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300598, bloodmaan, `GodPower^, ~KingOfChaos, DaяkBull™, sufferwounds, Billistain, Ventic, maxos23, Luccifer, dimitrisz123, Graviton, 007florin, DizZy, HackingC4, Quid, kali, ◦Cobra◦, Allengc, petmezis, -Mr.CuTe-, †BlØØdyWarrior™, Xhana, OnlyLoveXxX, Joe., Gorion, jase, 6faces, Hax0r, xNigga, Pwnz0r, LadyGaGa, underta, panos9999, endART, Dev*Taliban, bauwbas, WebM0nst3r, quicks2k, *Vazelos*, EMWEE, roudiSs, justnoname, supermac, Bish0p, ~BigBrother, sX, respawn, simonas, HazarD., K4rMaArr0ws, xartperi, simitar, Tomcraft, ZeRo*, zeusman1313, DominiQue, ItacHiPoweR, ThranduiL, d0k3n, MaestroLuke, MaCε, Nervos, SpokeRu, OmGG, Commodus, smog, Cafalorn, aasi888, czWannabe, NLObP, xiaoheihei1, Ronin 007, BlueAce, irwancihuy, fakoykas, 0nlY No0B, lightmagik, jewbaker, rooy, Madboy, geo13, `Gerero®, ƒαRτY, HeOe3BuM, cichychy, Maha, Em0sTyLe, ProStyle, Nost®adamuک, Mukray, ~ILAWJUNIOR~, MicrOz, TheEnd, Łighto™, xXSkillerXx, hlias1993, roska, HoH4XoR, sember, SwitchBack, SuBzZ3Ro, faeriegurl, ThrillSeeker, alexnos, ĐαяқSLaYєЯ, D3dly159, chito, uberpwn, Kiefer, aggelosfot, alexa026, teZ, disast3r, Glomer, NightMare2009, IâmAl0n€™, dusan, azizilaika, br0ken, hubabuba, wajec, BsCyB, gialouris, Twilight, Stealth, Black Jack, as0ka, xryskom, mvp, mfausb, maxCheat, Alexpap, seline, popes, Kelemvor, timoskouros, Flam3Skull, Stάzy, KяaSh™, lamukas, GrisoM, Player, surferdude, BigGreen, M4xCheater, GuessWho, Maxtor, embass, Kendall, coObisteR, javitoxp, ReVenGeR®, drogata, Anni, Luigicol, spidermanftw, abidullah, Gloruska, mpj123, Nabzor, Todo, MrPerfect20, *MyBaBy*, nounours, katara, Ray, AverageJoe, iklesos, Segment, SySt3MGaM3RFr3aKs, FuzyUzy, banana543, SeeYa*, xHaRdCoRe, Brzoza, paulik, virusa, Dominusvision, ~DarkLord, KnightOfH3ll, jameshgfc, gliookaz, shinxy, eurotrash420, max1flo, Lain, sedela, rullezz, Sуѕтємƒяєαк, TexasJunior, cinocz, ExConX, Seebal, mmytza, christiand, malyelfik, lolakia, DragonHunter, razor123, B0TILIAS, Đǿn@ldĐucҜ, Intrepid, deadone, lukaspasvians, Saul, dangerous18, Spyrox92, NoOne, ĢåmëǾvε®, bad-alex, HolySmoke, kovac, daredevil911, Myth1002, NazGhuL., IsoW, Lestatjmvo, extr3me, Vago, PIN, STIFLER, genti, cl1ch3, TEOxtrm, Futzi, ozupi, Setekh, kobeshoot, Renacidos, Smith®, Fizo, Albion™, Megas, melliman, ManolO, Vinius, stachomaroka, Devil22, l2king, omagad, xKenji, gaglar, OverMe, Trelastofull^, korko, PyroMaker, Giorgaras323, apocalipsis, evilgenx, angelos95, mgbhard, soublakias, kermi, Filmey, Djemiliux, carebeth, ogi12, Hl4p3x, Tomuxz, rans3sx, DjDKT, onetwothree, razelinio7, elhadjar, IbiseK, massaITA, DjStereo, NotAbastard, DAVC, Eimantas9595, CorSaIr, stanus, @Neo@, WickedPwn, poisonous, mario202, onefindday, navy_day, manosfragakis7, kostantinosftw, ][HeRoMaN][, ZilvisUK, Zappu, xAddytzu, parizakis, PC4, NiGhtKiLleR, xazoulis, evilfreak, 3lackheart, St0rmy, Ro21, Kidutz, smeli, avaric3, xMarcelo, ` εЯЯoЯ ^, StyLeR, gspzoumhs, CorLeoNe, GregHouseM.D., ~AgioS~, joekarras, Archmage, aris99, MasterDisaster, Blane, Horus, iws623, vicky2010, nekys, oldhiphop, LoLeTo*, minopk, Jarmos, UnEffect, sasukekun5585, yushirenard, Prison, Deathblade, Doomraider, Orgyilkos, lkoners, sirpaypi, HaxMax89, Stewie®, BloodyHero, DVL-Java, AnsS, paparas21, Crash™, Colin, Chip, lolisre, WOLFMan3134, LauQ, M1X0S, tcceza, The-LeGenD, tripolone, dexter666, NIKOS