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[Guide] How to balance classes by fighter and mystics

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Turorial how to balance classes by yourself. The point of tutorial is: to balance all fighter classes and all mystic classes (for example: at your server fighters are too strong or too weak.. and the same with mystics). Every class has two "armor masteries" one for fighters and one for mystics, so we will need edit these skills and add for them bonuses.

All Fighters has Armor Mastery with 142 id: skill0142_0.png. All Mystics has Armor Mastery with 244 id: skill0244_0.png.


Now, we need go to data/stats/skills/ folder. And edit 0100-0199.xml and 0200-0299.xml. There we will find 142id and 244id skills (aka mystic and fighter armor mastery pasive skills). So we need edit them to balance classes by your own.


At fighter armor mastery (id: 142) we will see:

<skill id="142" levels="5" name="Armor Mastery">
  <table name="#pDef"> 9 11 12 13 14 </table>
  <table name="#rEvas"> 0 0 0 3 3 </table>
  <set name="power" val="0.0"/>
  <set name="target" val="TARGET_SELF"/>
  <set name="skillType" val="BUFF"/>
  <set name="operateType" val="OP_PASSIVE"/>
  <set name="castRange" val="-1"/>
  <set name="effectRange" val="-1"/>
##AFTER <for> HERE WE WILL NEED INSERT SECOND LINE FROM BELOW (and do not put 2 <for> lines).
<add order="0x40" stat="pDef" val="#pDef"/>
<add order="0x40" stat="rEvas" val="#rEvas">
	<using kind="Light"/>
	  <using kind="Heavy,Magic"/>


At mystic armor mastery (id: 244) we will see:

<skill id="244" levels="3" name="Armor Mastery">
  <table name="#pDef"> 6.7 8.0 9.2 </table>
  <set name="power" val="0.0"/>
  <set name="target" val="TARGET_SELF"/>
  <set name="skillType" val="BUFF"/>
  <set name="operateType" val="OP_PASSIVE"/>
  <set name="castRange" val="-1"/>
  <set name="effectRange" val="-1"/>
##AFTER <for> HERE WE WILL NEED INSERT SECOND LINE FROM BELOW (and do not put 2 <for> lines).
<add order="0x40" stat="pDef" val="#pDef"/>




Now you should use one's own discretion for class balancing.  ;) Here is few possible classes stats boosts (or for belittle):


M.Atk. speed boost:

  <table name="#mAtkSpd"> 0 0 0 0 85 </table>
<add order="0x40" stat="mAtkSpd" val="#mAtkSpd"/>

85* number means the same as acument lv3.


P.Atk. speed boost:

  <table name="#pAtkSpd"> 0 0 0 0 85 </table>
<add order="0x40" stat="pAtkSpd" val="#pAtkSpd"/>

85* number means the same as haste lv2.


P.Def. boost:

  <table name="#pDef"> 0 0 0 0 85 </table>
<add order="0x40" stat="pDef" val="#pDef"/>

85* number means the same as shield lv3.


M.Def. boost:

  <table name="#mDef"> 0 0 0 0 85 </table>
<add order="0x40" stat="mDef" val="#mDef"/>

85* number means the same as  magic barrier lv2.


P.Atk. boost:

  <table name="#pAtk"> 0 0 0 0 85 </table>
<add order="0x40" stat="pAtk" val="#pAtkf"/>

85* number means the same as might lv3.


M.Atk. boost:

  <table name="#mAtk"> 0 0 0 0 85 </table>
<add order="0x40" stat="mAtk" val="#mAtk"/>

85* number means the same as greater empower lv3.


