


General info:

Doom cryer is the most used char in oly/pvp and most used as supporter, mostly thnx to its buff “Chant of Victory”.

1st class is orc shaman and you are able to get it when you reach 20 lvl.

2nd class is warcryer and you are able to get it when you reach 40 lvl.

3rd class is doom cryer and you are able to get it when you reach 76 lvl.


• Remember playing Olympiad with this class requires lot of items and good enchantment. You’ll need items for mage + fighter since this class can fight as both.


Dyes: generally a doom use wit+/men- and con+/str-. I would vote for dex+/str-  wit+/men-. Why dex?! For more effect of “chant of vampire” buff.

In case your server have aguments and you got the lovely battle roar, hell god go put str+4/con-4. Believe me you’ll need dyes like this (str+/dex+/wit+/../con-/men-) against pp. if want my opinion always use random dyes till you find the perfect one and don’t make dyes by random voices. Different events, different battles requires different dyes.

Let’s think you got your favorite dyes.


Time to prepare for oly.

Now open 1 macro. We gonna make it ready for self buffs needed inside Olympiad match. As all know, time doesn’t wait you inside oly arena so you need hurry up with your self buffs.  This help we can get by

Flame Chant acu.jpg , called by some ppl like acu of doom (coz it give the same effect, increase cast speed). So we have at 1st slot of macro the flame chant.

We continue the macro with Chant of fire 98297101.jpg, it increase magic resistance.

After, Soul of Shield 52863534.jpg , increase defense.

Chant of Battle 43314306.jpg, increase attack power.

Chant of Rage 33415989.jpg , increase critical damage amount.

Chant of Evasion 12701918.jpg , increase evasion. Better effect when using light armor.

Chant of fury 34362069.jpg , increase att speed. (Remember to put this is skill at the bar since you gonna use it often against summoners)

Chant of predator  32530788.jpg, increase critical rate.

Chant of eagle 30901391.jpg , help you to don’t miss, increase accuracy.

Chant of vampire  90822435.jpg, restore hp using dmg inflicted upon the enemy.

Chant of revenge 89744306.jpg , reflect dmg back to enemy.

Chant of Spirit 56956201.jpg help you against cancel and de-buff  attacks.

Ok, we stop this macro here. Put a name and save macro.

Try to keep a bar like this. asdl2.jpg  No matter what you put on other places of bar.

Reason we let out of macro war41813297.jpg/earth 67026728.jpgchants, Chant of Victory 75239719.jpg and magnus 50193180.jpg is coz the choise will depens on the enemy.  Against mages better idea is to use war chant and magnus. Against fighters as archers for example cov + earth chant. Sometimes you may need use magnus against fighters. For example against heavy  classes.

Freezing flame , best skill of doom for my opinion. This skill contribute a lot in your victory. Freezing flame continuously drain enemy’s HP. While this skill land on enemy, your job is just to run and make the enemy follow you. Sometimes on lol interludes can happened to kill da with 2 hits. Just 3 lands of this skill and he is 1-2 hit. All pro, experienced players know to difference of da on c4 and da on interlude so don’t think da suck. On c4 is used to be even anti char of doom cryer.

Don’t kill the panther since on interlude is so weak. You may need it later for hp. You drain more hp on panther. Don’t try to joke with panther on c4.


Steal Essense , absorbs hp from enemy, from name it self you steal hp :P while you make dmg. Remember it spend lot of mp. So you should combine this attack with use of freezing flame, use of a bow or as.

Sleep  49969957.jpg, enchanted sleep of doom give a big help against summoners.

Seal of Binding 15573424.jpg, hold attack upon nearby enemies. It stuck them :P lucky ass you if you land it to someone, and shame on you if you lose the match then.

Seal of slow 88862225.jpg , low chance to land but awesome when you need attack the enemy with as.

Seal of Chaos 48793812.jpg good one against archers and pp.

Hammer crush 34543310.jpg  can’t remember last time it land me on an IL server. Shock attack. Very usefull.

Stun Attack 77420726.jpg -//-


Life Drain 69253921.jpg, knowed as “-4”. Not usefull at all, just to kill your enemie in last moment (by putting him KO) inside oly arena and make fun of him.

Soul Cry , increase your p att but remember, it consume mp.


Doom vs doom : best way to win a doom is by using a light armor and dagger. I always preferred and used AS haste (dunno I’m just addicted to it :P). When it say 1 sec to start match use chant of life. And just start hitting with as. Well, all will be decided by luck on critical but using dyes dex+ will give you more chances for luck.

Doom vs prophet (my favorite) Since pp will burn your mp fast all you have to do is just freezing flame him. Remember if he is burning your mp with dc set wear then this is your chance. Hit him with db. Is a grade set and since you have cov you make good dmg. You tried as much as you could with freezing flame to reduce his hp and making him to use “heal” (which consume his mp too).  Don’t wear heavy. All you have to do is to attack him with as. Forget the db against pp.

With as you drain hp thnx to vampiric buff. Believe me pp is very easy for doom.


Doom vs daggers here came the lol part. On IL lol servers you can win it only by using steal essence (your mp is enough to kill a dagger) or you will die with 1 hit thnx to lethal. Using heavy armor give a good protection against lethal.

Doom vs titan Don’t dare to spend mp with shitty skills. Just use freezing flame on him and run run run. When time came for frenzy start hitting him with steal essence. Mostly chances are to win if you didn’t got too much dmg before.


Doom vs dominator Same way as vs heavy classes. Use freezing flame and run. If you stop for 1 sec you’re dead. It debuffs will make your doom weaker then a dwarf.


