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Well, just because I am bored of the 1k topics with the problem "My buffer shows me a message that I don't meet the criteria".

Well, in this guide you will find any possible reason.

I am sure that after this, you will get rid of this problem.



- If the buffer is a Core Side Buffer, and somebody else has made it, you must have the source codes to fix the error that you'll see. If the pack is preconfigured, and the buffer is made at Core Side, then you won't be able to fix it.


- If you are using a pack with a normal buffer (DP Side everything, using quests) then make sure that the files of the buffer are at: "C:\server\gameserver\data\scripts\custom" for Gracia Final and "C:\gameserver\data\jscript\custom" for Interlude.


- Make sure that your buffer uses at least 1 htm/html file, in order to show the starting message which is almost always the "hi bla bla bla" and the "Buff Me" button.


- Make sure that the NPC that you are using as buffer, has the type "L2NPCBuffer" and nothing else like Merchant, etc.


- Make sure that you have an NPC to use as an NPC Buffer


- Make sure that you have added the Buffer's Quest (at most time, the quest's name is 9999_NPCBuffer) at the file scripts.cfg. Then you must log in your server, and press "//quest_reload (and here the quest)". For example:

//quest_reload 9999NPC_Buffer


- Make sure that your server Can Read Quests. To check it, just talk to a few quest npcs, or Check the GS Console.


- If you are using Interlude, then make sure that at the "custom" folder with the custom quests, there is a __init__.py file.

You must open it, and insert your buffer's quest as well!


- Make sure that the imports at the __init__.py. What do I mean? Take a look:


This is how the Buffer's Imports are in each project:




import sys
from com.l2jarchid.gameserver.model.actor.instance import L2PcInstance
from java.util import Iterator
from com.l2jarchid.gameserver.datatables import SkillTable
from com.l2jarchid			       import L2DatabaseFactory
from com.l2jarchid.gameserver.model.quest import State
from com.l2jarchid.gameserver.model.quest import QuestState
from com.l2jarchid.gameserver.model.quest.jython import QuestJython as JQuest





import sys
from net.sf.l2j.gameserver.model.actor.instance import L2PcInstance
from java.util import Iterator
from net.sf.l2jrver.datatables import SkillTable
from net.sf.l2j			       import L2DatabaseFactory
from net.sf.l2j.gameserver.model.quest import State
from net.sf.l2j.gameserver.model.quest import QuestState
from net.sf.l2j.gameserver.model.quest.jython import QuestJython as JQuest





import sys
from com.l2jfree.gameserver.model.actor.instance import L2PcInstance
from java.util import Iterator
from com.l2jfree.gameserver.datatables import SkillTable
from com.l2jfree			       import L2DatabaseFactory
from com.l2jfree.gameserver.model.quest import State
from com.l2jfree.rver.model.quest import QuestState
from com.l2jfree.gameserver.model.quest.jython import QuestJython as JQuest





import sys
from com.l2emu.gameserver.model.actor.instance import L2PcInstance
from java.util import Iterator
from com.l2emu.gameserver.datatables import SkillTable
from com.l2emu			       import L2DatabaseFactory
from com.l2emu.gameserver.model.quest import State
from com.l2emu.rver.model.quest import QuestState
from com.l2emu.gameserver.model.quest.jython import QuestJython as JQuest





import sys
from net.sf.l2j.gameserver.model.actor.instance import L2PcInstance
from java.util import Iterator
from net.sf.l2jrver.datatables import SkillTable
from net.sf.l2j			       import L2DatabaseFactory
from net.sf.l2j.gameserver.model.quest import State
from net.sf.l2j.gameserver.model.quest import QuestState
from net.sf.l2j.gameserver.model.quest.jython import QuestJython as JQuest





import sys
from net.sf.l2j.gameserver.model.actor.instance import L2PcInstance
from java.util import Iterator
from net.sf.l2jrver.datatables import SkillTable
from net.sf.l2j			       import L2DatabaseFactory
from net.sf.l2j.gameserver.model.quest import State
from net.sf.l2j.gameserver.model.quest import QuestState
from net.sf.l2j.gameserver.model.quest.jython import QuestJython as JQuest


That's it!



Well, yes, quite simple but people are spamming with the same error again and again..


I Hope that I gave some solutions..







great share give him +2 karma and promote him to admin asap.


Seriously, its good, cuz I remember when ppl were asking why their buffers dont work 3-4 times a day :D


nC Coyote but I believe that if you cant fix this then QQ for l2java...


Nah, most of them use preconfigured packs (and yes leeroy, I mean packs ready, created by other users) and don't even know the most simple and common things..




great share give him +2 karma and promote him to admin asap.


Seriously, its good, cuz I remember when ppl were asking why their buffers dont work 3-4 times a day :D


Should I suspect some irony, mister leeroy?


Ye give him -1 karma for irony too...


w/e i dont that a newbie will do that :D, I mean that they are too bored even to compie, they just download  pre-packs and test them.


But sure your guide is pro, thanks.


Nah, most of them use preconfigured packs (and yes leeroy, I mean packs ready, created by other users) and don't even know the most simple and common things..


Should I suspect some irony, mister leeroy?

dont make me to remind you who asked me for support for packs like archid and so on before :D


nah, its the truth meng.


Ye give him -1 karma for irony too...


If you have nothing to tell in my topic, then please get out of it.

I want it clean, without spam or irony.


dont make me to remind you who asked me for support for packs like archid and so on before :D




If you have nothing to tell in my topic, then please get out of it.

I want it clean, without spam or irony.



lol? did i say only that? Check carefully dude, lol.


L2J imports have changed now (on Gracia Epilogue) and they're similar to L2JOfficial.


yes but epilogue on any project is unstable, plus that many packets dont work, and of course there are retail features missing.

So nobody has a reason to use epilogue. But once they fix the basics, I will update the topic, don't worry..


I dikia mou I buffer akoma exei problem

Mipws mpwreis kaneis na me voei8eisei me auto to problem?

Mou leei pali ta idia (Don't meet criteria kai tetoies vlakeis)

Plzzzzzz helppppppppp


I dikia mou I buffer akoma exei problem

Mipws mpwreis kaneis na me voei8eisei me auto to problem?

Mou leei pali ta idia (Don't meet criteria kai tetoies vlakeis)

Plzzzzzz helppppppppp


No way.

There HAS to be something.

You just can't find what.

Well, just search more.


I dikia mou I buffer akoma exei problem

Mipws mpwreis kaneis na me voei8eisei me auto to problem?

Mou leei pali ta idia (Don't meet criteria kai tetoies vlakeis)

Plzzzzzz helppppppppp


My buffer still have this problem :(

Can you help me with this problem ?

It tells me the same things (Don't meet criteria and etc, shits )

Plzzzzzzz Helppppppppp me :D



Actually, read Cayote's guide carefuly you might missed something. But can you tell us what buffer are you using, i mean what Python maybe is not working try a different buffer.

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