O GAVLIARIS, Juliet, mpxx24, elenaudrea, iliqbg, Burnout17, Corynstyle, grtasos, Triboli, agelo95, nightknight, owned91, dimco, moujahentin, Angel Of Death, jaz, aspirina97, P@nda, padaczka, RykoN, DownUnder, Raigon, SpEnS, Amolibdipower, DumanisT, mevacrana, xxYumexx, Lavos, Rin4a, Headez, Melodies, kosmosdesing, vampir, olataolata, benurb, Fя0zenInside™, 'Am.Crew^, Cloud, Face, lol3n, cpsky, redbutcher, hades25, ®ৠ♪Ŋαķαмοūŗα♪ৠ®, limex, arkanoids, Ceptimus, kabexa, lockerakos, MrsJoker, fitdelux, Zeronimo, »•Smã$hëR•«, DjAli, Noble®, *Hardstyler*, burek, scarpinici, justinque, xulisesx, Enter, YOMANY0MAN, zcool670, Sillent, DeDrAm!, badriniki, NavigatorS60, Infestor, Clipso, kuba90, zconll, magaki13, Pure, Gandalf, Brunx, eleasar, djpliku, marioumplas, paraxaraktis, Tryskell, viktork96, spiritbreaker, toofg, SokQ, superbug, plonk, Imortal, gethor1, Botelho, dima123, Traffic*, D@rk, baryca, ProJecT, Topa, obce, DBSK, crocket, vaupy, delete92, adrenalbooster, maverataker, nasky, kashiro, LagunaMID, EvilMan, L2ManiaksSELL, Sega, nasi4a2, makkas123, saikopk, ntellos, Sh1ta, bidjan, Mazoul, said332, tomasasaz, PaNiIiKoC, r3bbit, Alemanz0r, kota1232, Michus, Alergik, Klaymen, dr0psik, Eolaf, sweetparanoid, xDaRkHeRo, takhs7, lakis_123, dj32, yautja, serkyo, hareshi, Kama3a, pokiokio, urusit, kombains, Sh@d0w, HellArtist, podol1, smasherxp11, jonnyman, SickNurse, salim, gerakiotis, mulan1987, ¤FunkyCobra¤, matias007, alexi, CaZaNoVa, esoneson, MrBillopS, Panoslamia, mihalic, iambored, abucabu, mody405, BIS, ekeinos, POGO, Stefoulis15, alexucu, LinK, NoSti*, Petriukas, truemc, liojve, crazyches, L][senkss, psomas21, deepecidway, petros115, Jagger, kroustos, Harrer, Ax3l411, skzm07, insane, gaara, gmx, attila1, ~LunatiC, potkan, TakeItEasy, xsocom, Lifebouy, alanx77, dubi0uc13, Picolinos, pawlak99, xania2004, duo999, Neo1993k, Redblade, ManiacKiller13, ALA_CP-200, Galey, viagratramadolcialis, dwarfkiller, stathislol, ignoreriave, athos, FonReZeR, xin, Bartas, Souperkan, SkyGaurdian, tiger123, pbrhb, z0ul0u, DreaMeR, L2Orc, AdrenalinE, NiOSe, l2m@niak, SfantuSfinx, spiroslouis, Dimis4, Gonko, pack, ilicio, Omagadz0r, ~~Darius~~, joshuua123, nikospep, tsagas, CheaterX, papaditsa, spiros_hitman, TildaO, UnnamedPlayer, Keron, McAfee, xxspiros, Who, jacek32, nik0lio, nalbi13, c34, Kraha, sterios, smax, cassiopeia, t0p3a, minideed, dotCOM, arcadia, duracell, ellinaras007, LeoDetona, jenny, Loppinen, SoNaR™, glorie, LethaLpl, gangsterofhouse, stackman, panos1205, CaLeSty, lifekiller, HM5, XxBobyZxX, roto1980, Theonegandalf, LiKeThaT, germancito, DevLeno, intexas, firiks, Liquix, maxicroma, akis100, boronapw1, aragami, VladTheBest18, skaraveos, kondas90, save, Slab, Aldryss, Elanius, Sighed, madmax33, stefanutzz17, tonac, sl33pl3ss2, T3hNekt, gacha, Pibby, andrenugon, CruSaDeR, siegemaster, guerillia, peubraw, Mohawks, silverstoneblue, tzrcryp100, DarkSky, stive, InFam0usBites, Varacolaci, bertone, corbas, kamarinx, DisTurBeD, HackMeUpReturns, DJBenas, kreangas, nowenber58, romas, kostakis45, baned, tonmp, sinobi985, DeadlyPoison, mifr, Giannakis™, psychos5, Tyrone1234, Hovered, MoonS, gim, geokiller, bogdan33, AwakenDemon, filiopoulos, Unℓiмιтє∂, XManton, T3Rr0r@s, leasta, sookAcaks, Matio, susqect, dblc, jimaaras, germanos, Galanty, goons, Dark1to, dxon54, Morian, GeRi, [AntiHerO], johny4098, blademagic, randyorton, Xtre@mDeveloper, SkyLanceя, xxactivesxx, 