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e fain printu ala de pe dex:))

nu e de pe dex e de pe un server rusesc.. pai am si scris ca nu e de pe SandOfTime.. c anu mai am screan de pe vechiul sandoftime..:)) nici pc ala nul mai am =))
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mai....ala e un prind de la dex...sunt eternalknights,lastresort...focus...wf si viticus...parca...de de pe vremea cand era hb...nu e rusesc

uitate si pe print ca scrie l2movie.ru
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sper sa fie lume...la deschidere...:D

aia nu conteaza... ca lumea se aduna dupa ce vede ca o sa fie activ.. noi incercam sa gasim un dedicate server acuma..:)) plm sunt 1934712412 de didicate pe netua sta insa multe pc-uri sunt mai slabe decat al meu :))) plm si cere 70euro =)) pana si netu e mai bun al meu decat al lor ..:-s
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aia nu conteaza... ca lumea se aduna dupa ce vede ca o sa fie activ.. noi incercam sa gasim un dedicate server acuma..:)) plm sunt 1934712412 de didicate pe netua sta insa multe pc-uri sunt mai slabe decat al meu :))) plm si cere 70euro =)) pana si netu e mai bun al meu decat al lor ..:-s


incearca hetzer ala sau cum se numeste

din germania :)

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singurele avantaje pe care le ai cand iei host de la o firma sunt:

-iti asigura schimbarea pieselor daca se defecteaza

-uptime nonstop


-puterea de a contacta politia daca esti atacat sau alte tampenii


in rest preturile sunt mult mai mari comparativ cu ce primesti.


mai exact, ai putea sati iei un pc identic si sal ti up mult mai ieftin, dar protectia si politia nu prea le ai asigurate.

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    • ✅ **Episode 2 - Primeval Wars** ➡️ Event: "Medals Collecting" launch for 2 weeks. https://forum.lineage2dex.com/threads/16301/ ➡️ Fixed some problems with the respawn of monsters in imperial tomb (and some other areas). ➡️ Fixed the amount of B/A/S crystals needed to upgrade the body armor to MW version ➡️ Adjusted tvt points formula for support classes ➡️ Launch of a new 1x1 PVP Event Arena is postponed. More time is needed to fix possible bugs and polish the Event
    • a beautiful response from a liar who is not even a man to admit it, at least it is recorded here that you are nothing more than a thief, this is your character as a person, which I hope one day you will have the courage and apologize to whoever you stole from, which I don't even need to talk about anymore, you know very well who you stole each job from, here I end the attacks, because someone deserved to come here and unmask you to the l2 community.
    • Yes Sir. Of course Sir, you know everything, Sir. If you said so, Sir. What about asking your "friends" where they get it they patch from? Kappa
    • Let's make one thing clear here, you don't have a patch/rev, what you have is a complete theft of codes, and if you are a real man, admit it, because my BR friends know very well that you are known for being the so-called interface copy/paste, because you don't create anything, you take advantage of years of work from people and steal it and sell it and you have the courage to talk about my patch, be ashamed of yourself.
    • i dont know why im the topic here if this is not even my patch, it seems you love me, even know my whole story... xd but good old times when we would EXCHANGE stuff betwen our selfs to make interfaces to our usage and likening... never talked to much with OMGz, but seems like a good guy   good old times when was all just having fun and editing stuff and playing, today is all about clout and money, i have that u dont hahahah   they will never come back..   i already left anything beside long time ago idk why think on me too much, just want to enjoy my free time to play some games and have fun.. but looks like somehow find a way to relate me to something, maybe you think on me to much idk, kinda weird.. unfortunately, you are looking at this code thinking that  "oh it has his name and abreviation, its from him" but i must say its not... i dont need to stay here saying that this and that happened, because i know very well that you know exactly what happened... peace for all PS: and.. my main language is pt br, not spanish like in the src...
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