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Good detalied guide, it took more than 30 minutes i think.

Take what?

I hope not what I imagine :S

Anyway, glad to be helping.


I thought that it is gonna get dug up like the WC Guide ^^


EDIT: With WC I mean warcryer =P

the karma..


Good detalied guide, it took more than 30 minutes i think.


2 hours D:


u didnt write nothing about armors when to use DC IC or MajorA


Well, First of all I find it useless to post such things.

Since the 95% of l2 players play on java servers, there are not standard values.


What do I mean?

On most servers dc gives casting and major arcana less casting but bigger p def, etc.

On Eminence (for example) major arcana had the same casting with dc.

On other servers there are customs armors (most time unbalanced) that give 5k casting 45k m atk, etc.


What I'm trying to explain is that I can never be right if I write about these things.


I dont get what you mean with 'Hammer Crush: for Fighting equipment", it's not like the equipment increases the chance of stunning, and it works fine with Mage blunts, which are equally strong to their sword variants anyway (at >s-grade), and to change your whole armor just to get some more p.atck and atck spd. isn't really worth it to me.


"In case your opponent is a kind of mage, then first sleep him.


If sleep doesn't land, and silence doesn't land as well, then try skills like Seal of Despair or Seal of Suspension."

"It decreases the opponent's Speed, M Def, Accuracy, P Atk, Atk. Spd and Critical Attacks Power."


So, the only thing it takes is a little M Def, the rest you don't tease a mage with so, I'd rather try more Seal of Silence and Suspension indeed of course, and sometimes Gloom, depending on what mage.


The "Seal of Binding: Once he gets rooted to the ground he has no chance of winning." is quite bold: Archers of course not, Daggers and Tyrant have a unroot skill, Gladi and Tyrant have enough ranged skills to kill the time ^^, Tanks often have a lot of ranged skills and a pets to don't make it matter so much anyway, so only Titan, Dwarf fighters ?


Btw; alot changed in the new chronicles: Buffs are for party also, new melee skill (Burning Chop), Seal of Blocking, Flames of invincibility (key in Clan wars/Sieges), definitely more I can't think of now...



So I don't really like the guide, it's really 'on the surface', not going deep into it with PvE/PvP tactics and situations. Perhaps nice for a newbie indeed.

Anyway, it's cool to discuss about tactics and stuff, so keep on making if you can :)


Dominator RuLeZ , a good support , a good pvp char , a good char for Olympiads , COMPLETE !

doom cryer > doominator as for support as for pvp as for oly.

  • 1 month later...

Not perfect but one of best that i've found on net ;).


It depends what u need for support.... OL is more for mages & WC is more for fighters...




as someone posted earlier what about Flames of Invicible - one of main skill in mass pvp. but since in one of chronocles celestal-type skills got changed it lost some of it's usability.


change your whole armor just to get some more p.atck and atck spd. isn't really worth it to me


Sometimes it's effective but only during oli and only in some cases (during mass pvp there's no point in doing so)



You won't be able to use a dye for m atk on the domi (unless you use the well known trick).


what "well known trick" ? could you pm with some more informations or is it classified ;D


Dont we have enough ol guides, i swear ive seen 2 more before.


give a link then!!swearing is useless


/ontopic:GZ 4 the guide i am totally sure that some1 gonna need it!!;)


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