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Brutus - Bruteforce Attacks ["Crack" Accounts!][Tutorial Coming s00n]

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Heya MaxCheaters Community!


Today I decided to share my favorite hacking method - Bruteforce. I will explain you what Bruteforce is, how it can be used, and where. I will also make a little tutorial for you guys, including screenshots, making it newbie friendly as much as possible!  :P In few hours. Gonna raid my bed now.


What's Bruteforce?

A brute force attack is a strategy used to break the encryption of data. It involves traversing the search space of possible keys until the correct key is found.


The selection of an appropriate key length depends on the practical feasibility of performing a brute force attack. By obfuscating the data to be encoded, brute force attacks are made less effective as it is more difficult to determine when one has succeeded in breaking the code.


Basically that means Brute Force is used to hack accounts. ;)


Which program do I need to perform a Bruteforce Attack?

In this tutorial I will teach you how to use Brutus. There are a lot of other tools such as Brutus, however, Brutus has been the best and probably will stay the best Brute Forcer.


Where can I do a Bruteforce Attack?

Basically, anywhere. As long as you're not prompted to fill a captcha verification before authentification, you can bruteforce. 95% of Today's sites doesn't use a captcha during login, mostly only registrations, which we don't give a shit about.


Where can I download Brutus?

Here are Links to download it:


This is the hidden content, please

- MegaUpload (Coming Soon)

- 4Shared (Coming Soon)

- MediaFire (Coming Soon)


You will need at least .NET Framework 2.0 for Brutus to work. If you do not have it or experience issues while trying to run Brutus, download it here:

- Download .NET Framework 2.0

If you're still unable to run Brutus, then try with .NET Frame 3.5. Download link:

- Download .NET Framework 3.5



Comming soon...:D


Pfff here we go again.By using a bruting method there is a 99.9999% chance that you will need around 100 years to get a result.And even so the only password/username you will get is something like username=john password=john wich 99% of players DONT USE.So this is waste of time and i cant see how you will get overenchanted weapons with this



I always run it when I go sleep and I got at least 25accounts in a week. It's not useless :D Patience is the key!

Brutus is extremely fast and effective by my results :P


it's different when u got a successful cracked PW. the longer the password is, the harder it gets . btw this program is one of thousand which u can easy find anywhere and it is old. nothing new here.





name 	mvoice
pass 	mvoice 
accountname 	mvoice
newpass 	logica 
user 	sweetparan0id
passwrd1 	knnnrrie 
user 	sweetparan0id
passwrd 	knnnrrie

UserName 	sweetparan0id
PassWord 	knnnrrie 
vb_login_username 	sweetparanoid
vb_login_password 	knnnrrie

username 	SweetParan0id
password 	knnnrrie
username 	SweetParanoid
password 	knnnrrie

username 	SweetParanoid
password 	knnnrrie 
username 	@publisar
passwd 	greggreg21

user 	~LunatiC
passwrd 	greggreg21 

UserName 	tiara
PassWord 	tiara120
UserName 	tiara120
PassWord 	tiara 
username 	duracell
password 	manos63 
account 	Mia2008
password 	l1a7ch7r3a 


These are old but probably still work, didnt do anything with them :D

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