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interlude [Interlude L2J] L2Relapse


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If you got lag ,this means that not all but I think that are you and stupid !


Look here nobb  http://www.mypicx.com/01082010/relapse/

Look here nobb http://www.speedtest.net/result/675690849.png

The server is a copy of shit. Name, website, feature

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Look here nobb http://www.speedtest.net/result/675690849.png

The server is a copy of shit. Name, website, feature


I think you speck just for you  !

I think I will not do than stay here and maligned all server  like girls !

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Man in his srv  is last l2dvc , and l2dvc login 200 ppl !

I think you speck just for you  !

I think I will not do than stay here and maligned all server  like girls !

1s: Dont Make double Posts -.-

2s: You dont answer me...

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I think you speck just for you  !

I think I will not do than stay here and maligned all server  like girls !

do you even know what malign means?

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We cant lock the topic???

why should we request for lock?is always a server and till(very soon) it will go down,we can't:)


anyway a failed wannabe admin first should learn basics for make and develop a server oh and MUST learn english-.-

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