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So... WTH


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Hello there well i never played Gracia Final Before (I mean i did before, when it came out, i played like 3 gracia final servers)

So i have a question for Gracia Final...


Theres no chance for Adventure to beat facking Necromancer or SpellHowler?


Here are some information



- 2k M.def

- Vesper Light Set

- Vesper Dagger * Crit. Dmg.

- Buffs - Full (Without Berseker! But i tried to beat them also with berseker its the same result - M.def with berseker 1750.)

- Selfbuffs - Tried with Focus Power and Focus Chance | Using Vicious Stance

- Deadly Blow +10 | Vicious Stance +10 | (Skill enchant)

- Dyes: STR -4 | DEX +4 . . . STR -4 | CON +4

- 12k HP

- 1.1k Attack Speed (without berseker)

- Boss Jewelery +6




- 1700 - 2000 P.def (max)

- Vesper Robe

- Vesper Staff (Acumen i guess) +6

- Buffs - Full

- SelfBuffs - Empowering Echo, Arcane Power etc

- Drain HP +10 and Hurricane +10 - We tried to PvP/Duel without him using Drain HP i still lost rofl!

- Boss Jewelery +6



- I dont remember, he had staff +16 and i still lost...




So whats wrong? Please no n00b answers, i ask only skilled players here. I dont want someone to tell me OMG nub use robe to better dmg ^^


By the way, i saw a strange thing, every second duel we did - When i used 3-4 skills (Deadly Blow, Lethal Strike) i didnt dmg him rofl. It was beginning of the duel - i used 4-5 skills and he still got Full CP (maybe 1k dmged from 5+ facking skills rofl)





So can someone tell me WTH is this? Mage owns Adventurer every time + he have still some HP left like 2k+.

Also when i duel with Archers i own them (theres no strange thing with skills - like no dmg from 5+ skill lol) and i got left 6k+ everytime lol!

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Use dark potions & Attributes, this might help


Also, use ressist buffs, if u use all the dark ressist buffs they will do like 200~ dmg >.>

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Use dark potions & Attributes, this might help


Also, use ressist buffs, if u use all the dark ressist buffs they will do like 200~ dmg >.>


- Yeah forgot about that but there is none in GM shop

-  I have Resist Wind,Water,Fire,Poison,Elemental etc.


He dmged 1.2k - 1.5k i think.



So i think its impossible, from 4-6 skills i dmged him 0 demage - it didnt even say you delivered XXX damage - Only You use Deadly blow or you use Lethal Strike etc. PS This is sometimes happening, not always

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- Yeah forgot about that but there is none in GM shop

There are 2 npcs, at aden and at rune. Search for them, they cost like nothing.


-  I have Resist Wind,Water,Fire,Poison,Elemental etc.

He dmged 1.2k - 1.5k i think.

And how much u did? if u did less than 1k, then server is unbalanced.

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There are 2 npcs, at aden and at rune. Search for them, they cost like nothing.

And how much u did? if u did less than 1k, then server is unbalanced.


Well i think i did less - Cause if i crit 1k+ every skill or every second i would own him like before 30 minutes. Going to test AGAIN tomorrow and reply here. And when i told its unbalanced the mage told me No,No learn your class, very balance omg... He also told me not to use Focus Power/Chance :S


Searching atm for NPCs!

Edit: Founded - Now tomorrow testing dmg.

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it sounds strange coz in gracia dagger become stronger :O anyway if u use divine power and unholy protection necro it's not so strong.speaking about the tactic use mirage,trick and switch to cancel their target,run fast or use shadow step when u are close to him bluff and back stab,with a good weapon as vesper u have to do something like 3k.ah another thing put attribute stone on ur weapon and on ur armor to increase ur damage and increase ur elemental resistence

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maybe sh has enchanted passive skills for m atk, casting and stuff.... but that doesnt increase that much :)


just a thought =)

enchanted passive skills for m attack and casting?


are u kidding me?



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enchanted passive skills for m attack and casting?


are u kidding me?



i'm not kidding you :/

you are able to enchant passive skills on fighters allso: atk speed, p def, evasion...

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I dont know Im new to gracia final and the icon was different from normal haste... Anyway its not metter i have some haste on 10.

Super Haste is GM skill and it's present since C1 if I recall it correctly....


Maybe you have Boost Atk. Speed =)



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i can just tell you that well played SH can own adventure on IL ( and it is shit for dagger vs mage/dagger owns there) but mine advice to you is use trick/switch, mirrage, and probably ask him maybe he got earth resist that fuck dagger /dance/antharas/ or atribute i dont know, also maybe server isnt balanced since you should atleast hit for 1.3-1.5k but i dont know... its hard to tell when you dont know is it off or java, and too much posibbilites...

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