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[Share] School Bags CT2.3 (lolz)


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actually next is something like this ..


Sword on back  ;D damn i love this one.. gonna be my fav creation.. i will create a set of 3-4 swords like that.. maybe duals on back to.. will see  :)

Yes , It Rox

But (there is always a but xD) You Should Use Sammurai Sword Not HD xD

And After This One Try Do The Same for duals

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takhs7 awesome share , keep making awesome thinks with 3d studio max

anyway dont works for me, i get error when im trying to save armorgrp >.>

btw thanks 4 share!

thats because like i said..

note: i didnt had the time and mood to make second armorgrp for updated system.. sorry


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