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[Guide]Edit stat-s.

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[move]Hi again! :) [/move]


It gonna be an usefull guide so read it! ^^


First: Tattoo/Armor/Weapon



Go here:



open XML what u need to edit.

I'm looking for Tattoo of Power in 0400-0499.xml.


default is:

<item id="485" name="Tattoo of Power">
   <add val="53" order="0x10" stat="pDef"/>
   <enchant val="0" order="0x0C" stat="pDef"/>


What we can add here?

    <add  order="0x40" stat="maxHp" val="5000"/> -  + max HP

    <add  order="0x40" stat="maxCp" val="250"/> - +max CP

    <mul  order="0x40" stat="pAtk" val="1.10"/> - + P.Attack power

    <mul  order="0x40" stat="pAtkSpd" val="1.10"/> - + Attack Speed

    <add  order="0x40" stat="maxMp" val="2000"/> - + Max MP

    <mul  order="0x40" stat="mAtk" val="1.10"/> - + M.Attack power

    <mul  order="0x40" stat="mAtkSpd" val="1.10"/>  - + Casting Speed

    <add val="53" order="0x10" stat="pDef"/> - +max pdefense

    <add val="53" order="0x10" stat="mDef"/> - +max mdefense

(i think that's enough)


[glow=green,2,300]What means what?[/glow]

You Can see here.



Mage tattoo like this:

<item id="485" name="Tattoo of Power">
    <add  order="0x10" stat="pDef"/>
    <add  order="0x40" stat="maxCp" val="250"/>
    <add  order="0x10" stat="mDef"/>
    <add  order="0x40" stat="maxMp" val="2000"/>
    <mul  order="0x40" stat="mAtk" val="1.10"/>
    <mul  order="0x40" stat="mAtkSpd" val="1.10"/>
   <enchant val="0" order="0x0C" stat="pDef"/>


We can change the values with:

val="how many stat we wan't to add with number" (example: val="44444")

order="how many % we want to add" (example: order="0x40" (+4%))


When we wan't to edit armor (usualy we add +pdef) the mode if the editing like this too.




go here:



I gonna edit : Vesper Trower what in: 13400-13499.



<item id="13467" name="Vesper Thrower">
   <set val="724" order="0x08" stat="pAtk"/>
   <set val="176" order="0x08" stat="mAtk"/>
   <set val="12" order="0x08" stat="rCrit"/>
   <add val="-3" order="0x10" stat="accCombat"/>
   <set val="293" order="0x08" stat="pAtkSpd"/>
   <enchant val="0" order="0x0C" stat="pAtk"/>
   <enchant val="0" order="0x0C" stat="mAtk"/>


What we can add here?

    <add  order="0x40" stat="maxHp" val="5000"/> -  + max HP

    <add  order="0x40" stat="maxCp" val="250"/> - +max CP

    <mul  order="0x40" stat="pAtk" val="1.10"/> - + P.Attack power

    <mul  order="0x40" stat="pAtkSpd" val="1.10"/> - + Attack Speed

    <add  order="0x40" stat="maxMp" val="2000"/> - + Max MP

    <mul  order="0x40" stat="mAtk" val="1.10"/> - + M.Attack power

    <mul  order="0x40" stat="mAtkSpd" val="1.10"/>  - + Casting Speed

    <add val="53" order="0x10" stat="pDef"/> - +max pdefense

    <add val="53" order="0x10" stat="mDef"/> - +max mdefense

(i think that's enough)


But,we only change the stats.


<item id="13467" name="Vesper Thrower">
   <set val="1000" order="0x08" stat="pAtk"/>
   <set val="176" order="0x08" stat="mAtk"/>
   <set val="15" order="0x08" stat="rCrit"/>
   <add val="-3" order="0x10" stat="accCombat"/>
   <set val="307" order="0x08" stat="pAtkSpd"/>
   <enchant val="0" order="0x0C" stat="pAtk"/>
   <enchant val="0" order="0x0C" stat="mAtk"/>



Second: The skills


Go here:





I gonna edit Flame chant,what in: 1000-1099.xml

<skill id="1002" levels="3" name="Flame Chant" enchantLevels1="30" enchantLevels2="30">
 <table name="#enchantMagicLvl"> 76 76 76 77 77 77 78 78 78 79 79 79 80 80 80 81 81 81 82 82 82 82 83 83 83 84 84 85 85 85 </table>
 <enchant1 name="magicLvl" val="#enchantMagicLvl"/>
 <enchant2 name="magicLvl" val="#enchantMagicLvl"/>
 <table name="#ench1time"> 1240 1280 1320 1360 1400 1440 1480 1520 1560 1600 1640 1680 1720 1760 1800 1840 1880 1920 1960 2000 2040 2080 2120 2160 2200 2240 2280 2320 2360 2400 </table>
 <table name="#ench2mpConsume"> 160 157 154 152 149 146 143 141 138 135 133 130 127 124 122 119 116 114 111 108 105 103 100 97 95 92 89 86 84 81 </table>
 <table name="#ench2mpInitialConsume"> 40 39 38 38 37 36 36 35 34 34 33 32 32 31 30 30 29 28 28 27 26 25 25 24 23 23 22 21 21 20 </table>
 <table name="#mpInitialConsume"> 21 31 41 </table>
 <table name="#mpConsume"> 84 123 163 </table>
 <table name="#mAtkSpd"> 1.15 1.23 1.3 </table>
 <table name="#aggro"> 285 418 532 </table>
 <set name="mpInitialConsume" val="#mpInitialConsume"/>
 <set name="mpConsume" val="#mpConsume"/>
 <set name="target" val="TARGET_PARTY"/>                                                 <---stats
 <set name="skillRadius" val="1000"/>
 <set name="reuseDelay" val="4000"/>
 <set name="hitTime" val="2500"/>
 <set name="skillType" val="BUFF"/>
 <set name="isMagic" val="true"/>
 <set name="operateType" val="OP_ACTIVE"/>
 <set name="aggroPoints" val="#aggro"/>
 <enchant2 name="mpConsume" val="#ench2mpConsume"/>
 <enchant2 name="mpInitialConsume" val="#ench2mpInitialConsume"/>
   <effect name="Buff" time="72000(it's the bufftime,it's set for 20 hour in seconds)" val="0" stackOrder="#mAtkSpd" stackType="casting_time_down">
     <mul order="0x30" stat="mAtkSpd" val="#mAtkSpd"/>
   <effect name="Buff" time="#ench1time" val="0" stackOrder="1.3" stackType="casting_time_down"> 
     <mul order="0x30" stat="mAtkSpd" val="1.3"/>



[move]::: credits to me :::

::: Watch updates,becouse the guide is undone! :::[/move]

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You means it:

val="how many stat we wan't to add with number" (example: val="44444")

order="how many % we want to add" (example: order="0x40" (+4%))


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add to the guide meaning of <mul> and <add> tag...

plus you should explain what does 0x10, 0x20, 0x30, 0x0C etc, because I really doubt, that they mean percent...

Rin4a pwn you ! :D:D:D


You can view all values right here http://www.l2jdp.com/trac/wiki/XML



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You can view all values right here http://www.l2jdp.com/trac/wiki/XML




This one really helps me out.

Was just busy changing some stats on tattoos and...

this makes life a lot easier!


Many thanks.

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