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Mporeite Na M Peite Pws Mporw Na Brw Tin Ip Enos  Server??


Ektos Apo To l2.ini Gt Ekei Oi Poio Pollu Bazoun Tin No-Ip...


Opoios Mporei As Me Help...








                                                                                          Ty From DarkZer0^^


i ip t server 8a einai afti me port 7777 ka8os 8a s vgoun poles ip kai 8 berdeftis

episis enas allos tropos einai o exis:

The server has to be registered on hopezone.


Go on the page of hopezone which lists the statistics of the server.

Press ctrl+u.

press ctrl+f.

type serveru1

you should get this serveru1=[iP/HOSTNAME], eg serveru1=

to ekana copy/paste apo allo post gt variomoun na t grapsw :P

  • 2 months later...

dn t lete pali gt dn mporo na to ktlvw dld paw hopzone k kanw auta p ipes?

ti hopzone re lol,,, maresei p tn kanan ban k ekane new acc


an 8imamai kala to palio to hlapex otan to ekanes swsta(to ebazes ekei pou prepei kai ta loipa kai empenes mesa me to acc) tote sto programma edeixne ta ports kai to ip (oxi to no-ip kai alla dynamic) tou server...


-1 karma for spamming again and again

καλα ακομα να το κλειδωσετε το topic

αφου δωθηκε η πληροφορια που ηθελε το παιδι

  • 4 months later...


file mou , yparxoun polloi tropoi gia na vreis to IP enos server ,


1) anoigeis CMD patas netstat /n kai psaxneis gia ports me pass :7777 h :2106

to 7777 einai tou gameserver kai to 2106 einai tou login server ( syni8ws)


2) anoigeis file edit kai kaneis decompile to l2 ini , ekei vriskeis to IP tou server episeis



3) an einai hopzone patas check server kai molis vgalei apotelesma patas de3i click akrivws ekei kai 8a s vgalei kati san notepad


scrollare to me to mouse sou kai 8a vreis kapou p 8a leei servers IP kai servers port ,


elpizw na se voi8isa :)







  • 3 months later...
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