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[Guide]Sacred Warrior(Huskar)

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Ok first of all, I want to say that this guide is totaly created by me and this is my opinion... If u have a different opinion (abou the hero I write) tell me and I'll take it in mind.....


Ok Let's Begin....


I want to right about Huskar I haven't seen any guide about him and I think is a great hero to consider about....


[shadow=red,left]Sacred Warrior



The Story

The Trolls of the Darkspear tribe, long since exiled from their ancestral lands in Stranglethorn Vale, are considered by many to be the most savage race of creatures to ever grace the battlefield. This reputation is well earned by their Sentinel representative Huskar, who's abilities revolve around shortening his own lifespan to spear his foes to burning pieces. Considered a blessed martyr by his people, the Sacred Warrior is not afraid of death, and will even run towards it willingly, sometimes desperately, in order to bring the Undead Scourge to an end.





strength-c.jpg 18 + 2.4


agility.jpg 20 + 2.4


intelligence.jpg 18 + 1.5


Note: As you see he has a pretty good rate of strength and great agility... He hasn't a good rate of Intelligence, but he don't really need it...I'll explain it below...




Inner Vitality


Magically unlocks the potential regenerative power within a target unit, healing its life force based upon its primary attribute. If the target is below 40% it will heal faster.


Note: It's a very good skill that helps u and ur allies to escape or regenerate yours/their lifes.... Although you don't really need in early game... but mostly in middle to late game...



Burning Spear


Using his own life force to set them aflame, the Sacred Warrior can cause his spears to deal stackable damage over time as they impact the foe.


Note: This is the first skill in huskar that u need to maximize... The Good On This Skill Is That Each Spear Stacks With The Last one And do more and more dmg as you hit...Although u lose life for each spear u throw...so don't spam it in creeps and use it to take an easy fb.. ;)


Berserker's Blood


Huskar feels each of his wounds and channels the pain, increasing attack speed and damage for each 7% missing health. First bonus starts at full health.


Note: The second skill that need to be maximized... An incredible passive skill...As you lose hp more and more your attack speed and damage will be increased so u are fighting lice crazy when u have a little amount of life....


Life Break


Huskar reaches into the well of his own life force to heavily damage an enemy. The target takes damage equal to 50% of its hp. Slows target by 50% for 5 seconds. Huskar pays a certain percentage of his hp to cast this.


Note: Huskar's ulti many people think that is not so good skill to be an ultimate... That A BIG lie because not only u drop ur enemys life at half and and his speed too, u also lose some hp(1st LvL 40%, 2LvL  33%, 3LvL 25%) thats not bad because as u lose life ur damage and ur attack speed increased dramatically....


Skill Build(Offensive)

1. Burning Spears

2. Berserker's Blood

3. Burning Spears

4. Berserker's Blood

5. Burning Spears

6. Life Break

7. Burning Spears

8. Berserker's Blood

9. Berserker's Blood

10. Inner Vitality

11. Life Break

12. Inner Vitality

13. Inner Vitality

14. Inner Vitality

15. Stats

16. Life Break


Skill Build(Defence)

1. Burning Spears

2. Inner Vitality

3. Burning Spears

4. Inner Vitality

5. Burning Spears

6. Life Break

7. Burning Spears

8. Inner Vitality

9. Inner Vitality

10. Berserker's Blood

11. Life Break

12. Berserker's Blood

13. Berserker's Blood

14. Berserker's Blood

15. Stats

16. Life Break


Note: Always I use the first build Other People Prefer To Be Just Tanks... Huskar Is Also Killer so my opinion is the 1st build... In the end u have to decide not me...




   * A ranged hero

   * Has one of the game's strongest single-target healing abilities

   * Can tank/carry and has ganking ability

   * Has one of the game's strongest means of lane control in Burning Spears, which also makes him a  powerful First Blood candidate.

   * Is an excellent bait hero, and actually becomes stronger as you deal more damage to him

   * An excellent attack animation in terms of orb-walking

   * His missile speed is 1400, excellent for last-hitting denying.

   * Has an excellent Base Attack Time of 1.6

   * Although he is strength type, he has a high agility growth, granting him natural Attack Speed and armor as the game goes on.





   * Although he is very powerful early-mid game, his orb becomes far-less potent late, and therefore needs items too supplement.

   * If you're not orb-walking, his animation has a lot of un-necessary action.

   * For a strength hero, has rather low base-damage.

