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Bai dar tu si cand te caci crezi ca esti al Raid Boss mai lasa ma cu comparatia asta..lasama ca am draci ma mai freci si tu la cap cu lineage 2 :) te rog.

am crezut ca am cu cine glumi , dar se pare ca nu ...

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SoRa gets his first warning for flaming in this topic, and the active spammers get a general warning for using this topic in order to flame others in a foreign language.

I won't hesitate to lock it next time you do shit. Yes, I'm talking about this

Finito ala este un tampit si ma suge de....p***la ce  p**da masii,doamne ce ratoni sunt unii. :)

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avem un topic de povestiri, va dau cateva :))

de MAsterDisaster:

One day,Raule sent a text message to Chucky saying that he's going to meet him at the "abandoned ghost house" at 12:00.

Chucky was scared 'coz he knew that Raule's supernatural powers would help him fight there.He also knew that supernatural creatures would help raule kill chucky.

So Chucky decided to team up with a team that was made 10 years before but broke up soon.

It was the "Maxcheaters Rebels Brotherhood",where everybody fights for his brothers!

It was the epic team of MasterDisaster,Chucky,Apithanos,Sinaya,unqART and the rest of the brotherhood.

Raule now had no chance.





de Raule: In one day after all niggers from Apithanos hood was beating him, he said in his mind:" enough, i got enough, i will go at gym and -beep- all dis bastards with big cock"


In the night, staying in his bed, Apithanos thought to make his own schedule for gym. Monday he stared to go at gym, there he saw Webmonster making biceps with two iphones, MasterDisaster making pushups with Extremedwarf in his back and many others from mxc.

Apithanos started to make chest with 10 kgs, because he was newbie. Because he had some power he beated flamingworm to give him some money. Done, that guy stole from his mom 50 euros and 40 gave to APithanos. He bought with all money steroids. The time was passing, Apithanos had 45 in biceps! Now he said: "its time to beat em!". Obviously he called MD, Raule and Chucky. They all gone and beated all those niggas. The only problem that remained was Maxtor. AFter has beated all niggas, APithano's balls grew in balls of steel, he finally reached Setekh wich had created his own in java. He was at MAxtor's house and beated him so hard that the next day he was gold members and smited everyone because he had balls of steel, even Ventic for nothing.







De MD: It was a hot summer night when I felt sleepy and decided to leave mxc too early.How the fack could I know that my night would turn into such a creepy nightmare?Gettin' to bed I had that weird feeling that a night that was almost over for me 'coz of my desire for sleep had just started.I tried to close my eyes and sleep but when I achieved I saw that dream.A dream I will never forget,a dream that proved right for the future.

de Raule: In that dream i saw ventic was global moderator and chucky co-admin. Mxc had board with League of legends with two topics inside and 4 replies, all of them were multiple posts by chucky and ventic.

de Md: Then I woke up all sweat and scared to tears.I knew that I could not let this happen.Something should be done to prevent those bastards from spoiling our offtopic spamming fun.But how?I decided to open ma pc and contact Raule.His connection would do the work and get 'em out of job once and for all.Was it simple as that or were I too nab to see what has been already done?





exercitii de imaginatie.

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SoRa gets his first warning for flaming in this topic, and the active spammers get a general warning for using this topic in order to flame others in a foreign language.

I won't hesitate to lock it next time you do shit. Yes, I'm talking about this

Merry Christmas!

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SoRa gets his first warning for flaming in this topic, and the active spammers get a general warning for using this topic in order to flame others in a foreign language.

I won't hesitate to lock it next time you do shit. Yes, I'm talking about this

he was saying that Finito is such a good person ;D
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SoRa gets his first warning for flaming in this topic, and the active spammers get a general warning for using this topic in order to flame others in a foreign language.

I won't hesitate to lock it next time you do shit. Yes, I'm talking about this

Since im active spammer, i got a warning too? smite me directly, i dont care, whats wrong if we flame in our language no one understands? you can flame in greek how much you want, i dont care.

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Since im active spammer, i got a warning too? smite me directly, i dont care, whats wrong if we flame in our language no one understands? you can flame in greek how much you want, i dont care.


Greek Flamers are punished, so are the English ones. You form no exception.

And I really don't like this rebelious behaviour after your demotion.

Okay, you self-requested it, I respected you, but HELL NO! What are you trying to achieve by flaming Maxtor and abusing your powers - like others ?


Why Finito send me Pms and she says he will dekarma me,dekarma for what? >:(


I don't care about what happens in PMs, I care about all I see.

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@Coyote, Also some time ago i found my name in GR section they was laughing at me.. and not so many time ago (1 week maybe) a newbie flamed at me in gr section again, so...

Edit: Weird was there and he didnt made nothing.

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I dont flame Maxtor, you just take your business too serious, like maxtor pay you if you "catch" something. We are just having fun here, nothing else. That guy wanted a karma, i told him, share some tutorials and i will give you, i dont see any abuse.

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Greek Flamers are punished, so are the English ones. You form no exception.

Yeah they are punished because they flame between them. Never saw "you are warned because you flammed user0032, you flamed him in greek and he is hungarian"

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I dont flame Maxtor, you just take your business too serious, like maxtor pay you if you "catch" something. We are just having fun here, nothing else. That guy wanted a karma, i told him, share some tutorials and i will give you, i dont see any abuse.


As an ex. staffer, I hoped you knew that in this forum we do not reward leeching.

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