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[Preview] L2 Wars a new Dimension of Lineage 2


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well i couldnt join for some reasons , i think many guys would join this but wouldn't me.


i stoped playing on IL servers as long i was developing it saw how much hell unstable they are plus that almost no server had admins that all day long online and fix (i dont say i was one) also they are hell unbalanced except if there are at least 2 professinal lineagers staffers that can handle reporting the skills and potions , etc and 2 professional developers that can manage fixing them (we had not full them in our servers).


i also wont play because i see a big ego-pathetic dude , pretending the smart and big guy and how old are you mate?20?22 ok i maybe 15 but you cant call me a child when actually a have a point in this conversation and i am trying and i believe i succeed talking seriusly.Intrepid is the one who teached me all i know till now , and yes if you see the things in the other way you can easily understand how it works beetween clients..There are many servers like this out there , if you make it G.Final or Epilogue you will fail because of RoyalKingdoms which (let me say the truth) will be x5 better Faction server because simple , there is a staff that chekout all the oportunities and have a damned knowledge and when i see a dude , in case you , saying that Intrepid is out of knowledge it shows that the retarded here is no intrepid but someone other



ps: i am waiting the classical reply "gtfo kid" or w/e


no one said you're a kid. now gtfo kid. [thats what you wanted]


atm the only retard here is you ;)


okay than lets base on facts:

1.no buff limit this makes the unabalance because you can put to yourself 6-7 line buff and than every char is a 1man army so guess what only a FEW class playable but not most of them which means 6-7 class played others crap.


2.interlude is the most crappy client ever you can say its not i dont care since non of you ONLY i repeat ONLY Lain can come up with a valid point others just "i hate kamael so i like il".


3.we have divided players into two major armies, each fighting a never-ending battle, sieging towns to earn their right as the one true ruler of the world, you said this and you know whats this?this is a faction server concept.


4.i dont care about who do it an l2j developer or a java programmer a wannabe or a sun programmer that doesnt really matter what matters is all the mods you listed are shared so dont tell me they make anything special while they dont!And by the way a few of the features made by me so guess what you use a guys stuff on your server who as you said have lack of knowledge :)


Ok so let's start with the explanation thanks for opening me a chance to prove you WRONG!


You said no buff limit makes charecters unbalanced. If it makes 1 class unbalanced it makes all classes unbalanced. => There wont be any unbalanced classes. We are not brainless creatures that do not know what will be the consequences leading from 1 thing to another we know when we do that this will happen and to prevent this we do another thing as i said server is not on so you cannot base on real arguments for class unbalancements.



2. Interlude is the most stable chronicle if worked on with dexterity and precise. You can't accept it cuz you never tried it or if you tried it you got bored the first time you couldn't find a way to fix the "goddamn error"


3. Yes it will be faction-like that doesn't mean players can't choose to be neutral


4.back on arguments give me links of all shares and i'll accept the last part.


I wont answer Revenger there's no point in asnwering Intrepid[2]


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1st its interlude most crappy client ever

2nd unlimited buffslot that means 0 balance

3rd thats not a new dimension of lineage thats just GvE with other name

4th gold and euro as i see from this its client modded result again the same make a basically unstable client more unstable and unbalanced


and by the way sry to say that dream but all of the mods you listed are shared :) if they are really programmers atleast do something on thier own :)


result is the same like with every interlude server = 2month lifetime max


Sorry if this hurt someone but i really dont care whats in my heart in my mouth bye


1.. i dont like interlude compared to gracia ether, but it seems like most does.. ether ways ppl that make balance say its best to work with it and tbh i care more about balance than how my interface looks.. its not a big problem tho.. i could easy move the code, especially since it was originally made in gracia part2.. but first id like to see l2j produce a pack that works or at least supports all retail stuff so i dont have to deal with that too..

2.. i dont make the balance for our team, but i trust ones that do.. and im sure they based it on full buffs

3.. youre right it doesnt look like one at first.. basically its cuz this are just my crappy notes i made for myself lol.. and i guess dream just c/ped most of it lol.. so errr this is like a preview of the preview and wasnt really meant as a full description =P

anyway whats written is a part of the base which will be expanded.. its why i choose il in the end.. i can finally clean the source and maybe run a stable l2j for a change... use only whats needed and for example so fare i cut of 100s of the original 120s load time.. making it 20s which is usually faster than most players relog ^^

4.. i would like to make a test if someone that didnt know i added euro and gold to one client.. would see if theres any change compared to non moded.. my guess is none, but i guess its reasonable to think its less stable.. idk why you think it would unbalance anything? its just a currency.. and i think "adena" isnt a very balanced name =P

also.. idk why you say all of this mods are shared.. some are and cuz they arent in retail packs.. i listed em ofc.. i didnt leech anything but maybe sometimes before textures.. i dont think leeched code would fit in something as dedicated as my code.. i just dont wanna ruin the style =P

anyway i think you didnt read all or idk.. im sure there are things you didnt see before.. cuz i never even played a l2 gve.. so its kinda hard to copy ideas and tbh gve isnt a l2 idea lol... usually any interesting l2 mod has roots at some other game.


