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Subsapte jfk


Subsapte - JFK


Eu dictez din Mein Kampf , Lenin si Tanaka Memorial

in ultimul act atacand din nou Pearl Harbour ,

in est Vietnamul bombardat privind din Air Force One coruptie

guvern bani spalati, Vatican si noul papa e nazist.

KKK si Pantera Neagra stand fata-n fata,

Noaptea cutitelor lungi in ceata asteptand un nou D-day

cucerind statuia libertatii intr-una dintre cele 3 luni ale anotimpului.

in seri Jacobus Ray semneaza,

in zori copii cu arme-ncarcate,toate trag in scoala

nexam pace Nixon e dornic dupa razboiul din golf

FBI e mafia din Chicago si Bronx spre castel langa Mussolini

linii drepte spitale de nebuni, zig zag pe detectoare de minciuni

in puscarii sau lagar.

sunt vocea lui Martin Luther King.

evadati din New York scapati ca sclavii de pe Amistad,

jurnalisti decapitati pe ogrish.com in Irak

trupe SWAT te pandesc prin lunete,

Europa se uneste dolaru scade actiuni pe wall street

????? secta din 48 inca existenta.

mama natura de-o suta de ani violata cu propaganda,

razboiul din Pacific,operatiunea Bismark in Atlantic

mimic.inamicul public numarul 1.statuia lui Saddam a cazut,

trasa de proprii prunci la pamant populatia e sabotata de Tv

presedintele meu e manipulat la fel ca George Bush in state.

profesionisti hackeri controleaza statii NASA si Aria 51

ridicand steagul in aer ca George Washington in razboiu de independenta,

acum strategic muta tancurile toate flancurile astupate

CIA, Masoni, Illuminati ridica puscarii.

oameni, spargeti Codul Enigma,

organizatii mascate vot de alegeri palmat

atentate,orgii planificate gen Eyes Wide Shut,

sponsorizari plus impozite si TVA, scriind istoria ca Michael Moore

USSR si vechia TDR,razboiul din Yugoslavia

doctor Strangelove si moartea printesei Diana,

bombe chimice construite in Koreea de Nord,

oprit din a gandi,eu iluminat prin alaptat precum Ghandi,

explozii farenheit, 9/11 Bin-Laden Bush strang mana

vineri 13, f16 peste mase'n '45 descarcate, supradoze Kurt Cobain.


care mai e treaba :( mie mi sa bulit hardu si acu is pe un raci de PC /emQQuit .

astept acu garantia mamei lor..

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    • This package is based of aCis 408/409 and has been prefilled with server & client modifications for your convenience. A detailed list of the features (including images/videos) in this package can be found in the L2DEV Discord. You can download the entire package here.   What this Package DOES include: Prerequisite Install Files (MySQL, JDK21) Server (Compiled) + Patch Files Popular server-side Java Mods What mods are currently installed: Custom Community Board Character Preferences Menu Daily & Weekly Quests Balance System Events Engine Visual System (aka DressMe) Achievements System Retail Interface with Teleport Menu Player Startup Guide Agathion Support Autofarm System Castle / Hall Siege Manager Daily Login Rewards NPC & Item Search Dungeon System Class & Subclass Master Preset & Scheme Buffer Market Board System Ranking / Leaderboard System PCBangPoints System 4 Custom Maps (Hellbound, Fantasy Isle, Kamael Island & Crystal Island) Updated WorldMap/Minimap to support custom zones What this Package DOES NOT include: EmuDevs Armor Files EmuDevs Weapon Files EmuDevs Skin Files EmuDevs Cloak Files EmuDevs Skill Files EmuDevs Enemies/Raid Bosses EmuDevs Essence Interface Source Code To properly setup this package you will need to: Install the prerequisite files Import the database backup Register a gameserver/hexid using the tools provided in the GameServer folder Notes: The default database scheme name is "emudevs" Agathion support has been added but you will need to add your own Agathion NPC's to your patch. Bugs should be reported in L2DEV or EmuDevs discord. Most mods can be configured via the XML files Most HTML's can be edited via the HTML files  
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