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-= Support MaxCheaters.com =-


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Dear MaxCheaters,

This time we will need your support. Lately our forum is dramatically very laggy , and the only solution for this problem is to move from USA (Virtual Private Server) into a EUropian (Dedicated Server).

My target is to reach about 1000€ (Currently 805€ left) this month.


More specific:

Dedicated Server: 49€ First Month + 149€ Setup Fee + 26€ CPanel Licence = 224€ for 1st month. Then its 75€ per month

Freelancer/Developer: 700€ to recreate MaxCheaters.com. Our plans is to add Portal CMS,news, gaming network, l2 server site and more.


The only thing you have to do is to click this button at the bottom of this page. (scroll down) and donate as much as you want.

Dont forget to leave a comment here after your payment.



- Supporters from 50-99€ will have this MxC Support Award jh4ih2.gif in their Profile!

- Supporters more than 100€ will have this MxC Support Award 10f28eo.png in their Profile!


- Update: Donate now 25€ and become V.I.P. by using this coupon code: MXCSUPPORT (in PM) and win this Award jh4ih2.gif in your profile! (Until 20.12.09)

- First 10 Supporters who will get this Award 10f28eo.png can be added in Top10 list+their server banner forever in this topic.


-= Top 10 Supporters List =-


1. << Yournickhere >> Sponsor: << hxxp://yoursitehere >> Banner: << hxxp://yourbannerhere.jpg >>

2. << Yournickhere >> Sponsor: << hxxp://yoursitehere >> Banner: << hxxp://yourbannerhere.jpg >>

3. << Yournickhere >> Sponsor: << hxxp://yoursitehere >> Banner: << hxxp://yourbannerhere.jpg >>

4. << Yournickhere >> Sponsor: << hxxp://yoursitehere >> Banner: << hxxp://yourbannerhere.jpg >>

5. << Yournickhere >> Sponsor: << hxxp://yoursitehere >> Banner: << hxxp://yourbannerhere.jpg >>

6. << Yournickhere >> Sponsor: << hxxp://yoursitehere >> Banner: << hxxp://yourbannerhere.jpg >>

7. << Yournickhere >> Sponsor: << hxxp://yoursitehere >> Banner: << hxxp://yourbannerhere.jpg >>

8. << Yournickhere >> Sponsor: << hxxp://yoursitehere >> Banner: << hxxp://yourbannerhere.jpg >>

9. << Yournickhere >> Sponsor: << hxxp://yoursitehere >> Banner: << hxxp://yourbannerhere.jpg >>

10. << Yournickhere >> Sponsor: << hxxp://yoursitehere >> Banner: << hxxp://yourbannerhere.jpg >>



Thank you.

1st option: (Donate with Paypal)

Paypal ID: admin@maxcheaters.com


2nd option: (send Paysafecard PIN) Click the image





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You should an option to donate via sms ( phone ) in my village we have no shop that selling paysafecards :/ !




Good idea. But please dont spam this topic.


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Dear MaxCheaters,

This time we will need your support. Lately our forum is dramatically very laggy , and the only solution for this problem is to move from USA (Virtual Private Server) into a EUropian (Dedicated Server).

My target is to reach about 1000€ this month.


More specific:

Dedicated Server: 49€ First Month + 149€ Setup Fee + 26€ CPanel Licence = 224€ for 1st month. Then its 75€ per month

Freelancer/Developer: 700€ to recreate MaxCheaters.com. Our plans is to add Portal CMS,news, gaming network, l2 server site and more.


The only thing you have to do is to click this button at the bottom of this page. (scroll down) and donate as much as you want.

Dont forget to leave a comment here after your payment.


Supporters more than 50€ will have a MxC Support Award in their Profile!


Thank you.

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I have 1 question. Every month have to pay ??? why i see you have target 1000€ at this month ??? So at every month need like 200-300 or more € to stay the Server Alive and without laging for the server ??? (And what will be the reward :P)


Freelancer/Developer: 700€ to recreate MaxCheaters.com. Our plans is to add Portal CMS,news, gaming network, l2 server site and more.


Even you quoted it :|

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You mean 700€ every month ???

LMAO, he want to pre-pay the server. its near ~300 the install and 2 months on hetzner, and every month it is 75€. he just want the other money to pay the developer to create the portal, the forum etc.
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You mean 700€ every month ???


no its 1000€ ONLY this month.


Then each month 75€ for server.


My target is ONLY for this month.

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