after that its really funny you dekarmed xAddytzu for hes behavior so atm i could easily do the same for you too :)

you should listen not only the ass licker opinions but the usefull ones which actually point out mistakes.


anyway have at your way i dont have anything to do with your server and with your childish act when someone dont say what you want to hear by that you just proove that you dont want to hear any opinion only the ones which says "gl i will join for sure" :)


Sorry if this hurt someone but i really dont care whats in my heart in my mouth bye


im sure he feels the same =)

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My opinion:



Kills  Color

Lord  Gold/Black

Champ  Gold/Black

1500  Gold/Black

1000  Yellow

700  Orange

500  Purple

300  Blue

100  Green

0  White



Kills Rank

1500 Cadet

2000 Lieutenant

3000 Captain

4000 Comander

5000 Major

6500 Lt. Colonel

8000 Colonel

10000 Brigadier

1200 Leader

15000 General

20000 Marshal

25000 Admiral


This is just stupid. I always hated systems like that, people running with ranks and colored names - loljavaaaaz.

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well i couldnt join for some reasons , i think many guys would join this but wouldn't me.


i stoped playing on IL servers as long i was developing it saw how much hell unstable they are plus that almost no server had admins that all day long online and fix (i dont say i was one) also they are hell unbalanced except if there are at least 2 professinal lineagers staffers that can handle reporting the skills and potions , etc and 2 professional developers that can manage fixing them (we had not full them in our servers).


i also wont play because i see a big ego-pathetic dude , pretending the smart and big guy and how old are you mate?20?22 ok i maybe 15 but you cant call me a child when actually a have a point in this conversation and i am trying and i believe i succeed talking seriusly.Intrepid is the one who teached me all i know till now , and yes if you see the things in the other way you can easily understand how it works beetween clients..There are many servers like this out there , if you make it G.Final or Epilogue you will fail because of RoyalKingdoms which (let me say the truth) will be x5 better Faction server because simple , there is a staff that chekout all the oportunities and have a damned knowledge and when i see a dude , in case you , saying that Intrepid is out of knowledge it shows that the retarded here is no intrepid but someone other



ps: i am waiting the classical reply "gtfo kid" or w/e


when il was still deving im sure it sucked as much as any latest rev.. but now it actually stands for some balance.. alltho im no fan of augmentation.. so im not sure what to do with this system.. would rather have something you get from killing ppl with a certain item and build it than add a bounch of random.. and we saw what it did to the pvp after the "interesting" point..


however if you have problems with dream lol.. i can understand you dont want to play on same server and all, but id like to point out.. i dont rlly believe in non programmed rules and our gms wont be able to just ban cuz of feeling offended.. its one thing to ban someone for scamming.. and another for being a newbie that cant program his server the way he wants it to run lol...

you can ask for ban ofc... if someone has time you can get it, but if youll just flame gms etc.. i think we can all agree ppl like that are usually cast outs and the community deals with them i mean.. every server has bad guys, i just dont want that to be my gms and it should all just result in more pvp..



i feel the same lol and again its just some notes i made for myself.. i guess they make enough sense to dream so theyre posted.. but al it rlly means is that ill use some colors to define ranks based on kills.. those 2 tables should be 1 btw

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My opinion:



Kills  Color

Lord  Gold/Black

Champ  Gold/Black

1500  Gold/Black

1000  Yellow

700  Orange

500  Purple

300  Blue

100  Green

0  White



Kills Rank

1500 Cadet

2000 Lieutenant

3000 Captain

4000 Comander

5000 Major

6500 Lt. Colonel

8000 Colonel

10000 Brigadier

1200 Leader

15000 General

20000 Marshal

25000 Admiral


This is just stupid. I always hated systems like that, people running with ranks and colored names - loljavaaaaz.


Cuz you are a sucktard and you cant kill even 1 guy if its not your alt-tab char


//joke off


Anyway ranks give insparation for people to fight more so its ok.

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actually i played interlude on official from PTS to the end of it so i have a pretty good exp with it.


2.thats why even a 10y old kid can hack anything in it ;)


3.that dont change the fact faction/faction-like the basic concept is the same so again...what so special in your concept?


for your bufflimit thing i dont need to see the server you know thats the difference i know a server can be balanced and the first thing that make balance is the bufflimit if you allow 6-7 line for everyone it will make all char unbalanced in stats in resists and generally with skill powers/reuse delays i dont see the balance here.


and for the server features:


Server Info:

- auto loot all non raid drops

- no experience loss on death

- players with karma cant be killed in safe zone

- all world teleports are free

- crafting disabled

- you can have up to 5 sub-classes

- no weight penalty

- unlimited buff slots

- max number of clans in an alliance is 5

- 10 members needed to request a clan war

- no death penalty


all with config files it needs soo much knowledge to rewrite a text file :(


Game play is based on power, player vs player combat and world domination. To ensure maximum pvp, we have divided players into two major armies, each fighting a never-ending battle, sieging towns to earn their right as the one true ruler of the world, while every individual plays their own role, enlarging their land and possessions.