Doom vs necro/sps/sph this classes use dc set so they will get higher dmg by a bow or an as. Don’t change your armor into light (absolute not to heavy) you need a little speed if you use as. After you see your CP gone and close to 50% hp start hitting him with steal essence.  (about necro. If you got your sleep enchanted just sleep its pet. Moslty necros I saw around click on transfer pain and don’t know to turn it off anymore. They will finish mp fast with transfer pain on.)



I'll come and with 1 other topic about prophet on IL.


Have fun all. Hope i helped.















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Chant of Vampire will never save you neither in pvp nor while farming.


Best dyes for DC are wit +4 men -4, wit +1 men -1, con +4 str -4


CON is much more useful, because it raises your weight limit which permits you to carry more CP pots and increases your resistance against stun effects.



Also, buffing with a macro is plain stupid. You should buff manually. What are you gonna do if a party member dies without BoN, gets resurrected buffless and you're manaless? Use all buffs? No, you'll have to use the basic ones only.


Besides, there is an order in the way DC buffs, which goes like... Flame Chant, Chant of Evasion (Chant of Movement -Fusion buff that works like Wind Walk and Chant of Agility-, if playing Gracia Final), Chant of Eagle and then the rest. This way you buff the less useful buffs first, and party members have less chances of losing any important buff in case of overbuff. Note that DC usually gets into archer parties.


DC's role in mass pvp is to buff, of course, and sleep enemy's supports or melees as well.


You should always prefer Chant of Earth to Chant of War in pvp.


Finally, you mention absolutely nothing about DC's Fusion Skills.

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I’m gonna talk about doom cryer. Mostly about Olympiad since i hate the pvp of nowdays.


Chant of Vampire will never save you neither in pvp nor while farming.


Best dyes for DC are wit +4 men -4, wit +1 men -1, con +4 str -4


CON is much more useful, because it raises your weight limit which permits you to carry more CP pots and increases your resistance against stun effects.



Also, buffing with a macro is plain stupid. You should buff manually. What are you gonna do if a party member dies without BoN, gets resurrected buffless and you're manaless? Use all buffs? No, you'll have to use the basic ones only.


Besides, there is an order in the way DC buffs, which goes like... Flame Chant, Chant of Evasion (Chant of Movement -Fusion buff that works like Wind Walk and Chant of Agility-, if playing Gracia Final), Chant of Eagle and then the rest. This way you buff the less useful buffs first, and party members have less chances of losing any important buff in case of overbuff. Note that DC usually gets into archer parties.


DC's role in mass pvp is to buff, of course, and sleep enemy's supports or melees as well.


You should always prefer Chant of Earth to Chant of War in pvp.


Finally, you mention absolutely nothing about DC's Fusion Skills.

if you didn't got by my english that i was talking mostly about oly then tell me to draw it.

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well i dunno about you but as a Doomcryer i felt the need to use multiple setups in order to survive to many different situations this game offers


example: solo PVE i tend to use BW light, to get more mp regen, c.speed, more pdef resistance than robes having all benefits in c.speed and mp regen...and play as a fighter, just casting freezing flame and going for melee


mass pvp> ofc a robe, but i pick stun resistance of majestic over dc c.speed any time...since i can spam dreaming spirit on mass pvp and i will have tons of mp


solo pvp in the field> i dont find myself in that situation since only stupid people fights random ppl, but majestic prevents against stun and its for sure the best choice since it protects against biggest number of classes...dreaming spirit makes aganist mages anyway


olympiad> i like to have a nightmare light set to fight against other Doomcryer and Dominator, or even other mages, since i can sleep them easy even with a lot less c.speed and they cannot sleep me...


freezing flame> dreaming spirit...get close (if mage), wait target awake and hammer crush, freezing flame, hammer crush....when cp ends switch fast to c.speed robe and steal essence



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sometimes its hard to find parties....


you can solo in the 1/2 hp mobs...there are many spots around the map for all levels


all characters i started i leveled alone without need of parties, i started as a elemental summoner, and i know a lot of good spots for solo PVE


almost 5 years of Lineage experience ^^


anyway, doomcryer in mass pvp is the most boring class ever...you have to buff and the little mp that left you use to sleep some targets, if it lands....


than ure dead and back to town cuz nobody cares to ress you...


you can do a lot more with a dwarf than with a doomcryer....at least a DWARF huge HP helps a lot in balance life

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sometimes its hard to find parties....


you can solo in the 1/2 hp mobs...there are many spots around the map for all levels


all characters i started i leveled alone without need of parties, i started as a elemental summoner, and i know a lot of good spots for solo PVE


almost 5 years of Lineage experience ^^

Well the max lvl that you can xp one WC solo imo is till 52 after it is pain in your ass xD

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no, u can lvl up in garden of beasts in the beginninf of the 70's..theyre all low HP mobs , they die fast and give decent xp


also wall of argos is easy...not the part where you do the quests


for the 60's the 3rd floor of TOI is great


theres many spots for solo play

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Same goes for you, since I didn't just mention mass pvp.

Chant of Vampire will never save you neither in pvp nor while farming.

DC's role in mass pvp is to buff, of course, and sleep enemy's supports or melees as well.

You should always prefer Chant of Earth to Chant of War in pvp.

mass , 2 vs 1, 7 vs 6 what does change.

I was talking for oly about the vampiric and all. So hard to get it?

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Ah nothing. 150 vs 150 is the same as 7 vs 7

you still don't get it, don't you?

1st you say you wasn't talking about pvp so i get back to oly subject. Now tell me where to get in coz i'm so confused.

subject is for oly, is not same as normal pvp.









you know what. just leave it.

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