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[Guide] Installing server with protocol 47 + 48 Linux (Dproto)


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Cbooster is an older mod and after my opinion not so good,you have problems if you wanna

to run with sv_lan 1.Here i will post an complete tutorial of HLDS on linux 47 + 48 with patch dproto.


1.Open terminal,loggin in root and create an new director:


mkdir /usr/hlds
cd /usr/hlds


2.Download all necesary program for instal:




3.Let's beggin the instal:



chmod +x hldsupdatetool.bin 


4.Is possible to give you an error related by uncompress.If yes,write that:



ln -s /usr/bin/gunzip /usr/bin/uncompress
chmod +x hldsupdatetool.bin 


Instal valve mode:


./steam -command update -game valve -dir .


Instal Cs Mode:


./steam -command update -game cstrike -dir .


7.Now we got an server protocol 48 Steam Only.Each men must to put him favorite addon,and to edit server.cfg etc....


8.Now let's do the server to accept and client 47 and 48.

Download DOWNLOAD VUP-FINAL.RAR and unrar and put this in /hlds.

ATENTION: to can unrar files .rar open terminal and write:


sudo apt-get install unrar


Copy vup_i686 in the principal folder of server (hlds)

Execut next step in terminal :



  chmod +x vup_i686 
  ./vup_i686 -advanced engine_amd.so 
  ./vup_i686 -advanced engine_i486.so 
  ./vup_i686 -advanced engine_i686.so


While makes the engine's patch,you will be ask by some options




You wanna to leave all players from any network to can play on server in the mod sv_lan 0?
  answer with Y (yes)
You wanna the players from local network to can play on server in the sv_lan 1 mod?
  answer with Y (yes)
You wanna to allow protocols to play on server?
  Answer with  Y (yes)
You wanna...etc etc...even if this option is dangerous ?
  Answer with  N (no)



Now download and configure dproto

In addons creat an folder new called dproto and copy in him from arhive

above dproto_4383_a19_i686.so.

Dont forget to add  the way  in plugins.ini to

metamod (linux addons/dproto/dproto_4383_a19_i686.so)

Dproto.cfg copy it  in the principal folder (hlds) and set in hit that :




  LoggingMode = 1
  RefreshRate = 100
  UserinfoVerification = 2
  MaxUserInfoSize = 195
  ValidInfoFields = 
  RejUserInfo_Msg = Too long info string. Try to clean setinfo in your config.
  MEmu_Enable = 0
  Patching_Doubleproto = 1
  Patching_AuthId = 1
  Patching_GameVersion = 1
  Patching_Serverinfo_Fix = 1
  Patching_Serverinfo_Nomaster = 1
  Patching_Pig = 1
  Patching_SteamTickets = 1
  Patching_DisableSteamConnection = 0
  Patching_UserinfoControl = 1
  Patching_DataDumping = 1



9.To can change the files from hlds folder write in terminal:





cd /usr
chmod -R 777 hlds


10.Now we have a cs server with last  engine 47+48.The server run perfect with sv_lan 0 or with sv_lan 1.


11.The most eficient  open of server:in server.cfg add the line sys_ticrate 10000.In linux you can give acces realtime to an proces  distinct and that we will do and again with hlds,we will allocate priority -20 (realtime).


***For sv_lan 1 write in terminal that:



d /usr/hlds
nice -n -20 su -c "./hlds_run -game cstrike -nomaster -pingboost 2 +sys_ticrate 10000 +ip your ip +port 27015 +maxplayers 24 +map de_dust2 +exec server.cfg -insecure +sv_lan 1 -binary ./hlds_i686"


Line -binary ./hlds_i686 use this line only if you have amd procesor,if you have pentium no way


***For sv_lan 0 write in terminal that:



cd /usr/hlds
nice -n -20 su -c "./hlds_run -game cstrike -master -pingboost 2 +sys_ticrate 10000 +ip your ip +port 27015 +maxplayers 24 +map de_dust2 +exec server.cfg -secure +sv_lan 0 -binary ./hlds_i686"



Line -binary ./hlds_i686 use this line only if you have amd procesor,if you have pentium no way.In this chase you need only to add in server.cfg:



sv_enableoldqueries "1"
sv_region "3"
setmaster add 
setmaster add 
setmaster add 
setmaster add 
setmaster enable


All was translated by me,from roumainian to english,i hope you will can understand what i mean,if not soz for english


I hope this tutorial will help you.GoodLuck !


Credits:To my friend Mut2nt and me CryStaliN



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