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[Dota] How to host by Archmage

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The Slow Way !!! Recommend


1)Click start, then run and type cmd.

In the black box that will appear give the command ipconfig and press enter.


2) Write down the IP address and the default gateway (i.e and


3) Open a web browser (internet explorer, firefox, opera etc) and type the default gateway (i.e in the address bar.


4) You will be asked to enter a username and a password. The default username and password for most of the routers is admin for both. If it isn't, you can find the details for your router here


5)When You Login Go NAT -> Virtual Server -> Set For UPD and TCP The Ports : 6112-6119 and for LAN IP Address Your LAN IP ( i.e )


6) Just follow the insctructions given there and you will be ready to host !


The Fast Way !!! Not Recommend


1)Set to your Roter For TCP and UPD The Ports : 6112-6119


2)Close Your Firewall or add to safe list for TCP and UPD The Ports : 6112-6119


3) You Can Host on Battle Net



Port forwarding needs a static ip address to forward the ports to. If you don't have a static ip, you will need to change the ip you forwarded the ports to every time you restart your router.

Here is a guide on how to setup a static ip address.

If you use a firewall on your computer you must set it to allow Warcraft III to access the internet.




I Will add it tonight or Tomorrow : ) coz My Slow Upload on Youtube

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