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[Discussion]So...anyone left?

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thats why i am still playing dota XDD


510 ram<--i lag when i play hon ;(((



Change your graphics card only , and you can play the game without any lag spikes.



p.s i like ur new sig :D


I like it too.

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HoN has better graphics than dota. That's why all dota players moved there :D

not only this the gameplay is very better and yes we all play hon . atleast most of us ;)
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True, yet im still checking WoW Boards every single day I am really suprised of your innactivity in the DotA boards. Before  you were  sharing guides etc :P. I hope i see some activity (:. DotA is better than HoN no matter what graphics HoN has.

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Change your graphics card only , and you can play the game without any lag spikes.


i already changed my graphics card....i need a new pc XD



True, yet im still checking WoW Boards every single day I am really suprised of your innactivity in the DotA boards. Before  you were  sharing guides etc :P. I hope i see some activity (:. DotA is better than HoN no matter what graphics HoN has.


agree with u , but dota need to make some serious changes, like adding new heroes...

they only add 2 heroes and i already bored them :s

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True, yet im still checking WoW Boards every single day I am really suprised of your innactivity in the DotA boards. Before  you were  sharing guides etc :P. I hope i see some activity (:.


indeed but i still do believe that DotA someday is gonna become better than HoN. When the custom client comes out ;P

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Dota ftw, I'm always playing this one. Why would I replace the original thing with its copy? And I bet DotA's gonna get some new shit soon. IceFrog felt the need ;)

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I play dota i gave try hon i find it boring dota is something special


Actually , HoN is still in beta and it's a really cool game.


Personally , i can't wait for the original :D

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Generally, world of warcraft section dont have much active ppl,

i could say that 70% of the forum is playing Lineage II/ Aion :>

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