   * For a strength hero, has a rather sad strength growth.

   * His single mana-consuming spell costs a lot of mana for one who is lacking in it.



Item Build

Starting Items:




1xBTNPotionBlueBig.gif (If u think u can't stand without it don't take it)


Next go for:


1BTNBootsOfSpeed.gif (Just for the speed)

2BTNHelmutPurple.gif (It gives u a good amount of armor so u can better farm and then take amlet or hof(Hood Of Defiance)

3BTNDaggerOfEscape.gif ( A great item on huskar to take easy kills.. with your range and the flaming spears and with the help of dagger u can easily kill and escaping hero)

4armletofmordiggian.gif ( I Usualy go first for amlet and then for hof... amlet not only gives you attack 15% attack speed, 3hp/sec, +5 armor and +9 dmg..also i a good escaping item when u activated ur hp increased BUT u will lose hp as the seconds pass on, so don't open it in a fight just 4secs to leave from it...

5icon.jpg ( it Gives 30% magic resistance and 8hp regeneration, only take this before amlet if u have many INT nukers....

6icon.jpg ( this give some more damage because u're strength type hero and also and it also gives 2%hp reg(AWESOME) u'll never go back to fountain again :o...


Late Game items:


icon.jpg Many ppl take it earlier i don't really think is so good to upgrade your ulti...

BTNINV_Weapon_Halberd_10.gif Just for the damage and the ministun, it's just a late game for huskar

BTNINV_Weapon_Crossbow_10.gif It may seems a very good item for huskar with unbelievable crits... but my opinion is not need cause ur power is ur flaming spears..NvM you decide.

assaultcuirass.gif More Attack Speed More Armor LATE ITEM... and when u're low life u have the att.spd u need...










AND ALL THE ITEMS THAT GIVES INT( Such as Shivas/bloodstone/ etc etc) ARE NOT TO GET :)



Good Allies


Healers: icon.JPG94.gif71.gif


Disablers: 40.gif58.gif23.gif


Slowers: 90.gificon.jpeg64.gif


And Specialy:icon.JPG

Your Best Lane Friend Disable, Slow and a lovely Aura...


And Of Course:icon.jpg With Poison Touch That Last For An Incredible Time And The Spammable Heal U Can Easily Do A Spree :P





Disablers: The 3 I Wrote before...


Axe: 10.gif

With His Dagger And His Bersek U Can;t Go Anywhere And if u do ulti to him... One Culling Blade is enough to kill u after bersek....


Viper:icon.gif OMG! U hate this guys.... More range Than You Super F****ing Slow And An Incredible Ulti that eats Your Hp like crazy... If U see him in game just pray to god to take u in Heaven :-\



And That's The Finish Of My Guide....I Don't really Have A good Replay to Post But I'll make one And Post it here....


P.S.   Nothing Is c/p Except The Story And The Info About Skills....Credits I Think Go To IceFrog...

P.S.2 If u have a different opinion just post it and I'll take it in mind...

P.S.3 No Spam!! Such As (thank u man... etc etc)




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totally created by you?




you got pros & cons and items from here, removed the item descriptions and added some shitty english with caps.


You should at least give the proper credits before posting a guide like this.

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Omg I Didn't Copy It From There...

Really I Write By Myself and i said i take the items description and skills description....

All the other are created by me...

And u are pro in english right...sry man...if u didn't understand my english....

I'm not gonna talk about it anymore...

But Be careful the way u talk it's not the proper one....

Nvm just delete it or whatever u want....I'm not going to tell anything else....

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I Think That Satanic It's Not So Much Of Need In Huskar Because With InnerVitality U Regenerate Ur Hp If U Want....

Also When U Don't Have Much Hp Ur Damage And Ur Att.Spd Are Much more Increased...

Dagger For Me In Huskar Is A MUST...Altough I Don't see It In Many Ppl..

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Asault Curias



My items for huskar is enought to make a good one match with these items  :)

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I Think That Satanic It's Not So Much Of Need In Huskar Because With InnerVitality U Regenerate Ur Hp If U Want....

Also When U Don't Have Much Hp Ur Damage And Ur Att.Spd Are Much more Increased...

Dagger For Me In Huskar Is A MUST...Altough I Don't see It In Many Ppl..

i think that satanik is not needed at all for him, he just needs more amount of HP so he will regenerate tons of HP,  make tarasque, make 2 taraskues)  just dont make life steal

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