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[Preview] L2 Wars a new Dimension of Lineage 2


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To tell you the truth, Intrepid is right.

There is nothing so special, that needs all that work.


Half things have been shared here, the other 1/4 exist in projects, and the only special is some custom voiced commands that show you general infos..


Using the Gracia Chronicle, would give you more chances to gather many players in the server.



Anyway, good luck.

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lol man.. i see theres no reason with you since you decided... those things that can be made in configs... yes its my --> NOTES <-- so i know what to put into more detailed desc.. its just hard to describe all server when even a preview is this long..


anyway i wont even start on the topic links you made.. lol man i can make same for a new game lets go wow... im sure you can get a copy now what? i never played most of all this mods in l2.. i just make em so im sure its something different not same... i know concepts from its soul purpose lol.. i mean what you expect some miracle to happen? its a l2 private server. first ill add things like my faction mod which will result in whole anarchy not just some npc to choose sides oO.. just for infor maybe.. every town that is siegable has its own npc race and an anarchy consisting soldiers, archers, mages, elties and royals for all previous 3, champions and in end the lord.. with siege artifact ofc and usually some specialty like dwarfs mix with mechanical types etc..... its not c/p.. or same as any other and its a base that includes most there even is in todays privates... im planning to work on this project and if i can do all of the above in a week.. =)


atleast you can talk like a mature not like a freeking kid like Dream do.Anyway ok im not going to argue i just answered for Dreams question and by the way the bootup time means nothing the allocated memory and cpu usage is the key if you can reduce a full l2j gracia epilogue or final pack which use around 420mb memory and 600mb allocated and you can reduce it to around 250mb and under 400mb allocated than we talk about performance :)

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Using the Gracia Chronicle, would give you more chances to gather many players in the server.


Not really cuz believe me old school guys that like Kamael / HB/ GR/ EP play on Retail instead of wasting time on servers that will never reach true Lineage. So Interlude is best option for a new, epic server.

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Not really cuz believe me old school guys that like Kamael / HB/ GR/ EP play on Retail instead of wasting time on servers that will never reach true Lineage. So Interlude is best option for a new, epic server.


how many times i heard that and the result is always the same a sweet epic failure ;)

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how many times i heard that and the result is always the same a sweet epic failure ;)


I was never wrong, and i doubt i will be wrong this time but time will show of course. I promise you i'll really proove you wrong once our server goes live.

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Cuz you are a sucktard and you cant kill even 1 guy if its not your alt-tab char


//joke off


Anyway ranks give insparation for people to fight more so its ok.


I don't think it will be as inspirational as you think, If you played at Infinite Skills servers, then there's good inspiration, you kill your enemy, and it drops adena or something? I don't remember exactly, and if you get 5 kills in a row you get hero glow until your next death. The server was really bad, but the idea was good.

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I was never wrong, and i doubt i will be wrong this time but time will show of course. I promise you i'll really proove you wrong once our server goes live.


than go ahead and proove me wrong ;)

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atleast you can talk like a mature not like a freeking kid like Dream do.Anyway ok im not going to argue i just answered for Dreams question and by the way the bootup time means nothing the allocated memory and cpu usage is the key if you can reduce a full l2j gracia epilogue or final pack which use around 420mb memory and 600mb allocated and you can reduce it to around 250mb and under 400mb allocated than we talk about performance :)


its why i had to use the "for example" lol.. i didnt test anything else yet and i cant act smart before i do.. however i see noticable changes on how fast it loads..


i dont think chronicle is a limit.. its just a matter of adjusting the code and atm its all in gracia part2 lol, i just dont have access to official servers or some special interest in catching up to date.. and im not using half made projects..

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its why i had to use the "for example" lol.. i didnt test anything else yet and i cant act smart before i do.. however i see noticable changes on how fast it loads..


i dont think chronicle is a limit.. its just a matter of adjusting the code and atm its all in gracia part2 lol, i just dont have access to official servers or some special interest in catching up to date.. and im not using half made projects..


to be honest interlude is not even half made its around 10% :)


ok you can buy some really nice russian source for a hell of a lot money but thats another story

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I think people missed the intention of this topic:

So a friend of mine is soon opening a server and i want your opinion about it. It will be most likely Interlude here are the features leave comments.

And I suppose things like: it sucks, cause you suck or something like that doesn't help very much ^^


I'll give my, hopefully not to prejudiced, opinion on some things:

- I agree with Lain about the colors, although only title colors might work also to keep the recommendation system relevant. I do like the idea of having ranks, but do something interesting with it.