Decrease/Increase dagger skill chance to hit the target:

  <table name="#Tab-blowRate"> 0 0 0 0 0.7 </table>
<add order="0x40" stat="blowRate" val="#Tab-blowRate"/>


[#Tab-] Means - if "tab-number" is 1.5 then "something stat" increases by 50%. If "tab-number" is below then 1, then "something stat" decreases (0.5= -50%) etc.   :-X




And how it looks like edited.xml for Mystics (id:244):

<skill id="244" levels="3" name="Armor Mastery">
  <table name="#pDef"> 0 0 0 0 85 </table> #INCREASES p.def.
  <table name="#mAtk"> 0 0 0 0 85 </table> #INCREASES m.atk.
  <table name="#mAtkSpd"> 0 0 0 0 85 </table> #INCREASES m.atk spd.
  <set name="power" val="0.0"/>
  <set name="target" val="TARGET_SELF"/>
  <set name="skillType" val="BUFF"/>
  <set name="operateType" val="OP_PASSIVE"/>
  <set name="castRange" val="-1"/>
  <set name="effectRange" val="-1"/>
<add order="0x40" stat="pDef" val="#pDef"/> #NEW ADDED  p.def.
<add order="0x40" stat="mAtk" val="#mAtk"/> #ADDED m.atk.
<add order="0x40" stat="mAtkSpd" val="#mAtkSpd"/> #ADDED m.atk spd.

Attention! If there is old the same lines as new one's, we need delete old one's. For example: there cannot be two p.def lines. So we delete old one's:

  <table name="#pDef"> 6.7 8.0 9.2 </table>

   <add order="0x40" stat="pDef" val="#pDef"/>


The same thing we can do with fighters armor mastery .xml(id:142)...




Also stats are possible can boosted by percents. Using something like that:

  <table name="#Tab-somethingStat"> 0 0 0 0 0.7 </table>
<add order="0x40" stat="somethingStat" val="#Tab-somethingStat"/>


  • somethingStat may be (every boost may be de-boost):
    *sDef - shield defense
    *cAtk - Critical Dmg
    *pvpPhysDmg - p.atk on PvP
    *pvpMagicalDmg - m.atk on Pvp
    *pvpPhysSkillsDmg - fighter skill dmg on PvP
    *cancelVuln - cancel skills resist boost
    *debuffVuln - debuff skills restist boost
    *fallVuln - falldown boost
    *pReuse - Fighters skill reuse time!
    *mReuse - Mystics skill reuse time!
    *bowReuse - bow atk delay.. (do not use this for balance)
    *rEvas - Evasion rate
    *rShld - Shield rate
    *shldAngle - Shield def Angle
    *rCrit - Critical Rate
    *blowRate - Dagger skills atk change rate
    *mCritRate - M.atk critical hit rate
    *cancel - cancel rate (corrupt skill)
    *accCombat - Acuracy
    *pAtkRange - P.atk range (do not use this for balance)
    *mAtkRange - M.atk range
    *pAtkAngle - Pole angle boost (do not use this for balance)
    *atkCountMax - How many mobs posible hit by 1hit  (do not use this for balance)
    *maxHp - H boost
    *maxCp - Cp boost
    *maxMp - Mp boost
    *regHp - Hp regeneration
    *regCp - Cp regeneration
    *regMp - Mp regeneration (For pvp servers you may boost this thousand times..)
    *gainMp - Gets more mp from recharging
    *gainHp - Gets more hp from healing.
    *giveHp - Heals more at healing
    *bonusHp - Extra heal at healing
    *breath - increases breath capability
    *runSpd - normal char speed
    *walkSpd - Increases walk speed
    *reflectDam - Reflect damage boost
    *ReflectSkillMagic - Mystics skills atk. reflect damage boost
    *ReflectSkillPhysic - Fighter skills atk. reflect damage boost
    *absorbDam - Drain skills absorb boost
    *transDam - Transfer body skill boost
    Do not use this for balance. This one is good for egz: custom donation  item = exp/sp boost, inv/wh/freight boost, private sell/buy boost or for dwarven/common craft boost.
    [tt]*rExp - Exp & SP rate 
    *inventoryLimit - Inventory slot boost
    *whLimit - Warehouse slot boost
    *FreightLimit - Freight slot boost
    *PrivateSellLimit - Private sell boost
    *PrivateBuyLimit - Private buy boost
    *DwarfRecipeLimit - Dwarf recipe reg boost
    *CommonRecipeLimit - Common recipe reg boost[/tt]

There are also more, but other only are resists so they doesn't needed.