1npc instance that register to the 2 faction can be taken for example:





Experience, which is needed for next level can ether be obtained by killing mobs(below lvl 50), or by slaying enemy army member(above lvl 50) and is calculated so you need 2 kills for level 2, 3kills for lvl 3 etc...

Party gives 50% of the gold to all members.

- auto skill, occupation updates

- custom sub-class Quest(max lvl is 85 and starts with lvl 50),

- auto noblesse at 1000 kills

- each rank has new name color

- weapon enchant level increases on player kill (+5 max)

- max enchant is 25

- shop up to s grade

- SA equipment obtainable at special shop

- players below lvl 50 can only kill same grade enemy faction members

- players above lvl 50 can only kill enemy faction players above level 50


this part contain well from the gve engines i showed above it can be taked easily atm im lazy to do it the auto noblesse eg 2 line with an activeChar declaration 4 the each rank has new color is again if{}else if{}else{} with a setAppearance nothing more nothing less 15sec to code


max subclass lvl85:



shops well i dont think that it needed since there are too much shared shop on the forum and i havent seen your yet but i dont think its different from a normal multisell shop.



Kills   Color

Lord   Gold/Black

Champ   Gold/Black

1500   Gold/Black

1000   Yellow

700   Orange

500   Purple

300   Blue

100   Green

0   White



Kills Rank

1500 Cadet

2000 Lieutenant

3000 Captain

4000 Comander

5000 Major

6500 Lt. Colonel

8000 Colonel

10000 Brigadier

1200 Leader

15000 General

20000 Marshal

25000 Admiral





the ranking is the same just another method used.


- Towns

each town and village can be sieged

faction owning most towns is world ruler

town raid boss and guards protect owners

clan halls can be bought by town owners

guards drop S grade armor/weapon enchant scrolls and special items lvl1


thats a faction concept in 1 of the faction engines i linked above it can be found if not i search the one on other forum im just lazy to do it atm


just a few other because this start to get a bit long


Unlimited: Arrows/Bolts/SoulShots/BlessedSpiritShots - You just need to have 1 of those items!  coded by me here: http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=54966.0


Trade Refusal Mode for players (.tradeoff/.tradeon) coded by me here: http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=48161.0


Hero Skills on Subclasses coded by Cobra and me too here: http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=49190.0 and here: http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=44025.0


Mail System coded by janiii or the l2jfree team both version is shared idk which one you will use


Quake Announce Kill System! coded by MaestroLuke here: http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=78071.0


Olympiad Restrict Same IP alredy shared for example in most of the il forks in l2jfree and if im not wrong in l2j too


thats all for now its too long so i dont continue it...

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WTF?! So much blah blah for a preview. rofl


I am bored to read all your posts. >.>

Indeed so many guys trying to spam my thread just because they are unable to face that it looks and it will be good.

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Indeed so many guys trying to spam my thread just because they are unable to face that it looks and it will be good.

I Think you server will be the best omg man i like this features xD
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actually i played interlude on official from ............


lol man.. i see theres no reason with you since you decided... those things that can be made in configs... yes its my --> NOTES <-- so i know what to put into more detailed desc.. its just hard to describe all server when even a preview is this long..


anyway i wont even start on the topic links you made.. lol man i can make same for a new game lets go wow... im sure you can get a copy now what? i never played most of all this mods in l2.. i just make em so im sure its something different not same... i know concepts from its soul purpose lol.. i mean what you expect some miracle to happen? its a l2 private server. first ill add things like my faction mod which will result in whole anarchy not just some npc to choose sides oO.. just for info maybe.. every town that is siegable has its own npc race and an anarchy consisting soldiers, archers, mages, elties and royals for all previous 3, champions and in end the lord.. with siege artifact ofc and usually some specialty like dwarfs mix with mechanical types etc..... its not c/p.. or same as any other and its a base that includes most there even is in todays privates... im planning to work on this project and if i can do all of the above in a week.. =)

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Well we can't really judge a server from a preview. When it comes live then you can add your comments. I like the interlude client and it's the only one i have on my pc :). When server is live i will join to test the futures.

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Well we can't really judge a server from a preview. When it comes live then you can add your comments. I like the interlude client and it's the only one i have on my pc :). When server is live i will join to test the futures.


That's what i tried to explain to everybody it's just a preview and if you do not know what a preview is it's a place where you say if you like or dislike the features and help us fix em so we can reach our goal - doing one of the best servers.

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