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Japanese Net Connection


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I heard Japanese's are making Net Connecting for big rich company's i heard its speed will / is 40GB per second ^^


Thats pretty nice dont you think?


Like download 20 Lineages in 1 second :D



/ If this belongs to spam section move it please , and sorry for that!

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40gbps makes internet like a game lol!

you open server at home and you don't give a shit.But i dont think that this is for home is it?


It could be maybe... But no one (Except Chuck Norris ^^) have that money to pay that net connection for home things ^^

(I mean they have money but i doubt they would do it :P)

As I said its for big and rich companies, for those who can afford it.

So i really doubt someone will pay so much money for his kid who want to host L2 server :D



[sRB] Zamisli imas tu konekciju xD

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In 50 years the 40gb/sec will be like 4mb/sec as it's now.


Yeah, well, i think they will figure out how to not download things from net. They will discover some shit with lasers or idk :P

Its like when u click - you got it :)

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