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Alexandra: nuj c prosti am faqt k l hi5 mi s vede ff mici literele c apas s fie literele mai mari?

Eu: te provoc

Alexandra: ??

Eu: daca poti reformula afirmatia astfel incat sa fie corect exprimata romaneste, te ajut

Eu: ce zici?

Alexandra: nu stiu ce prosti am facut pe hi5 , ca mi sau micsorat toata pagina(literele) si nu stiu qm s fac sa le maresc ma ajutzi ??

Alexandra: nici acuma nu ai intzeles?

Eu: nu-i bine... ai 5 greseli

Alexandra: o noo

Eu: sa fie corect si te ajut

Alexandra: pui mei

Eu: nici asta nu-i corect

Alexandra: puii mei

Eu: vreau sa-mi demonstrezi ca nu esti agramata

Alexandra: cei aiaa

Eu: seamana cu "analfabet"

Eu: dar se refera la gramatica

Eu: deci?

alexandra: nu stiu ce prosti am facut pe hi5 , ca m-i sau micsorat toata pagina(literele) si nu stiu cum sa fac sa le maresc ma ajutzi ??

Alexandra: dak nici acuma nu`i corect ma pis p hi5 k il sterg

Eu: BASHED! =))

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ducu: erau unii de se uitau la filme porno

adrianz-: asa

ducu: si unu zice ca se duce pana la baie

ducu: si aia toti ba ca tu te duci sa dai la laba

ducu: ala nu ca nu ma duc

ducu: bine

ducu: atunci sa bati din palme ca sa fim siguri


ducu: si au intrat peste el

ducu: si cu o mana se batea in frunte si cu alta facea laba

ducu is typing...

ducu: )))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))








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    • I got an error and not loading.   Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: com/sun/awt/AWTUtilities         at g3deditor.swing.Splash.<init>(Splash.java:62)         at g3deditor.G3DEditor.main(G3DEditor.java:46) Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: com.sun.awt.AWTUtilities         at java.base/jdk.internal.loader.BuiltinClassLoader.loadClass(BuiltinClassLoader.java:641)         at java.base/jdk.internal.loader.ClassLoaders$AppClassLoader.loadClass(ClassLoaders.java:188)         at java.base/java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(ClassLoader.java:520)         ... 2 more Press any key to continue . . .
    • TL;DR: I'm looking for DDF files compatible with the Lineage 2 classic client (Protocol 110). If anyone has them or knows where to find them, please PM me. I'm willing to pay for them. FULL POST: Hey everyone, I'm currently working on modifying some files for Lineage 2 (specifically for Classic client, Protocol 110), and I'm in need of the appropriate DDF files to disassemble and work with files like properly EnchantedWeaponFlowEffectData_Classic.dat and others. I've been running into parsing errors with my current definitions, and it's becoming clear that having the correct DDFs for the Protocol 110 version would make this whole process much smoother.   Here's what I've tried so far: Manual Creation of DDF Files: I attempted to create my own DDF files based on other data definitions, such as those for armour and weapon groups. Unfortunately, I keep encountering file scan errors at specific rows, particularly involving fields such as Range_1_3 and MeshID_1,etc. Adjusting the data types and making fields optional did not solve the issues. Consulted Similar Files: I reviewed and compared other available DDF files, such as those for armour and weapons, trying to match similar structures, but the parsing errors persist. There might be subtle differences in how the data is structured for Protocol 110. Tried Different Data Types: I've experimented with different data types (e.g., UINT, FLOAT, HEX) for the problematic fields, but none of these changes have worked consistently across all rows.   If anyone here has the DDF files for Protocol 110 or knows a good source where I could find them, I would greatly appreciate it. Alternatively, I'm all ears if anyone has tips or tools that might help generate or reverse-engineer these DDFs effectively.   Thanks in advance for any help you can provide!
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