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Kalitera Names


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FateXwmaZwa ta leei ola to name.

έχουμε πει κάτι...άμα δεν έχει χΧχ ή ΧχΧ το όνομα, δεν κάνεις καριέρα.
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k, 3analew se 3 post alla names opos .. OnlyForAkamanah , ChaosLegend , ChaosMessenger , ThisIsOrcKnight , UniQue , BumP , Lethall , DeathStrike , 8aNaT0s , BufferKeratas (gia covera me kerata) , ElaLigoPioKatw (gia dwarf) ,  DaHealToTheSpot (ta xeili tou despoti xP .. bishop ) , XoreuoSampa (bladedancer) , MerlinMonroe (swordsinger) , ThePoliceMan , xDeVouRx , Nercr043veR , xXxOPCxXx , NoobSoldier kai alla polla :))))

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3afnika m ir8e xP exw epireastei apo 3enoglosous ...

PS: apo ola auta ta names auto brikes na anafereis ?

αυτό μου έκανε εντύπωση.
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