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[Share][L2J] L2J-Dreams [IT]

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This is a new Java Project ,an Interlude project ;)


SVN : http://svn6.assembla.com/svn/L2j-dreams

TIMELINE : http://trac6.assembla.com/L2j-dreams/timeline


eXxX* is the owner of team...i must leave it ;)


Reason ? iPhone ;D I accepted to work for a rock source and to create a CUSTOM ISPW,automaticly with themes,games,etc...


Screen :



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I hope to stay alive more than 2months. Good luck!


http://trac6.assembla.com/L2j-dreams/changeset/9 -> return; missing :D

http://trac6.assembla.com/L2j-dreams/changeset/10 -> you need more cleanup

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Pf another Interlude..

A little tip: Use Gracia for a new project, now that you haven't made many commits.

Good luck.


Q: Why u post it here? O.o wrong section maybe? O.o



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interlude project...ohh cmon max 2 week and it will die its simple as that you can work on it hard you can work it long but that dont change the fact interlude is dead(god bless mxc to kill it :P )

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