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[Infinite Server][Elyos]How To Get Easy Money,Exp and Stuff...


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First Of All [This Topic is Only For Elyos Not Asmodians]

Hello Guys I Want To Show You Some Ways On How To Exp In Infinite Server Without To Take Damage And How To Earn Items And Much Money xD


So Here I start:


1st  This Is The Boss Chieftain Kraka That Is 20Lvl And It Drops Weapons Rings And Some Others Stuffs For 20 Lvl That You Can Wear It Or If You Want To Sell it You Will Take

A lot Of money... So It Can Be Found In Verteron Here Are Some Screenshots



How It Looks Like Btw You Can Earn The Mask That He Wear By His Drops If You Are Lucky xD:



Where To Find It:

width=1024 height=640http://i37.tinypic.com/6od98o.jpg[/img]


2nd I Will Show You Now The Best Part Of This Topic... So Here We Go. In This 1 You Can Obtain A looooooooooot Of Money Believe me:P

This Mob Is In Heiron And Its Called Lumbering Agrint And Its Looks Like A tree And It Is 34 lvl and if you look it good in the mouth that it haves you see That

it says ''MaMa'' lol'd At This 1 xD so... This Mob Drops A Sword. The Name Of The Sword Is

Swampy GreatSword And If You Sell It You Will Take 130k Kinah lol~

Here Are Some ScreenShots:


How It Looks Like:

width=1024 height=640http://i35.tinypic.com/2rqc3e8.jpg[/img]


Where To Find It:

width=1024 height=640http://i38.tinypic.com/1111s1d.jpg[/img]



3rd Now I Show You Some Mobs That Dont Attack You But You can!xD And They Give Good Exp...

Here Are Some ScreenShots From This Mob That Are 41Lvl:


How It Looks Like:

width=1024 height=640http://i35.tinypic.com/a43439.jpg[/img]


Where To Find It:

width=1024 height=640http://i36.tinypic.com/20sdkxv.jpg[/img]


Now I Show You The same Mobs But 44Lvl


How They Look Like:

width=1024 height=640http://i38.tinypic.com/dlgqy9.jpg[/img]


Where To Find It:

width=1024 height=640http://i38.tinypic.com/24xe99j.jpg[/img]



4th And The Last... Here I Show You A Place In Theobomos That You Can Obtain From a mob That its 23Lvl And The Name Is Bored Ramnodase And From That Mob You Can Take

Armor And Earrings For 26 Lvl You Can Wear Them And You Can Sell Them 2 For High Price e.x 1 Earring 18k If I remember right...


How It Looks Like:

width=1024 height=640http://i37.tinypic.com/2ly2zyb.jpg[/img]


Where To Find It:

width=1024 height=640http://i33.tinypic.com/2ijopzm.jpg[/img]


So I Think I Helped You A Lot...

I Will Hide It For 350 Post For Now But If Its Neccesery i will hide it for more because i dont want to be fixed lol...


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Increase the hide posts this thing is just too good.


Btw some of these mobs are Hero or Elite right?


Huh but anyway its just too sad because im asmodian ;D But still this is a good topic 500 post min!

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Increase the hide posts this thing is just too good.


Btw some of these mobs are Hero or Elite right?


Huh but anyway its just too sad because im asmodian ;D But still this is a good topic 500 post min!

thank you 2 for your reply... i think 2 that i must increase it to 350 but there its ok:P

Edit: no only the first mob is elite the others are normal mobs... ;)

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this lvl 20 raid boss is cool nice drops + some mobs around this mobs drop good money 500-1000 and iff u are lucky like me some weapons :D

btw how i can see this topic caz i m bro off Fuers i posted "woow cool tnx" XD he dont play aion :D

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omg... 350 post are u out of ur mind? im never gonna se this T_T

lol i am not ouf of my mind with this topic you can be rich xD ehmm... or send a pm in a friend here in mxc if you have1 to tell you in pm the whole topic:P

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