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Update with L2jServer BETA 8833 on May 12

Fixed in this BETA:     

- BETA: Minor Update for AdminBan?.java (-1 for ban, not -100).

- BETA: I forgot to rename this -.-, thanks Zoey76 for report.

- BETA: Fixing some error in logic for item skill's handler.

- BETA: Builders Changes.

- BETA: Deleted Trader Zenith spawn, it was removed since Freya chronicle.

- BETA: Sharing hero buffs with Servitors

- BETA: Datapack part for ​[L5327]:

        - Fixing some voiced commands and implementing missing actions.

            - StatsVCmd fix by brutus, thanks.

- BETA: Chest Caught Quests from Jython to Java by nonom (thanks Adry_85 for testing).

- BETA: Remove old Fear hardcoded restrictions (used due patchnotes before IL/CT1), thanks Copyleft.

- BETA: Fixing duplicated adena in some multisells.

- BETA: Minor fix in ItemSkillTemplate?, for items used by pets.

    Thanks for report and tests:

        - DareStrike?

        - thecast

        - MELERIX

- BETA: Minor fix for Polymorph admin command by jurchiks.

- BETA: More for [8816]

        - Validating target not gm it's self

        - Cleanup

- BETA: Restrictions added in [8814] must apply only for admin_transform command

- BETA: Fixing "Lanosco's Special Bait" quest.

- BETA: Old bytecode files should be cleaned before compiling, other way it will compile wrong sources.

- BETA: Builder using "bin" folder (like in Eclipse) instead of "classes".

- BETA: Bug fix for [5020] for potions not allowed if acting character is physically muted.

        - Thanks Drumatrix for report and badboy29 for confirm and initial test.

        - Fixes Shield Slam and similar skills.

- BETA: L2Character rework:

            - getSkills() returns Collection<L2Skill> no arrays/nulls anymore

            - Many FastList/FastMap? to ArrayList/HashMap? when synchronizations aren't required.

            - Javolution where synchronization is required.

            - Added getSkills() into L2CharTemplate to prevent from casting.

        - L2ZoneType rework:

            - Added new methods getCharacters(), getPlayersInside()

            - Many FastList/FastMap? to ArrayList/HashMap? when synchronizations aren't required.

            - Javolution where synchronization is required.

- BETA: Cubic related fixes:

        - Moving cubics back to FastMap? (reverting that from [4797]).

        - Fixed cubics not removed on subclass change, etc (stopCubics() method) by Starter, thanks.

        - Cleaned up for useless booleans, etc.

        - AttackStanceTaskManager? logic fix.

        - Avoiding using accessors inside the class where the field is declared.

- BETA: Fix for NPE while restoring clan wars

        - Methods that listeners was located in are used only to restore data now they are moved where they belong.

        - Moving initial equipment from CharTemplateTable? its not required to be there :)

        - Removing 'this' from L2Effect

- BETA: Fixing possible client crash due unbound buy of items (weight and inventory slots not validated).

        - Thanks Starter for report and first implementation.

        - This generic version implements exchangeItemsById(..) for information refers to its JavaDocs?.

            - Try to use it instead of destroyItem/addItem methods.

        - Cleanup related to this changes.

- BETA: Reverting [5234] due several vulnerability on account name, thanks tukune for report.

- BETA: Condition Player Race shouldn't check player's race if the acting character isn't a player.

        - Thanks Tavo22, goncafa for report.

        - Thanks MELERIX for first fix implementation and info about the bug.

- BETA: Fix for Geometry in Changeset [5320] (thanks MELERIX for help).

- BETA: Vuln-Prof Fixes...

    - Fixed "ValakasVuln/Prof?" for the "Valakas Items" to work properly (is based in the existent support, so just some things renamed/changed to use the right values).

    - Fixed "DebuffVuln/Prof?" for the "Debuff Skills" to work properly (now is based on isDebuff boolean and skillType, so it should solve the issues of some Debuff skills not being resisted properly, like DISARM and some others).

- BETA: Fix for "oncast_skill" condition.

- BETA: * ZoneManager? rework

        - Using DocumentParser?

        - Using HashMap/ArrayList? when synchronization isn't required instead of Javolution

        - DocumentParser?

            - new Method parseDouble (self explaining)

            - new method getCurrentFile (returns reference of current processing File)


guys just compiled latest svn (unstable) but can not get  server running,i get errorsin both LS and GS.do i also need a hexid file bc register game server does not work

hope someone can help


//edit solved


plz help


why when i'm talk for buff with my npc buffer  it show "I'm nothing to say to you"  i think  make it right  to execute sql and script in cfg and folder custom/quest        this problem how can i do  plz help me T^T  i can't buff *-*


Check these lines :

QUEST_ID = 555




NPC_ID = 555

Maybe your NPC_ID is different and that is why you can't see the buffs :)


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