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[Share] Advanced Hitman (Global Daily Event)


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Hi, today ima share a more i'v been working on reciently..


Whats Hitman GDE ?


Well its almost like the game.. it has the baseics in it :D

Lests take for instance 2 characters.. Xler and Ylin.


Xler is mad cus he can't kill Ylin, and he gos to a Agent npc .. and Registers a hit on Ylin with an amount of adena (the Bounty).



So u added him then he wil get a msg seen here and your adena will be reduced depending what bounty u added.



When someone kills him, or you kill him the killer will get the bounty (a way to get your money back :D)



Also, theres a list where you can see online targets:


And a clear information about the target :D



The code is very clean.. i'v try to keep it clean as i could.. so its pritty simple to understand and modify it.

I'm waiting for your replays and i will continue to update it.. and add new feautures.


The target dosent have to be online.. everything can be managed offline also ^^

So try it out and tell me what you think :D


Download Link: Hit Me xD


Pack Used: L2J Server Gracia FInal ( It can be made for any client versions and packs.. it only needs a few tweeks )

Credits: Me

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Thanks guys.. let me know if any of you have new feautures ideas ^^


The Idea Is Perfect But One Q Can I Use It For IL Pack?


yes it can.. it can be used on any pack with a little tweeks ^^

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