That's it! I hope that I helped for someone.  :o

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Yeah its all my work and idea ;) Also There is another idea about balancing every class by fire/water/earth/wind/holy/dark & by their weapons damage. Maybe at future I will write how to do that too.

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Yeah its all my work and idea ;) Also There is another idea about balancing every class by fire/water/earth/wind/holy/dark & by their weapons damage. Maybe at future I will write how to do that too.


as i promised + 1 Cause is your Work!

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nice one but why we would edit already existing skills? we can make 1 skill for each class.


Also WizZy posted a related guide.

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bullshit in l2 everything affects everything


step1 you need a new char_template to balance stats

step2 you need to restrict the armors only to mastery

step3 you need to edit skill chances and times


and thats when you have balance

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bullshit in l2 everything affects everything


step1 you need a new char_template to balance stats

step2 you need to restrict the armors only to mastery

step3 you need to edit skill chances and times


and thats when you have balance


I Totally Agree With You!!  for first time: D:)


i gave him +1 Cause of his work !

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I Totally Agree With You!!  for first time: D:)


i gave him +1 Cause of his work !

Did u read what he wrote?


He wrote many things missing, not added etc etc.


U can call it offensive post, if u agree with him then why u gave him +1? :D


anyway, the share stays good even if its not completed.

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bullshit in l2 everything affects everything


step1 you need a new char_template to balance stats

step2 you need to restrict the armors only to mastery

step3 you need to edit skill chances and times


and thats when you have balance

U are serious?  ;D


Maybe yes, but this way is much more simple and easier. Much more stats boost/de-boost. And u only need to edit 2skills. No need to know any knowledge of sql scripts. + Explanation how everything works.








*sDef - shield defense

*cAtk - Critical Dmg

*pvpPhysDmg - p.atk on PvP

*pvpMagicalDmg - m.atk on Pvp

*pvpPhysSkillsDmg - fighter skill dmg on PvP


*cancelVuln - cancel skills resist boost

*debuffVuln - debuff skills restist boost

*fallVuln - falldown boost



*pReuse - Fighters skill reuse time!

*mReuse - Mystics skill reuse time!

*bowReuse - bow atk delay.. (do not use this for balance)


*rEvas - Evasion rate

*rShld - Shield rate

*shldAngle - Shield def Angle

*rCrit - Critical Rate

*blowRate - Dagger skills atk change rate

*mCritRate - M.atk critical hit rate

*cancel - cancel rate (corrupt skill)


*accCombat - Acuracy

*pAtkRange - P.atk range (do not use this for balance)

*mAtkRange - M.atk range

*pAtkAngle - Pole angle boost (do not use this for balance)

*atkCountMax - How many mobs posible hit by 1hit  (do not use this for balance)


*maxHp - H boost

*maxCp - Cp boost

*maxMp - Mp boost

*regHp - Hp regeneration

*regCp - Cp regeneration

*regMp - Mp regeneration (For pvp servers you may boost this thousand times..)

*gainMp - Gets more mp from recharging

*gainHp - Gets more hp from healing.

*giveHp - Heals more at healing

*bonusHp - Extra heal at healing


*breath - increases breath capability

*runSpd - normal char speed

*walkSpd - Increases walk speed


*reflectDam - Reflect damage boost

*ReflectSkillMagic - Mystics skills atk. reflect damage boost

*ReflectSkillPhysic - Fighter skills atk. reflect damage boost

*absorbDam - Drain skills absorb boost

*transDam - Transfer body skill boost


I Totally Agree With You!!  for first time: D:)


i gave him +1 Cause of his work !

lol take back your karma!! :D I here to help everyone for free!  ;D :P

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well in my opinion balance is when every char works like it should in retail for you balance is nothing matter but huge stats

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it's not a balance..

"Turorial how to balance classes by yourself." First of all you need to test all charactars (at your server) who is too strong or too weak. And then add them what they need. Its not only for balance by yourself! For example some servers want to add to fighter atk.spd & to mystics m.spd, its good tutorial for them too. :|

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