4ek, tonychamorro, growishere, kuldunas, x.3ller, N0body, kamenoc, xDunno, antoan4o0o, Bols, rabotnik, rico56, MikiM, gandiii, piccolo, xXxNTSxXx, L2using, scorpion14, fuers, *SlimShadow*^, lupu1, eimaikrhthkos, 13dk13, xgiannixx, Sasha_, James_p, Kidee, MichaelJackson, tropheo, Hli4S.net, HunRay, xBoRk666, FizZz, MaNeLiTo, junkal, showma, starletgti, Reality, mfg_1984, Speed, andre87, tasosm, nickedil2, Apo2459, Faron13, ejrdlfrla, l2lover, TearsOfHolly, GameMaster, Ave, lobysh, pelopidas, woen, Slobber, matyzas, karapapasj, Tekone, Corey, Ant3oO, kavo13, Thorax, ederwin11, Cr1p0n3r, darkeye, Mandzias, Accivyfunny, SeiferVIII, MiDnEx, oceeman, tugo1, dpack7, pvlestat, takoulisgr, Flower, ZigLt, hoibratattise, Siggynum, nikoloudos7, Natemagic, MasturBation, Tristen, NOSL2, Ins3cT, chdimis, woop, UnderclassHero, shinju, gamias01230, l3v1a8an, Apithanos, george32, moodakos, PANOSOMAGKAS, Frank, Salot, Nooiser, leon5676, *BlackSabath*, VisseMarkus, sTNL, Ashushash, cunhado, neoklisnakai, macdonald12, toperis, nilvio, EternalSoldier, Dj Porno, deMEV, grimnosh, kyril4, mechawk, cadanj, Slyyy, georgeion, GoodT, 1tm, emir0n, wlrwkddls, skull1, Jimaras22, tsixla, MasterBlaster, Merhold, freezop, Atze1990, bozak, hnoke, Sido, MuRD3ReR, pk4fila, deetwodybeabe, L2BOY, Koloradiito, extatik, serfer, FireSkull, Nostradamus, katcom, baYeR, mari133, aff, blond_power, kostas1010, MAXSexual, geo65, tati, Thaira, ericvini, -$karos-, mirjanc88, HyPeRMon4rcH*, wuteng, killikep, andr3yy, daleader, Smozn, symeon24, lewyzip, jeanbogoss, Ploom, enemakos, turksauron, Argantes, Lego_all, patrick008, St4t1X, kas23, ady89, bigavaist, EkOr, djsub, ZankIDD, MrTrain, joogis, VeNoM-13-, twisterx, Lany, Add1ct3d, Aphopis, sniper111, CriticalError, y720521, 0lly, zlati, qazxcvv, CaSz, gazzza, dusty_hfsnp, fung, darulia, vmv, sabas, danvandan, fsdfsd, mogyoro, Gregor, palaiokwstas, xone123, Dracu, Inferno, tolisjin, astraLized*, legox, OMGLINEAGE2, Geburah, supervisor81, tonyboyking, varo, apiastos, clauss, blubb, d1nos, basilakis14, VashTheStampede, keaizer, manolis11, Anumbius, honour, d0g, tol1s - remp, dmitry501, OliverFoster, th3rockgr, arrikaddy, djszalas, srac, Matim, Yong, b0ster, resume, l2pnoob, MJ, michelangelo, domuk, KingDom_H3art, mackry, Haxout, terrif, mapa, haiintufa, leize, Texas Homie™, Mijuki, rooney121, Poedra13, niksan1, Hilltop, Tamaziuk, xardas, realive, Prada, justfail, Chandy, Gist, WildAmos, exah, erhan4o0, Maxidgz, qforall, Dvtm, dinamitt, starblaze, LioNa, Anzhi, HaterAid, tangri91, ADaMoN, Qwizer, marina69, Pantotinos, saholy, Kuch, dhs7777, rockk, mademahendra, mosolygozs, GayLiveSexChatCamera, swtos, roama, pupisan, loadstar, stroke, Life4TwiSteR, Kadaritas, Gardoubas, FoxCrime, XRiffakiasX, geci01, jovo, dhmhtrhs1984, ZeroCool22, rafasilva93, Xeroghost4, cfbarroso, kabanaos, maximike, pedrocas17, muja, Sisyphus, xXtanoXx, billkas, paraskos, isznogudtd, zeico, paokole


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    • If this is actually true, then it's not about a resource leak but a stuffed client data which you might have caused god knows how. On top of that you run Interlude which is extremely primitive in client-side tools to diagnose anything robust (aside from the standard emitter, render, script, net and stat on screen info output)
