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[Suggestion]L2JEmu,L2J,L2JFree or?



hi guys,i know that many of you will answer l2j! do not use l2emu(at least 1 of you will answer like this) but i saw that l2emu is reborned and i used(and i still use) l2j because i like it and seems to be quite good.Or should i use l2jfree?

i use G.FINAL CHRONICLE(i forgot to mention that)

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well yes i am between l2j,l2emu and l2jfree and as what i heard l2jfree should have better and more features than l2j,is that true?i just want to hear which pack should i choose for g.final.
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L2JEmu why?


1.it's very good project but you need stable and compiled srver pack

2.easy install DB


i choose L2JEmu :)

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L2JEmu why?


1.it's very good project but you need stable and compiled srver pack

2.easy install DB


i choose L2JEmu :)

well i just need to know if the new developers will keep it updated:P and also a friend told me that some npcs(after he downloaded the dp) didn't work,is that true?i think that him done something wrong..anyway i just want some more replies:) (if Intrepid,Setekh and some others are here,give me ur opinion)
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but problem 90% of shares armors/weopns/npc etc. don't work in it

wait a sec,l2emu as i know is meant to be easier for customs..what are u talking about?someone can confirm what he say?it appears strange to me.
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wait a sec,l2emu as i know is meant to be easier for customs..what are u talking about?someone can confirm what he say?it appears strange to me.

There is no such thing, all Java packs got easy custom items adding.


The point is that L2emu uses different SQL form and perhaps different xml as well, and at most shares the SQL and xml are based on L2J, so you need to make that yourself.


I think I prefer L2Emu, but haven't tested it well enough to say. I see good changes at L2jfree as well, but I really don't know why I would choose that, I don't know so much of it. Perhaps Horus could give us a nice marketing chat why we all should use L2jfree :)


btw Horus, are you Dev there or something? Or you know the devs there well?

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1st. l2jfree

2st. l2j


4. l2emu


now its your choise

yes but i need some explanations,why should i choose l2j free?
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btw Horus, are you Dev there or something? Or you know the devs there well?

Yup. savor and I have our own project.


Anyway yes Cloud, JFree is not only more efficient as its by far more complete, and the staff is much more comprehensive and always attempts to help users in trouble.

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Yup. savor and I have our own project.


Anyway yes Cloud, JFree is not only more efficient as its by far more complete, and the staff is much more comprehensive and always attempts to help users in trouble.

k Horus,this means that i'll try l2jfree and that i can ask u for any problem?(after asking in l2jfree forum ofc^^) thx anyway waiting for more opinions.
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Well, you should choose l2jfree, because:

1. Activity (although the team is a lot smaller than l2jserver, l2joff, l2emu, l2open, l2jarchid or w/e known public serverpack)

2. Quick support (however, currently the only supported release is "latest trunk", and due to 1. it changes fast, so you must submit a bug report fast or you will need to revalidate it)

3. Developers working on really needed things (e.g. missing skill enchant routes) instead of bs that's already working (think CS) and don't ignore bug reports.

4. At least one dev working with a new retail feature implementation at one time (Cratae Cube retail, Dimensional Merchant hunting helper exchange, skill enchant routes & values)


a) Devastated castle working (think C2)

b) Siege traps working (think C?)

c) NO MORE TARGET JUMPING!!!!!!!! (you know, when you are NOT A MAGE and you MASS PVP, when you kill a guy and select a new target and use /attack (or ATTACK ICON) and you have a ping HIGHER THAN 50 (still - NO LAG AT ALL), instead of attacking you will target your old target (dead), then the new target, then the old, then new... You will attack roughly 5-6 seconds later (if you'll still be alive; chance < 1%). The only way around this FUCKING BAG is to wait before spamming /attack (still, you take damage) or use skill (bad idea for archers)).

d) Lava working (blazing swamp, forge of gods, LoV)

e) Swamp of Screams decrease speed areas working

f) Some AI exploits fixed (something with attack speed up and using bow attack and skills at the same time)

& more...

6. Project is actively developed since C5. It's not some "hey guys we just created a new pack based on l2****, so we're gonna do some minor changes for leik 3 mo, then we're gonna die or close the pack and drop all support" server pack.

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