- Full buff is indeed a little bit unbalancing I think, but I'm not sure as I haven't tested it alot. But I can imagine that classes like Orc mage get pretty big advantages because of their Fighter/Mage diversity. Same counts for Shilen Knight and other Tanks. But this also depends on how you want to change the PvP environment (some servers intentionally make nukers better for example)


- Interlude... I don't dislike the chronicle, and I do dislike some aspects of the newer chronicles, but there are many things that still make me prefer Gracia (based on features, not on server stability, as I know nothing of it, haven't compared interlude projects with newer gracia packs)


- (general opinion) I would not be thinking of what icon I give my new currency if you are still discussing the main features. If you'd clear out the list of features a bit and make the discussion clear, you prevent replies to single features.


- Faction is a nice mod, but as Intrepid mentions, if you want something really NEW, you need to think of something even more departed from other mods :)



I have many ideas, like for Ranks and different mods that I'd like to share to anyone, but I think it's better to discuss them on PM/msn, if you are interested.


Eitherway, I wish you guys luck with this project :)



PS: It's not a lie that many private server players play Interlude: there are many OFF servers for sure, and also some Java with quite the population, but I don't know exact numbers, but I think it shouldnt be underestimated. And unfortunately they are often not easily convinced :/



I don't think it will be as inspirational as you think, If you played at Infinite Skills servers, then there's good inspiration, you kill your enemy, and it drops adena or something? I don't remember exactly, and if you get 5 kills in a row you get hero glow until your next death. The server was really bad, but the idea was good.

Things like this interest me the most as well: small changes with pretty big impact. I played there too for a long time, but enchanting bored me :P They also had town wars, really nice.
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I don't think it will be as inspirational as you think, If you played at Infinite Skills servers, then there's good inspiration, you kill your enemy, and it drops adena or something? I don't remember exactly, and if you get 5 kills in a row you get hero glow until your next death. The server was really bad, but the idea was good.


well thats the kind of thing im interested in.. so youre full lvl and bored.. what now lol, anyway i didnt see a server that would combine all this mods yet.. alltho i dont rlly check much and there is many new.. like target a mob and fly with it(eventually youll kill something.. capture it and then lvl.. with some achievements youll be able to get it ti ride and fly).. maybe im wrong but i didnt see it anywhere and i looked around few forums.. lol, or real estate mod.. buy land anywhere on map thats not used and you can spawn decorations/servants.. keep ppl out.. its a base ^^


to be honest interlude is not even half made its around 10% :)


ok you can buy some really nice russian source for a hell of a lot money but thats another story


im not rlly a good gamer, geek.. or whatever.. so i wont argue with the % lol, i just see the systems work, ppl dont complain.. and if pvp will work i couldnt care less about retail lol, i choose il so theres not much worrys about retail, were building an upgrade anyway..


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well thats the kind of thing im interested in.. so youre full lvl and bored.. what now lol, anyway i didnt see a server that would combine all this mods yet.. alltho i dont rlly check much and there is many new.. like target a mob and fly with it(eventually youll kill something.. capture it and then lvl.. with some achievements youll be able to get it ti ride and fly).. maybe im wrong but i didnt see it anywhere and i looked around few forums.. lol, or real estate mod.. buy land anywhere on map thats not used and you can spawn decorations/servants.. keep ppl out.. its a base ^^

Hmm the estate mod doesn't sound so fun ^^ I'd rather play a game just about that xD Although with castles and Clan halls it's still quite ok

The capturing mobs and ride them is hard but possible, and sounds fun and original ^^ you need a good client dev


anyway, I got more ideas if you are interested, I'd say pm/msn, but I also could post them here if you want?

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I have many ideas, like for Ranks and different mods that I'd like to share to anyone, but I think it's better to discuss them on PM/msn, if you are interested.


i completely agree.. and tbh im good at programming, i suck at geeking.. probably cuz i dont do it.. so i have few ppl to help me with balance for one(this was originally friends server who i know plays l2 enough years to make a balance good for most ppl and thats all he modded) and ofc gameplay.. storylines even =P


anyway.. id welcome any suggestions(use msg if you wish i can give you msn), i suppose its why this topic is here lol, only problem is if we only spam different systems.. ppl get confused and dont rlly read all desc even.. so this game plan should at least have some central point and its basically why i added the faction system.. =P


Hmm the estate mod doesn't sound so fun ^^ I'd rather play a game just about that xD Although with castles and Clan halls it's still quite ok

The capturing mobs and ride them is hard but possible, and sounds fun and original ^^ you need a good client dev


anyway, I got more ideas if you are interested, I'd say pm/msn, but I also could post them here if you want?


problem is that if all world is pvpable and towns siegable.. we have 2 bases with guards(they obey theyre faction members.. follow etc..), trade zone and thats about it for the safe zones, so we dont need all world spawns and this way ppl can decorate it with anything rlly.. youll have scrolls to spawn stuff inside it and invite ppl in or theyre ported out so youre safe at home =P



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it's sound Pro And nice


But i think have a lot of commands liek .join and etc


btw good luck


What exactly do you mean?

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