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Dragon Age Origins


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This game awesome its Singleplayer or Multi (if u have acc)


I maked Elf - warrior and main Bow :)

ATM im at begin i finding one newbie friend who's get inside mirror and died ... I find there Duncan and back with him to Keeper :)


Soon more ;P

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OmGyyyy xD


This GAME -beep-ING AWESOME !! :)

ATM im elf warrior joined gray guild (smth like that =D) And i just went to make signal fire for one guy (after use signal fire he should help us def Ostagar but he's just betray and fall back)

So now im going to RedCliff :)


Video With Ostagar Defence




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ENDING ... Im finish game and im sad about it =((

Its awesome game and i want to done my adventure !!

I will w8 for new DragonAge ;)



Good Luck This game worth to play and spend lot of hours!!

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WOW! look beeeeeautiful

im gonna try it :D


OFC its best :P If someone wanna dl it i can give u Megaupload site with 20 parts x400MB each and it DL fast (if u have Premium like me) u can dl all parts in same time :) Even with 20 KB/s it dl in 5 hours. Its really worth to try ... I spend for it 40 H to done this game :)

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Great game


Im almost at the end and it is really good


Great grafhics and gameplay i love it


OFC at ending Morrigan want to sleep with u to make kid :P Because if u dont do it when u kill Boss he connect with ur sould and die both.

So Morrigan want kid to Soul go into that kid and u wont die ;P

After this all Morrigan gone and game end with Alistair King and u are HERO :P

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