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hellbound [Hellbound L2OFF] L2Khaos


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L2Khaos has been given a complete overhaul! Existing database 4+ years old, gear has been updated! Enchants have been changed:


- Khaos (55x) Server:

- Full Hellbound (CT1.5)

- XP: 55x

- SP: 60x

- ADENA: 200x

- Safe Weapon Enchant: +5

- Safe Armor Enchant: +3

- Safe Jewel Enchant: +3

- Blessed Safe Weapon Enchant: +16

- Blessed Safe Armor Enchant: +8

- Blessed Safe Jewel Enchant: +5

- Max enchanted weapons in server: Single SA: 21, Dynasty/Icarus/Vesper: 18

- Auto-Pickup

- Custom Gatekeeper

- Khaos Gatekeeper

- GM Shops

- NPC Buffers

- AIOs Available

- 3 Hour Buffs

- Boosted Raid Bosses

- Castle Sieges

- Weekly Heroes, Olympiad runs every day for 4 hours.

- Clan Halls

- Recommendations

- Subclass

- Manor

- Heroes

- Combat Points

- Auto SS

- Noblesse

- 3rd Class

- Seven Signs

- Zariche and Akamanah

- Augmentation

- Marriage System

- 3x Skills Bars

- Clan Skills & Levels

- Force Skills

- Divine Inspiration (24 Buff Slots)

- Auto-Learn skills up to Lv.85

- Server-Side/Client-Side protected by the latest L2 security systems

- Launcher & Auto Updater

- Custom Hunting Zones available:

--- Primeval Isle

--- Cave of Trials

--- School of Dark Arts

--- Abandoned Coal Mines

--- Stakato's Nest

--- Monastery of Silence

--- Imperial Tomb

--- All Hellbound Areas

--- And many more!

- S Grade weapons available:

--- Single SA Standard S Grades

--- Single SA S.80 Grades

--- Dual SA Icarus S Grades

--- Triple SA Vesper S Grades

- S Grade armors available:

--- Draconic, Imperial, Arcana

--- Dynasty

--- Vesper Gold

--- Apella

--- Vesper Silver

- Coin system for weapon and armor upgrades:

--- Gold coins won through events or killing large raids, Silver coins won by killing smaller raids to craft gold, Bronze coins drop throughout the server to craft silver

--- Blessed enchants can be bought from Merchant of Khaos for Gold, Silver, or Bronze coins.

--- Everything donateable can be obtained in game.

--- Custom NPC allows you to exchange enchanted weapons/armors for upgrades of equal enchantment

--- Blessed scrolls are obtained by coins as well



Come see our big changes and join our great community!





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That mean serer is wiped?


No server was not wiped, enchants on previously donated gear were converted to their equal in current donation gear in vesper so that the server is balanced. For example if you played in our server before, armors were +15 and are now +8. boss were +10 and are now +5. dual sa and demonic weapons have been converted from 17,18,19,20,21 to 16,17 and very few +18 in vesper. (You can obtain +16 in game). Single SA's are still max +21. SO old players still have gear, just not ridiculously OP'd as they previously were.

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Vision,i see u are the server's owner,can i ask something?..how much players play here?is very hard to start for new players?AIO char can be created(ofc without duals) by normal players?i mean a char with buffers subclasses.There is a way to exchange on a NPC for example ....... ....... currency for 1 khaos gold coin?thx for answer


p.s:i am planning to join ur server with friends;)

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Vision,i see u are the server's owner,can i ask something?..how much players play here?is very hard to start for new players?AIO char can be created(ofc without duals) by normal players?i mean a char with buffers subclasses.There is a way to exchange on a NPC for example ....... ....... currency for 1 khaos gold coin?thx for answer


p.s:i am planning to join ur server with friends;)


At the moment NPC buffers have all available buffs and CoV except 3rd class buffs (Po*, CoM, Salvation), The coin system is a new system so there are still alot of possibilities for growth. The way the server has been reconfigured has been set up so that new players have an easy start and can compete with old players without feeling overwhelmed.

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i am just wondering because..i see many players left to go to another server that i wont say for now..but i want to stay if the population will increase(atm there are 100 people)..what can u say about=?

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It's true some have left, mainly because of the newest changes, however the changes were made to increase the population and balance the server as a whole. People come and go but gameplay and new things/updates is what keeps the server attractive. Like I said, most of this was done to attract new players, some people don't like change, but it was well needed. If anyone ever played Khaos previously they already knew there was a big gap between donators and non donators, the changes have been adjusted to close this gap completely and give non-donators a fighting chance and the ability to earn equal gear.

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This server somewhen rocks..But someone with name Hunt is -beep- the server..VisionX gives a really hard try to keep the server as its the old days and i believe that the server is better than any time before with vesper items etc..I want to ask how much ppls have the server atm ?

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right now the servers count is low 100-150 on average. server numbers decreased due to previous over-powered gear and donation/non donation gap. like i said, server has been changed to fix that. which is why i'm advertising.

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