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[GUIDE-Best]How to compile L2J-Free !

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Hello all ! Well... before some minutes i compile my first L2JFree pack ! So, i decide to make a guide for how to compile L2J-Free.

First we need those programms :


Maven(Not a programm)

CollabNet Subversion Server



Download links :


http://www.apache.org/dyn/closer.cgi/maven/binaries/apache-maven-2.1.0-bin.zip  <---- Maven

1.jpghttp://www.open.collab.net/downloads/subversion/  <---- SubVersion .Download this :

CollabNet Subversion Server and Client v1.6.6 (for Windows)

  But you need an account.Is not so hard to register one... ;)



Now lets start !  Install SubVersion.The installation is very simple....after you install them, extract Maven to C:\ .Change the folder name to :  maven

Now we must set the Enviroment variables.....Hold the button with the flag of windows on keyboard and press the button :  Pause/Break  .A new windows will pop ip .Go to Advanced and press on  Enviroment Variables2.jpg.Now press on  New3.jpg  .On  Name type :  JAVA_HOME    .On Variable Value type the location of you java jdk.For me is :

C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_17

4.jpg  .After you type it, press  OK .

Open Eclipse and check the SVN you want....when its finish go to the folder....now go to a folder, right click on the pom.xml and press the  Open With  6.jpg.Click the button : Broswe... now go to :


.Open the file with the Command Line5.jpg.....now type : 

C://maven/bin/mvn assembly:assembly -Dmaven.test.skip=true


Now after some minutes, the pack will be compiled.YEAAAA !!!8.jpg You compile your first L2JFree pack ! Now the folder datapack have  a build.xml .You must compile it, with Eclipse.




If you have any problems or questions, post them and i will help you  :)



Credits : Me ! timoskouros

Special thanks to :  Horus




---------------------------------------Easier Compile for L2JFree------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


Well.... im back to teach you an another way to compile L2JFree packs.

So lets start !


With Eclipse you check out the /trunk folder of l2jfree svn .In that forlder, there is a very good tool thats is compile the core-gameserver-datapack alone.


Now to to your workspace, go to /trunk and open the folder tools.In this folder is 1 .bat file... that file can compile the core-gameserver-datapack .Now right click on


.We must set the maven path .Find this line :

set PATH=%PATH%;

  .After this line. you will see a path this path : 

C:\Program Files\Subversion\bin\

something like that... now we must set the maven path.So, just delete the path.. it should be something like this :

set PATH=%PATH%;

  .Now, after  ;    type you maven path.For me is this : 


  .If you mave is on an another location.. just change it  :p  .Now is should like this :

set PATH=%PATH%;C:\maven\bin\

  .If is ok, just save the changes.Now is time for COMPILINGGG !  xD  .Open the file :    build-all.bat    .Now, just make your coffee and enjoy  xD .After some minutes, the compiling will over... it will tell you to press any key to continue .


Thats all ! Happy compiling  :p !






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Dude u need to put some photos and all that to help all here....and is so much guides to compile packs !! But good job ...!!


I dont ever see a full guide... i will post some photos... but all the other guides are fails.My guide is full.On other guides they are telling you just to checkout the trunk and open cmd, go to compile directory and type  C://maven/bin/mvn assembly:assembly -Dmaven.test.skip=true    bla bla bla.And you get an error.With this guide you will do a successful compile.



EDIT : I add some photos.. i think its ok now ! I will try to make a video...

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as i see thats for the older compile not for the new one with tools


Yes... i see the tools folder... its faster with this one tool... i will edit my post and i talk about this folder....


Nice Guide  Mate! I Can't Give you karma thought Because is already Posted :)


Post Something Different.


Good Work !


I know that is already posted.. but my guide is 100% .Before some days i was wanted to compile a l2jfree pack, and i failed.I follow a guide but was not 100% guide... i ask help from Horus and he told me that i need a SubVersion client... i found one and i install it...I try to compile it again and i success.

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This means that the system cant find the maven folder.Check if the folder directory is like this :



  .You must extract the files of maven on C:\Maven    .Maybe you create a folder with the name maven on C:\ and the .rar file make a new one on maven folder that you create....

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  • 3 weeks later...

Very usefull guide bro :)

Thank you ^_^

Gona try it now :D


Im glad to see someone like my guide.Test it and tell me your opinion  :) 


If you have any problem, post it and i will help you.

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No.. i dont think there is any other way to compile L2JFree.But if you mean with NetBeans.. of course you can compile with this program but i much easier with CMD.NetBeans have GUI and low ram ghz computers will lag.. so with CMD is faster. :)

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