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[Guide] How to balance classes by fighter and mystics

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  • 2 weeks later...

Changing values Passive/Curse's/'Skill' is not right method!


If server is final need rewark a Elemntal System, because this is making server a SH1T!


ding ding ding bullshit of the year :P


elemental  system make a server balanced rofl xD


and change curses not the right method?try out any mage in default setup curses never lands thats a good stuff right?pfff :D

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elemental  system make a server balanced rofl xD


OFF Maby, L2J No... Sh1t of Day :)


Elmntal Code need rewrk :)


yes make server balance :)


SH (wind lv 7) (wind resist 270 and others 250+)--> Archer 320 DMG (Archer- Dager No Mdef as i know :D)

Archer ---> SH 4700 :D



aya elmntal ftw .... :)


AAAAA one more example


SH vs Tank --> 120Damg

Tank vs SH --> 3/5 Skills 1000+ :D yaya


i like this balance , so SH vs Archer is just 10 Cp Potion :D :D :D

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elemental  system make a server balanced rofl xD


OFF Maby, L2J No... Sh1t of Day :)


Elmntal Code need rewrk :)


yes make server balance :)


SH (wind lv 7) (wind resist 270 and others 250+)--> Archer 320 DMG (Archer- Dager No Mdef as i know :D)

Archer ---> SH 4700 :D



aya elmntal ftw .... :)


AAAAA one more example


SH vs Tank --> 120Damg

Tank vs SH --> 3/5 Skills 1000+ :D yaya


i like this balance , so SH vs Archer is just 10 Cp Potion :D :D :D


that was the dumbest answer i've ever read now i can count +1 noob :D


elemental system DONT need rework just because of noobs cant make balance...


elemental system is for defense and attack too and you can have bigger defense and btw sh vs tank pfff you are a noob ingame too now i know that the ONLY chars that have 99% chance to beat a tank are mages :D


and let see an example i hope it will be easy enough to you to understand it


elemental resist have limits right?that limit is 66 with basic things(which means the resist buffs and the chars base resist)and than comes the other armors/weapon defense and attack elements well here its based on luck because of this "enchant like" stuff so thats another story.


Elemental resist basically used for farming each and every mob attack you with a different type of resist thats why mostly the ones with brain use more type of elements on their armors for mobs the weapon depends on where you hunt for example if you kill in forge you use water type element.


For pvp what you need is the cover all type of elements yes what you said is a real thing IF you have ONLY water type element from enchant what that means?That means other chars kill your sh in 2sec :D

The way you can use good way the elemental resist is to cover up all base for defense(fire for boots,water for helmet,wind for gloves etc etc)and for attack try to find and max out as much as you can a resist type which not used too much by your enemys and they have a low resist against it thats depends on enemy so generally you cant say the whole thing is op against this and this because of you can have too much different setup.


now i hope it was pretty clear to understand it Lineage is not only a situation like you said the situation you said is the worst way of the usage of the elemental system.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Nice post.  At very least you are *trying* something here which is great.  I noticed there was some complaints and nay sayers about this not working or creating proper balance.  For those people - I wonder where you better solution is?


At very least, this guy gave it a shot and shared it to the rest of us to us - even if just partially or to give admins/owners idea's on their own balance issue's.


Tnx for the share/info!

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