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hi there.. well this is my first java share.. nothing special really ::).. but personaly i like it.


on EnterWorld.java


add these into the imports(duh!)


import net.sf.l2j.gameserver.network.serverpackets.ExRedSky;
import net.sf.l2j.gameserver.network.serverpackets.PlaySound;


find and remove

-		// Set dead status if applies
-		if (activeChar.getCurrentHp() < 0.5)
-			activeChar.setIsDead(true);


and add these somewhere close to the end of the file.. i added after this



+		// Set dead status if applies
+		if (activeChar.getCurrentHp() < 0.5)
+		{	
+			activeChar.setIsDead(true);
+			// Make Sky Red For 7 Seconds.
+			ExRedSky packet = new ExRedSky(7);
+			sendPacket(packet);
+			// Play Custom Game Over Music
+			PlaySound death_music = new PlaySound(1, "Game_Over", 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
+			sendPacket(death_music);
+		}



on L2PcInstance.java


(imports again..)

import net.sf.l2j.gameserver.network.serverpackets.ExRedSky;
import net.sf.l2j.gameserver.network.serverpackets.PlaySound;




public boolean doDie(L2Character killer)



add after


+		// Play Custom Game Over Music
+		PlaySound death_music = new PlaySound(1, "Game_Over", 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
+		sendPacket(death_music);
+		// Make Sky Red For 5 Seconds.
+		ExRedSky packet = new ExRedSky(5);
+		sendPacket(packet);


what does this do ? well simply when u die the sky turns red (like when a demonic sword appears only not earthquake) and u can hear a custom music.


oh and here is the music im using on my server if u want..




(its from ffx soundtrack if ur wondering)


opinions are always welcome.. bad or good  ;)


(btw sorry for the "messy" post but my files are sooo modified and messy... and i cant make diff file. its a small share anyway.)


nice i always wanted this xD

maybe in a next release u can do red sky until player press "to vilage" or being ress, etc

u kinda can.. just make it like this

ExRedSky packet = new ExRedSky(65535);

or something xD



edit: no no that wont work.. my bad

  • 2 weeks later...

for everyone who is interested.. here is how u can make the sky to stay red until the player press to village...


make the time of redsky in both enterworld and l2pcinstance like this..

ExRedSky packet = new ExRedSky(172800);

this will make the sky stay red for 48 hours (lol)


then in l2pcinstance add this..

		//Custom On Death Remove - start
	ExRedSky packet = new ExRedSky(0);
	//Custom On Death Remove - end


inside both public void doRevive and public void doRevive(double revivePower)


that makes sky turn back to normal..  ;)


who listen music? is that a question? lol maybe u play with muted sound i dunno.. doesnt mean everyone does.. l2 has music for a reason u know.

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