    • serverpackets/CharInfo               writeD(_activeChar.getAppearance().getSex() ? 1 : 0);             writeD(_activeChar.getBaseClass());             for (int slot : getPaperdollOrder())             {   +              switch (slot)   +             {   +                  case 6:   +                      writeD((_activeChar.getInventory().getPaperdollItemId(Inventory.PAPERDOLL_UNDERWEAR) == 0) ? _activeChar.getInventory().getPaperdollItemId(Inventory.PAPERDOLL_CHEST) : _activeChar.getInventory().getPaperdollItemId(Inventory.PAPERDOLL_UNDERWEAR));   +                      break;   +                  case 10:   +                      writeD((_activeChar.getInventory().getPaperdollItemId(Inventory.PAPERDOLL_UNDERWEAR) == 0) ? _activeChar.getInventory().getPaperdollItemId(Inventory.PAPERDOLL_GLOVES) : _activeChar.getInventory().getPaperdollItemId(Inventory.PAPERDOLL_UNDERWEAR));   +                      break;   +                  case 11:   +                      writeD((_activeChar.getInventory().getPaperdollItemId(Inventory.PAPERDOLL_UNDERWEAR) == 0) ? _activeChar.getInventory().getPaperdollItemId(Inventory.PAPERDOLL_LEGS) : _activeChar.getInventory().getPaperdollItemId(Inventory.PAPERDOLL_UNDERWEAR));   +                      break;   +                  case 12:   +                      writeD((_activeChar.getInventory().getPaperdollItemId(Inventory.PAPERDOLL_UNDERWEAR) == 0) ? _activeChar.getInventory().getPaperdollItemId(Inventory.PAPERDOLL_FEET) : _activeChar.getInventory().getPaperdollItemId(Inventory.PAPERDOLL_UNDERWEAR));   +                      break;   +                  default:   +                      writeD(_activeChar.getInventory().getPaperdollItemDisplayId(slot));   +              }   +          }                          for (int slot : getPaperdollOrder())             {                 writeD(_activeChar.getInventory().getPaperdollAugmentationId(slot));             } serverpackets/UserInfo         writeD(_activeChar.getCurrentLoad());         writeD(_activeChar.getMaxLoad());                  writeD(_activeChar.getActiveWeaponItem() != null ? 40 : 20); // 20 no weapon, 40 weapon equipped         for (int slot : getPaperdollOrder())         {    +         switch (slot)    +         {    +             case 6:    +                 writeD((_activeChar.getInventory().getPaperdollObjectId(Inventory.PAPERDOLL_UNDERWEAR) == 0) ? _activeChar.getInventory().getPaperdollObjectId(Inventory.PAPERDOLL_CHEST) : _activeChar.getInventory().getPaperdollObjectId(Inventory.PAPERDOLL_UNDERWEAR));    +                 break;    +             case 10:    +                 writeD((_activeChar.getInventory().getPaperdollObjectId(Inventory.PAPERDOLL_UNDERWEAR) == 0) ? _activeChar.getInventory().getPaperdollObjectId(Inventory.PAPERDOLL_GLOVES) : _activeChar.getInventory().getPaperdollObjectId(Inventory.PAPERDOLL_UNDERWEAR));    +                 break;    +             case 11:    +                 writeD((_activeChar.getInventory().getPaperdollObjectId(Inventory.PAPERDOLL_UNDERWEAR) == 0) ? _activeChar.getInventory().getPaperdollObjectId(Inventory.PAPERDOLL_LEGS) : _activeChar.getInventory().getPaperdollObjectId(Inventory.PAPERDOLL_UNDERWEAR));    +                 break;    +             case 12:    +                 writeD((_activeChar.getInventory().getPaperdollObjectId(Inventory.PAPERDOLL_UNDERWEAR) == 0) ? _activeChar.getInventory().getPaperdollObjectId(Inventory.PAPERDOLL_FEET) : _activeChar.getInventory().getPaperdollObjectId(Inventory.PAPERDOLL_UNDERWEAR));    +                 break;    +             default:    +                 writeD(_activeChar.getInventory().getPaperdollObjectId(slot));             }         }         for (int slot : getPaperdollOrder())         {    +         switch (slot)    +         {    +             case 6:    +                 writeD((_activeChar.getInventory().getPaperdollItemDisplayId(Inventory.PAPERDOLL_UNDERWEAR) == 0) ? _activeChar.getInventory().getPaperdollItemDisplayId(Inventory.PAPERDOLL_CHEST) : _activeChar.getInventory().getPaperdollItemDisplayId(Inventory.PAPERDOLL_UNDERWEAR));    +                 break;    +             case 10:    +                 writeD((_activeChar.getInventory().getPaperdollItemDisplayId(Inventory.PAPERDOLL_UNDERWEAR) == 0) ? _activeChar.getInventory().getPaperdollItemDisplayId(Inventory.PAPERDOLL_GLOVES) : _activeChar.getInventory().getPaperdollItemDisplayId(Inventory.PAPERDOLL_UNDERWEAR));    +                 break;    +             case 11:    +                 writeD((_activeChar.getInventory().getPaperdollItemDisplayId(Inventory.PAPERDOLL_UNDERWEAR) == 0) ? _activeChar.getInventory().getPaperdollItemDisplayId(Inventory.PAPERDOLL_LEGS) : _activeChar.getInventory().getPaperdollItemDisplayId(Inventory.PAPERDOLL_UNDERWEAR));    +                 break;    +             case 12:    +                 writeD((_activeChar.getInventory().getPaperdollItemDisplayId(Inventory.PAPERDOLL_UNDERWEAR) == 0) ? _activeChar.getInventory().getPaperdollItemDisplayId(Inventory.PAPERDOLL_FEET) : _activeChar.getInventory().getPaperdollItemDisplayId(Inventory.PAPERDOLL_UNDERWEAR));    +                 break;    +             default:    +                 writeD(_activeChar.getInventory().getPaperdollItemDisplayId(slot));             }         }         for (int slot : getPaperdollOrder())         {             writeD(_activeChar.getInventory().getPaperdollAugmentationId(slot));         }           
    • WTB Myext64 by @eressea missing adition OfflineShopRestore then server restart. Offer: 20 USD Payment with Crypto, then all working and tested in my live server. My discord: Jen2#1273
    • Hey, gamers!   I'm thinking about launching a High Five x30 server and would love to hear your thoughts! Would you play on a server with these features? 🔹 No Pay-to-Win – no items that give an unfair advantage. 🔹 Donations only for premium, noblesse, and skins – purely cosmetic or convenience-based. 🔹 Daily rewards from farming – active players get rewarded. 🔹 Only 1 dual box allowed – to keep the gameplay fair.   What do you think? Would you play on such a server? Any feedback or suggestions are welcome! Join our Discord to discuss: https://discord.gg/zeArBXcAxh
    • L2JHellas Test Server is Live!  If you want to test L2JHellas , you can check discord for the .ini file to connect. The test server will be online 24/7, so feel free to hop in anytime!  Accounts are auto created!
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